back to article Google: Oracle doctored that 'copied Java code'

Google has accused Oracle of doctoring the code samples that allegedly prove Mountain View pilfered Oracle's copyrighted Java code in building its Android mobile operating system. Late last month, as part of its ongoing lawsuit over the use of Java in Android, Oracle waved six pages of Android code at a federal court (see …


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    1. Simon 11

      A title

      Doesnt this give Oracle proof of wrong doing, which allows them to sue Google and hence use discovery processes to gain access to the full source code, in order to see how much wrong doing there has been for this project?

      1. dogged

        Since Android is open-sourced

        why would they need discovery processes?

  1. Magnus_Pym

    Google stalking horse?

    I wonder if Google haven't deliberately set up the Android framework to break the software patents system. They could be setting a trap for Oracle and anyone else who is foolish enough to venture down this road. What they are saying here is:

    'Our code is similar, so what?'

    but more importantly:

    'if you find us guilty all our partners are guilty (which includes almost everybody)'

    'You must also sue all the open-sourcers who contributed (but only to those specific lines)

    The litigant (or patent troll) can't pick and choose who to sue. If you don't sue all those who allegedly infringe you are not 'defending your patent' and the patent is void. This is not a smoke screen but a legal fog-bank that Oracle could wander into and be lost forever. Google can keep appealing on these sorts of grounds for ever. This would be very expensive for Oracle to keep in court and if they give up the patent is lost.

    1. Ian Michael Gumby

      @Magnus Huh?

      What you wrote doesn't make a lot of sense. Google also has their patents pool and of course if you're following their other legal issues on wi-fi slurping... they are also in deep do do because they filed for a patent which they claimed was a mistake.

      Google is attempting to misdirect and deflect the attention from them.

      Yes they are attempting to say that they didn't 'develop' the code in a vacuum, so the offending code could have come from someone else. (BS excuse, but we're not at trial yet.)

      Does Oracle have to sue everyone at the same time? No. They can pick and choose who they want to sue and when. Suing Google first is the clear cut winner. If /when Oracle wins, they have case history to go after HTC and Motorola. And more than likely they will settle outside of a lawsuit.

      Does Google want to get rid of software patents and overhaul the 'business process' patents?

      Not when it suits them to keep it in place.

      Oracle is no patent troll.

      Sorry but your post is so patently wrong, I wonder what you've been smoking and if you're willing to share?

      1. Magnus_Pym

        I know...

        ... it's not a very good argument. but I still think it could be read in that way.

        "Does Oracle have to sue everyone at the same time? No. They can pick and choose who they want to sue and when. Suing Google first is the clear cut winner. If /when Oracle wins, they have case history to go after HTC and Motorola. And more than likely they will settle outside of a lawsuit."

        Most cases are a big fish against small fry and settled out of court as this is becuase.

        a) The defendant has been chosen because they are rich enough to pay royalties but not rich enough to pay legal fees.

        b) it's secret. No one knows if any money actually changes hands of if it was all just to put the frighteners on everybody else.

        c) It doesn't set a precedent (i.e. all the other potential infringers aren't automatically guilty and therefore must pay royalties too).

        Oracle is a rich company but Google has almost no overheads and an enormous continuing revenue stream. No way is Google going to settle out of court because they know that, as you said, 'Oracle will then go after HTC and Motorola'. And all the others. Which means that these guys cannot afford to sit around and wait for the shit to hit the fan. They have to start acting now. Against Oracle - all of them.

        If Google wins then it sets a different precedent - 'Don't try to sue Google' This weakens all the threats against Linux et al. including Microsoft's. These guys may have to line up against Google.

        1. Simon 11


          No, it really isnt a good argument.

          Google has a history of doing whatever they want to do, regardless of whether it is morally, ethically or legally right to do so, though they do try to stay mostly in the grey regions. This is just another example of this sort of culture.

          Google has no intention of destroying the patent system. If they could, I am sure they would hold patents on people breathing, in order to get the royalties such patents generate. Remember, they are a company that invests in pretty much anything and everything, especially if it can be linked to making money.

          To say Google has almost no overheads is living in the past. These days they are a massive global organisation that has plenty of overheads.

          This suit is going to be long, expensive and bloody, as both sides have very deep pockets and the litigant has a real grievance.

    2. Vic

      Defending patents...

      > If you don't sue all those who allegedly infringe you are not

      > 'defending your patent' and the patent is void.

      You're thinking of trademarks,

      Laches are rather more complicated under US patent law.

      Let's hope Willets[1] doesn't get his way and import all that nonsense over here.


      [1] For a man with two brains, why does he never seem to use either of them?

  2. TwoWolves

    Grow up, the lot of you [two]

    Looks like both these companies are behaving like fools. Can you imagine the benefit if you could compile Java code for Android to all concerned?

    Besides where will this end? There are only so many ways simple algorithms can be expressed anyway. Can Google really not afford a few patent costs?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Gates Halo

    So who owns "public static void main()"?

    And are they getting rich of it?

  4. Paul Shirley

    what Oracle doctored

    "Google's infringement and fragmentation of Java code not only damages Oracle..."

    That's certainly true but doesn't make it something Oracle can successfully sue over. Even in the US where you can sue over anything, companies can't sue just because their business model has been made irrelevant, they have to find deliberate interference and leap through a lot of hoops.

    And that code Oracle doctored? There's a strong indication they removed the copyright attribution on *their* version - because leaving the GPL copyright notice on it completely invalidates their case. Yes, Sun released that version under GPL, Google have fulfilled all their GPL obligations over the 3 months time slot the code was actually in the project and Oracle are screwed.

    It really is another SCO, lie about the evidence, lie about the license, lie about the law. And lose.

    1. Ian Michael Gumby

      Shirley you jest!

      Sorry for the bad joke at your expense.

      Fortunately you're wrong.

      First, in the US you can't sue anyone over anything. It has to pass a sniff test otherwise the lawyer bringing the lawsuit can be disbarred.

      Removing the copyright notice which is a comment isn't doctoring the code.

      The issue is exposing the similarities to show that the code was indeed copied. Oracle admits to reformatting the code to help highlight the similarities.

      The code snippets shown are clear enough to the developer community here that the code was indeed copied. (We are probably a good jury of peers.)

      Were your assertions correct, then Google would have had grounds to dismiss this case instead of continuing to raise affirmative defenses.

      Sorry sad but true, Google screwed themselves once again.

      Wi-fi snooping?

      Android skirting Java ME licensing?

      Letting Eric Schmidt speak in public?

      Whatever happened to the 'three strikes' rule?

      1. Magnus_Pym


        "First, in the US you can't sue anyone over anything. It has to pass a sniff test otherwise the lawyer bringing the lawsuit can be disbarred."

        That's the theory. I don't think it's working in practise though.

        1. Ian Michael Gumby

          Re: Sniff Test.

          Actually in practice it holds true. Unfortunately the law is vague enough and under tort law, you end up having to go to court to prove/disprove the assertions raised.

          But if a case goes forward and clearly it was bogus, the plaintiff's lawyer will face sanctions up to and including disbarment.

          Of course there's a defense about this. A plaintiff's lawyer takes what his plaintiff says at face value. So if the lawyer assumes the plaintiff is telling the truth, and its enough to take a case forward... the lawyer is ok.

          Its a misconception that one can sue anyone for anything.

          What we dont have but the UK has is a law that says that the loser pays court costs. That is what stops a lot of frivolous lawsuits.

      2. ratfox

        SURELY you jest

        > First, in the US you can't sue anyone over anything. It has to pass a sniff test otherwise the lawyer > bringing the lawsuit can be disbarred.

        WA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ...

        Good to know you cannot sue for improper reasons in US... And that only cases that are legitimate are brought to court... *pffffrt* WA HA HA HA HA HA... sniff...

        And you owe me a new keyboard!

      3. Vic

        Someone is jesting :-(

        > First, in the US you can't sue anyone over anything. It has to pass

        > a sniff test otherwise the lawyer bringing the lawsuit can be disbarred.

        Prior to Iqbal, that was a very low bar indeed. Even now, it's little more than "would the world's most stupid man believe this for a fraction of a second, if we medicated him highly enough?"

        > Removing the copyright notice which is a comment isn't doctoring the code.

        Yes it is. It's a clear attempt to disguise the fact that this was distributed - both by Google and by Oracle - under GPLv2.


      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        No joking, please!

        The copyright notice (conveniently) removed by Oracle gave Google the right to copy the code and use it however they might fancy as long as they respect GPL. If I'm not mistaking, SCO did the same when they accused Linux world for copying their code but that code was under BSD license so Linux was using it properly. By the way look at the lawyers hired by Oracle, David Boies was the one who represented SCO vs. the Linux world.

    2. Anonymous Coward


      "companies can't sue just because their business model has been made irrelevant"

      Ah, but they can try! ;)

    3. vic 4

      GPL copyright notice

      The android version has a Apache license on it

      1. Vic

        Re: GPL + ClassPath Exception copyright notice

        > The android version has a Apache license on it

        Now all that's needed is for someone to prove that that is an unlawful action.

        The ClassPath Exception is *very* permissive...


    4. Robert Lougher

      Ignorance is bliss

      Ah, in what way have they fulfilled the GPL? They put an Apache license on a GPL'ed file. They can't do that. Just because code is open-source doesn't mean you can rip it off and do what you like with it. Do you know anything about the GPL or open-source software?

      And they doctored the source because the file in Android has been derived from decompiling the class file. Hence the anonymous arguments (e.g. flag, etc.), lack of generics (Java uses type erasure, generics stuff is not in the classfile), and the difference in for/while loops.

      1. Vic

        Be careful with the word "ignorance"...

        > Ah, in what way have they fulfilled the GPL?

        I'm not claiming they have.

        But the file in question is licenced under GPLv2 *** with Classpath Exception ***.

        That exception is important. It is worth reading what it says before alleging ignorance in others. One especially important phrase is :-

        "to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice"[1]

        (referring to an object derived from the GPL + CE code).

        "Terms of your choice" is a very powerful phrase.

        > They put an Apache license on a GPL'ed file.

        They put the Apache licence on something derived from a binary which was derived from a GPL+CE source file.

        Now read the Classpath Exception to see why that is perfectly permissible.

        > They can't do that.

        They can. It is expressly permitted by the licence.

        What they cannot do is to take the *original* source and slap a different licence on it. And they didn't.

        > Just because code is open-source doesn't mean you

        > can rip it off and do what you like with it.

        Correct. Isn't it good that that hasn't happened?

        > Do you know anything about the GPL or open-source software?

        Yes, quite a bit, actually. And I know what the Classpath Exception says.


        [1] The CE can be found at . I strongly suggest reading it before making claims about what can be done with compiled objects derived under that exception.

        1. Robert Lougher

          Nice try

          I've been part of the GNU Classpath community for many, many years (I write JamVM) so I'm well aware of the GNU Classpath exception that Sun adopted when releasing OpenJDK.

          I agree, distributing a source file derived from a decompiled class file complicates things. However, you are being extremely disingenuous quoting the Classpath exception. The intention of the exception is to enable software to be used with OpenJDK/GNU Classpath without it becoming subject to the GPL itself (in a similar way to the LGPL).

          "As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you

          permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an

          executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,

          and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your

          choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked independent module,

          the terms and conditions of the license of that module. An independent

          module is a module which is not derived from or based on this library. If

          you modify this library, you may extend this exception to your version of

          the library, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do

          so, delete this exception statement from your version."

          In no way is the decompiled class file an executable, and in no way is decompiling linking to produce an executable.

          1. Vic

            That's your opinion...

            > you are being extremely disingenuous quoting the Classpath exception

            Not at all.

            I'm quoting what the Classpath Exception says.

            A compiled file is an executable, and thus subject to that exception.

            A decompiled version of that executable is thus subject to the licence attached to the executable - which may well not be the licence of the original source.

            That might or might not be how the exception was meant to work - but that doesn't matter. The licence specifically and expressly permits such manipulation, whether it meant to or not.

            Thus Google are actually in with quite a strong defence here. I don't know whether or not they deserve it - but we're not arguing morality here, we're arguing the specifics of the licence.


  5. Wang N Staines

    Oh dear

    Google is your fair weather friend, indeed.

  6. The Other Steve

    Ah, but then again

    "And that code Oracle doctored? There's a strong indication they removed the copyright attribution on *their* version - because leaving the GPL copyright notice on it completely invalidates their case. Yes, Sun released that version under GPL"

    Were that to turn out to be the case then Google would still be fucked, because they released their version under a different licence and under the GPL that is strictly verboten, IIRC.

    1. Vic

      Re: Ah, but then again

      > they released their version under a different licence

      That's one of the things that Oracle will need to prove, should they go for that approach. Remember that this is not a file that will ever make it into a handset...


    2. sprouty76


      Releasing GPL'd code under an Apache License isn't Patent Infringement. Oracle would have to sue for infringing the terms of the GPL copyright.



        Code under the GPL is protected from patent. If you remove the license, it's not just open to copyright infringment, but now that patent protection is lost. Possibly that's the logic?

        1. Vic

          Re: But...

          > Code under the GPL is protected from patent.

          Not entirely.

          GPLv2 only has an implicit patent grant from the code originator - that's one of the drivers for GPLv3, which has an explicit grant. It would be possible - if completely crazy - for Oracle to claim to release under GPLv2, but withhold a necessary patent licence such that no downstream users can redistribute (per Section 7). But that would destroy Oracle's reputation entirely, destroy Java entirely, and leave Oracle in the firing line for all sorts of legal difficulties. It would be absolute madness.

          > If you remove the license, it's not just open to copyright infringment,

          > but now that patent protection is lost. Possibly that's the logic?

          That logic is flawed; the Classpath Exception does more than permit you to ascribe your own licence to the resultant Derived Work, it allows you to distribute under "the terms of your choice". Thus if a patent right was distributed by the GPLv2 grant, that same right could clearly be redistributed with whatever licence you choose for the CE-derived object. Indeed, it is quite possible that the Classpath exception makes the explicit patent grant that the GPLv2 omits - but you'd need to check with someone more intimately acquainted with the law in that area than I to be sure.


  7. Anonymous Coward

    Acutally it's a great tactic

    They can force Sun to waste a boatload of money on an unwinnable battle and still support the foundation monetarily if they get sued. Sun loses both ways. But then again, Sun are already which i mean tossers.

  8. WinHatter


    I was wondering how long it would take before Oracle gets shitty about Java crap.

  9. Jim Benn


    Fuck Software Patents.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      So say the fandroids...

      ...unless it's their beloved Google's patents

  10. stewski

    Most posts here are seriously dim

    Thanks to VIC on this thread for being informative.


    For the most part, posts on this thread are idiotic.

    Google assert that Andoid is developed by the OHA, cue comments like, "way to screw your business partners", and "MS never do this" etc.


    What part of the OHA do you not understand? Hardware manufacturers are increasingly interested in the software their hardware runs, and sometimes the standards they can use. HP bought palm for a reason you know, Nokia/Intel contributed and merged development into meego for a reason. The days of a Microsoft leaving the scraps for "partners" is over. I'm saying the "DOS ain't done till notes don't run" days are Gone!

    The OHA are big boys and all make money, they are not Google, the software is not only open to be just built by one and licensed to others, if there is a legal case its the OHA who will likely fight it, how is stating this, shafting partners?


    Amazing to me, is the idea that Oracle could be claiming copyright infringement against the the terms of GPL'd code. Will we see Larry visit the FSF to see how best to prosecute? I'd pay to see that.


    VIC suggests there are exception for the code samples, and his knowledge seems more convincing than idiotic - the code looks the same statements, therefore copyright infringement, those comments remind me of a bit of python: "she's a witch" "how can you tell?" "she looks like one"


    Beyond the frankly weird "copyright" red herring, is a complex argument about Patents for Java, derivation and implementations of VMs, syntax of language and Sun/Oracle licenses of such.

    Honestly I don't know what the heck is right here. I heard SUN Java was trying to be good to open source/open standards based development, I guess now Oracle are involved we can all.

    1. Fork and use as much free stuff from the SUN years whilst entirely ignoring Oracle as an entity or leader of such projects. Hence libreOffice, openJDK, Harmony, mySQL will no doubt/may have forked and many others.

    2. Avoid use of any technology they hold valid patents/license over, though in the case of Oracle that really has been a good idea for the last 20 years.

    3. Support any/all free/open mobile software that doesn't get caught up in the coming patent Armageddon, it's almost amusing how the big software companies are looking more likely to destroy each others business, just as Linux on a consumer screen (albeit not the desktop) is actually in danger of becoming reality.


    As for the early Apple troll, I don't think Apple are walking away from the current "patent absurdity" without trouble either, if I was as idiotic as that poster I'd be saying Go Motorola et al. I'm not saying that, just kicking back with a drink and watching the patent bombs drop all over the growing markets, and wondering if this outcome was imagined at "Gottschalk v. Benson". Still I'm in the UK in a patent bunker :-)

  11. Dave Coventry

    Stone Age

    If Kernighan and Ritchie (or whoever it was) had bothered to patent the 'for' loop and the 'while' loop among others, then programming would now be the sole preserve of the mega-corporates.

    Makes you wonder.

    Personally a pox on both their houses, and on software patents (and Microsoft, too)

  12. gimbal

    Needs more cow bell

    Sorry, I just momentarily got taken up with the comments criticizing the coding style, in code that we really might not be so sure of the original whereabouts of, at this point...

    Why, that code just needs more cow bell!

  13. Anonymous Coward

    GOOGLE Seems to have lost it way

    Google doesn't seem to be thinking right since it is facing attacks from all fronts Face book , Apple , microsoft and Oracle not to mention the TV networks and publishers.

    It seems to have lost it's MOJO. they cannot defend a case where majority of the functionality in java is decided by the JCP and third parties have written thousands of extensions and libraries.

    Can they not just say Java is built by the community and oracle only has rights to certify something as JAVA standards compliant but cannot control the JAVA language itself.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Thumb Up


      They've gone from underdog to useful to creepy and now they are finally Googzilla.

  14. mt1

    Google slopy shoulders

    With comments like this google may well have started the beginning of the end of android as a viable commercial device, you can guarantee phone manufacturers will drop it like a bad cold if there is any sign of validity of oracles claims now

  15. Tron Silver badge


    Almost everything in tech is covered by so many patents that putting something on the market will inevitably lead to you being sued, if only by trolls.

    Maybe Google looked at the risk issue with Linux (one of the reasons many folk don't use it, fearing they could be the target of litigation as there is no central, rich corporate to sue-the users are more attractive targets) and decided to go with safety in numbers. The OHA reads like a who's who of several sections of the industry.

    Oracle would like to get a big chunk of money out of Google, but do they really want to try to sue that many people?

    In theory, this could be a way forward in tech that defeats the patent trolling blockade of new tech developments, on the basis that you can't sue everyone. Whilst it might seem to impact upon the little guy who comes up with an original idea, the little guy already has no chance of justice anyway because the cost of defending a patent against any single large corporate is too high.

    There may be implications all over the place if this goes to a ruling, but it may end, as these things usually do, in an out of court settlement.

  16. Rex Alfie Lee

    Apologies to the middlemen but...

    If Ora-kill hadn't begun this attack on what should be open source then Google wouldn't have spun this nasty web. Truth of this is that Oracle is very unlikely to go after the middler's because it doesn't pay them for their legals & the social & technical payback would leave Oracle hated with fury & probably dropped by many organisational users. That's not good business.

    Oracle started the dirty game but Google have responded in a way that makes them look just as bad. I hope this goes on for a long time & most of all I hope Larry loses his boat.

    Ed: We need a Larry Ellison icon, both angel & devil...

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Too much effort.

      Don't bother with the angel bit...

  17. E 2

    Serving notice

    Know that I, E2, have patented the use of square brackets ([]) to calculate offsets from a base address in computer memory and also in matrices in mathematics. Also patented the number 2. Also patented the process of turning text descriptions of CPU & GPU instructions into binary CPU & GPU instructions.

    I have been able to do this because I thought of filing the patent before you did.

    You will all receive bills for your infringement of my patents shortly.


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