back to article NZ woman sacked for SHOUTY EMAILS

A NZ woman who was sacked for sending "confrontational" emails in red, bold and CAPITAL LETTERS has been awarded NZ$17k (£7,150) for unfair dismissal, the New Zealand Herald reports. Financial controller Vicki Walker was shown the door at ProCare Health back in December 2007 for her lack of netiquette. One particular email …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    @AC - makes me want to poke out my ear drums

    Good luck on that unless you are poking through from the other side (please do and let us know how well that turns out). Otherwise, you will be "poking in" your ear drums (and we'll be listening for that "balloon-like" pop).

  2. J 3

    @Scott 19

    Not as bad as writing "there brain" when they mean "their brain", you know. Or failing to capitalize the "i"; that's really ugly too, you know. Not to mention complete ignorance of punctuation rules, you know. I could keep going, but this would start getting too long, you know.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    What happened to the old whack over the head with a fire extinguisher while walking down the stairs?

  4. Anonymous Coward


    You can tell that there are very few Reg readers from the HR segment of the workforce.

    The lady did FUCK ALL wrong and deserves every penny of her settlement.

    You see what I did there ... heh .... heh ..... damn commentard mases. Come the day and they will be 1st against the wall.

  5. Tyson Boellstorff

    @ Scott 19

    You've got to be more creative, dude. There are two ways you can go about the grammar issue.

    1) make a drinking game out of it. Every time the phrase is uttered, have a chug.

    2) mentally do this operation:1,$s/you know/I am an idiot/gi

    Either does wonders. The nice part about the drinking game is that eventually you'll kill enough brain cells so that the phrase isn't so obnoxious.

    Or, if Clippie could be superclassed to invoke an SNMP-managed cattle prod every time the phrase comes out. That would be righteous fun, and very likely something Blackbeard would have done!

  6. Anonymous Coward

    It must be asked

    Is she a Fortran programmer?

  7. peyton?

    @never quite got this shouting thing

    "Text in capitals is a bit of a pain to read, admittedly, but I'm at a loss to understand why people get so upset."

    If you only think about all-caps as lower case + 32, then sure, it's nothing. To most of us, it's discourteous, impolite, and unprofessional. Does that make better sense?

    "Lord only knows what these fragile types would do if someone really did shout at them."

    Often, that's part of the issue - these people would not behave this way in person - making their actions cowardly, which many people would also find irksome.

  8. SimpleUser

    What a BS discussion!


    First, to fire someone because of writing emails in capital letters - are we now addressing and judging the value of a human being by such trivialities ? Is that it ?? Good one, lower case, bad one CAPS ON ? Who the f*ck has the right to fire somebody for such a nonsense!

    She should have received much more in compensation then those few bucks.

    And, unless I totally and completely misunderstand (and interprete) some of the comments already made here, above, I would suggest to some of you guys to reassess your positions and values.

  9. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

    And how

    many of us have taped signs on people's moniters saying


    Just after spending 3 days cleaning the system out of the latest virus

    Or, more usually, just before having to shut the network down again, and spending another fun filled weekend killing another virus that arrived via an e.mail attatchment.

    * or a message to that effect

    Grenade... because some PC users need it... shoved right up where only their doctor and customs officials should dare to probe

  10. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

    Blame RFC1341

    It's all the fault of MIME, which ushered in our dark and tortured era of email with color, font styling, images, and the like. Back in the Good Old Days we only had block capitals and the odd ASCII punctuation mark to augment our feeble e-prose, and It Was Good.

    Even full-on B1FF wasn't half so obnoxious as the typical color-enhanced email.

    And while the latter are generally MIME multipart with a plain-text part, many people rely on the color channel for carrying crucial data - I've received plenty of emails with comments like "please see the part in red". So simply disabling non-plain-text is not, alas, always an option.

  11. Alan Esworthy


    How many of you commentards would like to have to provide an acceptable reason for resigning your job? Being forced to stay on rather than say merely, "I quit."?

    Why shouldn't it work the other way? My employment is covered by a contract (a written one at present, but it has been oral or implied in the past) between two parties each with contractual rights and responsibilities. I have agreed that absent an easily recognized exigency I will provide two weeks notice of my intent to terminate my employment. Likewise, my employer also will give me notice in advance in most circumstances.

    The key point is that neither one of us is required to provide a reason, either contractually - or ethically, IMNSHO (is it OK to use all caps in an abbreviation?) (Oh, my! Is it all right to capitalize OK?)

    The employer of this person should have had only to say, "You're fired." Why in the world is any reason necessary?

  12. CWinne

    The interwebs have ruined us all...

    These people need to be drug out into the street and shot! It's the damn IM programs that started this! That and the god forsaken lands of 4chan... People just need to get it through their think skulls that sending a work e-mail saying TIME SHEETS ARE DUE TODAY OR YOU DONT GET PAID LOL!!!11!11!1oneone!1(cos(0))" is not ok! Ever!

  13. Andus McCoatover

    @Scott 19

    <<Not as much as "You know">>

    Don't I know it! Having been educated by an English teacher who was a total pedant (and I loved his lessons for it) I then went to Technical College (The Butts, Coventry - now there's a name to conjure with) where I was taught Computer Science - on a mechanical TTY, so I understand why *nix commands are sooo short, typing hurt! But he was the worst pedant - brilliant, nonetheless - who hated the expression.

    He explained to the class, as he didn't have crystal balls, how could he possibly "know what I mean?".

  14. DanceMan

    Where there's smoke, there's fire

    I'm with AC 11:48 and Matt Bryant. There was undoubtedly much more irritating behaviour behind this. Nevertheless, anyone in management with a clue knows you warn first, and you document them. Progressive discipline is also expected.

    As for me, when I'm flagging spam on craigslist, I include anything in ALL CAPS. Not that it does much good, but I suppose it makes me feel better.

  15. _wtf_

    few clarifications

    OK, a few clarifications....New Zealand is not what the septics call an "at will" country, and the employers do love to advertise jobs as either casual, contract, or permanent, so the employers do end up with some obligations about notice and having good reason to terminate the relationship. For casual jobs this is of course minimal, a contract will normally have the duration built in, and a permanent role would logically be indefinite in its duration, barring misconduct etc. This is reasonable in view of the different powers inherent in the relationship, eg it is generally hardly one of equals. However, there is not that much bias in favour of the individual, quite the opposite if anything. For instance, had this employer chose to he could have simply made the position redundant. That does not mean that the particular work is not to be done any more, it just means that the work is being distributed differently across roles in the organisation. Meanwhile the employee gets four weeks notice and a redundancy payout. The latter would depend on the length of service, but would not be likely to exceed a quarter of what they had to pay in this particular case. Otherwise, they can give you warnings and then dismiss you if behaviour does not improve, or for serious matters like theft can dismiss you on the spot...but for both those cases they need to have their ducks in a row to cover possible challenges.

    I do find the "shouting" convention interesting, because from a readability point of view all caps is more like is harder to follow and more likely to be ignored. This is despite being old enough to have received the odd telegram and telex message, which of course were always all caps due to the absence of anything else much. But in any case, I don't see anything about this particular example which is so egregious as to justify dismissal. Reading between the lines it would appear that there is probably fault on both sides. She may well have been a bit annoying to other staff, but unless the boss can show that he has tried to deal with this properly that is not going to cut much ice with the court.

  16. Christopher Martin

    Everyone involved is an idiot

    At my last job every two weeks we'd get a SIGN YOUR TIMESHEETS reminder. Yes, people use caps when stating something that people often forget. Maybe it's a little annoying? But no more annoying than, say, attaching a crappy gif to every message you send because it just looks so cute to have a background that makes it look like you wrote your email on old parchment. This is either an incredibly touchy person, or somebody who lied about the reason for firing - either way, big time asshole.

    As for the firee: "I am a single woman with a mortgage, and I had to re-mortgage my home and borrow money from my sister to make it through. They nearly ruined my life." No, you "nearly ruined" your own life by failing to plan for temporary financial problems. Sometimes people lose their jobs. This is a risk we have to plan for to some extent. If it happens and you immediately don't have enough money, MAYBE YOU COULDN'T REALLY AFFORD THAT HOME IN THE FIRST PLACE.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @financial planning

    She was talking about the legal costs involved, not the costs of living. Bloody idiot.

  18. Anonymous Coward

    "They" will always find something...

    Been working happily for same employer since leaving school 'til we got Outsourced to some bunch of money-grubbing cowboys from across the Pond. Built up a nice package through "time in service" and was amongst highest-paid (including Managers) at our site out in the sticks.

    Got TWEP'd due to having 'non-work-related' stuff on my work PC despite a Client policy that specifically allowed non-work-related stuff on there as long as it didn't interfere with our work, and the fact that my colleagues had far worse stuff on their machines (pr0n, illegal downloads, pirated and cd-cracked multiplayer games and more)...

    Even though I was found guilty of Gross Misconduct and fired immediately, my colleague who "found" my "hidden" files got a promotion and a payrise, and the worst offender of them all was suddenly given permission to leave under the Company's Enhanced Severance programme, with a huge payoff and a glowing reference despite being refused due to 'client requirements' every time he'd applied in the past.

    The Industrial Tribunal found that I could not successfully appeal the decision to terminate my employment as I could not prove that my (ex-)colleagues had also been guilty; of course I sodding-well couldn't - the first thing my ex-employer did on starting their "investigation" was to tell everyone to make sure that they had nothing on their machines they shouldn't have... and the only other way for me to prove it would have been for my colleagues to incriminate themselves - and lose their jobs too. Hmm, wonder why I never asked if they'd do that...?

  19. Bumbling Fool

    There must be more to life than this

    Peyton wrote : "To most of us, it's discourteous, impolite, and unprofessional. Does that make better sense?"

    No. Do people not exercise their judgement anymore? Has email rendered us incapable of 'reading between the lines' and appreciating variety, human expression and personality, or even finer subtlety and nuance? Does everything become black and white the moment it's committed to an electronic format?

    If I'm turning a funny shade of purple and your ears are bleeding, it's a fair bet I'm shouting (rather aggressively) at you. If I'm simply talking to you these side effects won't be in evidence.

    Are there no shades in between?

    Do we get on the internet and think "lower case - reasonable, upper case - mad shouty bastard"? Just because it's supposed to be 'convention' that upper case characters are 'shouting', is there still not room for applying a little common sense and thinking for ourselves?

    It reads to me like the lady in question was merely trying to emphasise the importance of something - not being rude, impolite, or offensive. Like I said, if I was an employer I would be seriously questioning the judgement, maturity and emotional stability of those who got their knickers in an etwist over a few capitals in an email.

    But, as has been mentioned, I suspect there's more to this than just a case of misguided capitalisation.

  20. peyton?

    It's not 'supposed to be convention'

    It *is* convention. Just like a certain finger extended above the rest is considered rude - along with a million other gestures. Just like phrasing your speech in a condescending or sarcastic manner is considered rude. Just like shouting is considered rude. Shouting rude? No, I was just elevating my voice to make certain you could hear me, right?

    Yes, if you disregard convention, none of the above make much sense. And yes, it is context based. So, no, shouting to someone who is hard of hearing does not denote anger. If I put LMAO in an email, no one thinks I'm shouting or being condescending. Reminder emails in all-caps, for most (and this could be a generational thing), have a different connotation.

  21. Bumbling Fool

    @It's not 'supposed to be convention'

    I agree with much of what you write here. It's kind of the point I was making. Given the great variety of expression and nuance that face-to-face communication affords it can be difficult to properly assess the written word - and it seems misunderstandings abound when we try to communicate via electronic methods.

    What I question is the AUTOMATIC assumption (by convention) that capitalisation is the equivalent of shouting, or being rude. Here I've used it for emphasis, and I would hope that all but the neuronically challenged would understand this from the context. Even if, upon appropriate consideration, we do indeed decide a particular capitalisation constitutes a 'shout', it remains to determine what kind of shout it is. Angry? Exasperated? Aggressive? Emphatic? Jubilant?

    As you've mentioned, context is everything. Even if the lady in NZ deliberately intended to 'shout' in her email we still don't know the full context. Maybe it's a lot of hassle to her to sort out late timesheets and she was exasperated. Maybe she was trying to be a bit playful and trying to convey some humour. We simply don't know. Even with the accepted convention I don't think we can jump to conclusions. There's certainly not enough there to suggest she was being rude or impolite.

    If 'most' people consider emails in capitals to be 'rude' then I'd suggest 'most' people need to get a grip and some perspective. They're just some words on a page written in a different case, for heaven's sake.

    I know some people take offence at the strangest things, but we each own our own feelings of offence. We can choose not to be offended if we want to. There certainly isn't a deterministic relationship between comment and offence. If people choose to adopt the convention that capitalisation in emails is offensive and rude, then I guess it's something we'll have to live with, but it really does seem to be a hugely trivial thing to get worked up about.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I think...

    That excessive SHOUTING (ironic purposes aside) should have the same penalty as overuse/misuse of tech support with idiotic problems would have if I ran things: Forcible deportation to a remote island with no connection to the outside world.

  23. elderlybloke
    Thumb Up


    do you refer to this female as a Lady?

    She does not qualify for the title.

  24. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse
    Thumb Up

    @ Bumbling fool.

    Well stated. I was going to make exactly the same point but you beat me to it.

  25. steogede

    @Mr Bear

    >> Has no one noticed that she did say PLEASE. She deserves some recognition for at least using some politeness.

    'Please' is polite, 'PLEASE' is patronising.

    I reckon it is the employer's own fault, they probably made her fill out her application form in 'BLOCK CAPITALS' (that's doubly patronising). If they had made her fill it out in her own choice of case, they would not have hired her.

  26. steogede

    @Alan Esworthy

    >> IMNSHO (is it OK to use all caps in an abbreviation?) (Oh, my! Is it all right to capitalize OK?)

    Yes on the first point, no on the second, okay?

  27. Doc Spock

    Alternative Viewpoint

    Everyone here seems to take the view that the woman in question was a complete moron who shouldn't be allowed near a notepad, let alone a computer.

    However, as more than one commenter has pointed out, when the entire e-mail is taken in context, it is outrageous that she was summarily dismissed (i.e. no warnings).

    The alternative viewpoint of which my post title speaks is that maybe, just maybe, it was her office colleagues who were the morons, and she had been beating her head off of a brick wall for the past few weeks trying to get them to follow some rather simple instructions.

    After all, everyone gets a little frustrated when others can't follow some basic directions.

    As an aside, I always prefer *do not* to DO NOT. It suggests emphasis in a less confrontational manner. Plus, some mail clients make merry with things like *word* and _word_ .

  28. Death Boffin







    Now where did I leave my coat?

  29. ShaggyDoggy


    Is this the world we created ?

    Font police next

    Oh wait .....


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