back to article Spain grovels to penguins over 'Linux' anti-terror plot

The Spanish Ministry of the Interior has expressed its regret that an international crackdown on IT masterminds inside the violent Basque separatist group ETA was dubbed "Operation Linux". Apparently, penguin-loving outfits are complaining that the antiterrorist operation sullies their good name. "The Ministry of Home Affairs …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Happy day for Linus :D

    Since he owns the rights to the name "Linux", he can sue the hell out of the Spanish government for trademark dilution.

    "Tarnishment occurs when the mark is cast in an unflattering light, typically through its association with inferior or unseemly products or services."

    And if I were him, I would not let this opportunity slip to do that, just for fun, to make a point and earn a little extra money.

  2. Bro

    Get a clue

    Dear author of this drivel: If you haven't got the knowlegde of the Spanish language to read an official press release without resorting to Google translate, you obviously lack the tools to understand the bigger picture of what happened.

    Please get a clue or STFU.


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