back to article Google tries to quietly trample on Apple's toes

This afternoon Google will finally announce its mobile offering. But while Google may make a better job of trumpeting its entry into the branded phone market, the Nexus One will never be as successful as the iPhone. Three years ago, your correspondent wrote that the iPhone, which didn’t even have a name at the time, would fail …


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  2. Martin Usher

    The phone may not be the thing

    Looking at how many people use phones these days it seems that voice capability is not as important because they mostly text on the things.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Not just the iPhone

      That pretty much describes how I use my Nokia too- mostly texting is my first choice, as it's nicely asynchronous.

      I will answer (most) calls I get, but only make outgoing calls when either I need to phone a company, or the person that I want to communicate with writes texts in LOLCat (which my extremely literate mother does, for no readily apparent reason- I'm still not sure why).

      Phone calls are just insistent and intrusive, I like texting a great deal more- and if you're out and about, it's consierably more private than bellowing down the phone, too.

  3. Gil Grissum

    Eventually, Apple will lose

    It won't be a success on AT&T's network because they won't touch anything that isn't an iPhone. Just remember, the iPhone is one device made by one manufacturer and operating on one network in the USA. There are other networks here and as long as Android is available on different phones and different networks, but numbers alone, it will eventually eclipse the iPhone. Not everyone is in love with everything "apple flavored".

  4. Anonymous Coward

    of course not

    Google does not have an irrational,rabid cultist following that will buy whatever comes out of their prophets divine factories.

  5. gjw
    Thumb Up

    I am so glad

    That finally Google showed its real face and starts selling its Nexus. Now that the fanbois and the google goons both have an American enemy to battle, they will start leaving the rest of the world in peace.

  6. RegisterThis

    So we are all getting stupid and don't want choice?

    "today's mobile-phone buyer cares more about simplicity than freedom"

    Not sure I buy this. I think the biggest lie Apple and their cohorts of Fanbois sold the world is that suddenly everybody who had a phone for years couldn't use physical buttons and simple select/back menus and had lost their ability to vaguely remember which menu held what items ... so we just remove all the functionality and tell people that sexy simlicity is what you *actually* want and not functionality ... even multi-tasking is so last year!

  7. hexx

    apps, apps, apps

    this is where google will fail - too many versions of android, very fragmented, too much for an end user


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