back to article ROBOT COP scatters LIVE GRENADES in San Francisco STREET

In an apparent instance of mindless mechanical nihilism, a police robot in San Francisco scattered live grenades across a street using its mechanical arm. When the deadly frag-bombs failed to explode, the enraged tin cop apparently attempted to detonate them by running them over. We'll let this vid from local news channel KTVU …


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    1. Anonymous Coward
      Jobs Halo

      (* you can perhaps guess why)

      can you give us a clue?

  1. Turgut Kalfaoglu

    Sad state of police

    So they couldnt just pick up a hand grenade that has been sitting around for years and dispose of it? They had to use thousands of dollars worth of toys to do so? Geez.. Such brave police farce, oops, force..

  2. Brian Miller

    Paper bag + grenades = oops

    Two grenades in a ratty paper bag, and an operator who can only see the top of the bag. Of course both fall out of the bag.

    These were "pineapple" MK2 grenades. I wonder if these were actually old training grenades, which were commonly available as a surplus item.

  3. Remy Redert

    @Anton Ivanov

    While some types of explosives (dynamite!) can become more sensitive with age, I think you'll find the most likely compositions for old grenades (TNT, various RDX mixes) just become inert, regardless of how badly they might be stored.

    A 50 year old hand grenade is every bit as unlikely to go off unintentionally as a brand new one, the only difference is the chance of a dud or hang fire being significantly larger for the 50 year old grenade. Absolutely no need for the robot here, all they did was close down 'one of LA's busiest streets' for an unnecessarily long period of time.

    ps: Actually, some of those mixes go from explosive to flammable, not inert, but that's close enough wrt to handling.

    1. Dave Bell


      There are three main possibiliities.

      1: Inert training grenade, which might be identifiable by the paint scheme.

      2: Un-fused grenade, the way in which they were normally shipped, with no fuse.

      3: Fused, and so likely to be very dangerous with age.

      The trouble is that it may not be easy to tell whether the thing is fused

      Carrying something like this in a paper bag seems a trifle reckless.

  4. El Cid Campeador

    We can breathe easier....

    Thank God... We'll have time to use our EMP guns while the Terminators are fumbling around for their weapons...

  5. heyrick Silver badge

    "Are you kidding me?"

    Didn't something fall out of the bag, tearing it slightly, before we all saw the grenade fall out? I wonder if there was another one...

    I watched it on YouTube, it suggested this: - purile, mindless, stupid, and childishly funny. ;-)

  6. The Fuzzy Wotnot

    Blah blah blah!

    I love these sorts of TV news situations just an endless stream of consciousness from the commentators. They obviously have some brief from on-high at the stations to keep talking to ensure people don't tune out and go do something more worthwhile, but after 2 mins I had to turn off the audio!

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Bastard Commentators....

    I am reminded of the lines by Death in "The Meaning of Life" by Monty Python: 7:Death

    GRIM REAPER: Be quiet!

    HOWARD: Can I just say this at this time, please?

    GRIM REAPER: Silence! I have come for you.

    ANGELA: You mean... to--

    GRIM REAPER: Take you away. That is my purpose. I am death.

    GEOFFREY: Well, that's cast rather a gloom over the evening, hasn't it?

    HOWARD: I don't see it that way, Geoff. [sniff] Let me tell you what I think we're dealing with here: a potentially positive learning experience to get an--

    GRIM REAPER: Shut up! Shut up, you American. You always talk, you Americans. You talk and you talk and say 'let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this'. Well, you're dead now, so shut up!

    HOWARD: Dead?

    GRIM REAPER: Dead.

    ANGELA: All of us?

    GRIM REAPER: All of you.

    GEOFFREY: Now, look here. You barge in here, quite uninvited, break glasses, and then announce, quite casually, that we're all dead. Well, I would remind you that you are a guest in this house, and-- [whock] Ah! Oh.

    GRIM REAPER: Be quiet! Englishmen, you're all so fucking pompous, and none of you have got any balls.

    And those fucking American commentators.... Why MUST they absolutely rabbit on and on and on and on and on and on and on - about every nuance or possible vague connection it may have to any other irrelevant fact or theory.

    "Well Jessica, apparently the black rubber things on the bottom are called wheels and the black bits are supposedly made from ballistic grade rubber, which is 20% harder than regular rubber tyres that are found on automobiles - which they say is the same rubber on the vehicles used in Iraq....."

    And they just fucking rabbit on and on and on and on and on and on....

    And it's not as if the stupid cops closing down a whole street to get out a paper bag with a few hand grenades in it - is actually newsworthy...

    Fuck these people are so STUPID......

    No wonder I rarely ever watch TV.

    No wonder the USA is going down the shithole - as being an idiot is held in higher regard than being intelligent and getting results.

  8. Kevin Reader

    Marvin - (cough)

    Even Marvin (the paranoid android) would have been more prepared than these guys....

    "Like a stone through a wet paper bag."

    Two thoughts on the coverage though:

    1. The camera shake, for example, as the grenade is driven over is understandable, but at other points the camera moves like it is also under remote control (ie. zoom cycling). It would be interesting to know how they filmed it.

    2. This coverage really shows why station idents, and screen banners are a huge waste of space, and that they ought to warn the cameramen about not relying on those parts of the screen!!! Very annoying on this coverage.

  9. Gilgamesh

    Worst episode of Robot Wars EVER

    also, a disappointing lack of explosions, gunfire and robots battling to the death

  10. TeeCee Gold badge


    Sack the juggler!

  11. Andy 36


    What a bunch of pussies. It seems if a proper assessment was done, the logical action would be to put them into a container for removal where they could have been detonated safely without closing a street and having 100 news channels all talking the same crap.


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