back to article Paramount to recount The Martian Chronicles

Paramount is ambitiously eyeing a film version of Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, the collection of classic sci-fi short stories describing human efforts to colonise the Red Planet. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the studio has picked up the rights following a stalled attempt by Universal and Steven Spielberg to …


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  1. Tony Paulazzo


    Why no love for Peter F Hamilton, Nights Dawn trilogy? Would love to see that green lit as a BBC bit-of-money-spent-on-it series.

    As for The Martian Chronicles: the rebooted remake, it will at least look awesome but be awful (like the reimagined War of the Worlds: thanks Spielberg). This way, it can be fan edited to remove all the awful bits, (in the case of WotWs that would've been every scene that TC and his kids were in and the boring cellar interlude - so basically a 15 min sfx spectacular).

    1. Thomas 4

      Was anyone else

      ...praying really, *really* hard that the little brat in the War of the Worlds (the one CONSTANTLY screaming at the tiniest little thing) would end up getting roasted, vaporised or processed into alien Super-Gro?

  2. Markie Dussard

    Will no-one ...

    ... Consider Phlebas?

  3. Morteus

    Do I want to ss that happen?

    I can think of many Sci-fi books I've read and enjoyed, but do I wish to see them realised as a movie? Thinking about it, and having witnessed so many attempts to do so - probably not. It seems most of the really good sci-fi had it's inseption purely in the mind rather than adaptation. The reason for this is obvious; in our minds me have our own incarnations, our own 'screening' for written work. Movies are massed witnessed by all and interpretation of it is as wide as the number of viewers.

    Having said that, I'd like to see a compitent director take on one of Iain Banks Culture novels - preferably 'Consider Phlebas'.


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