back to article Pudsey Bear refused UK passport

A woman who changed her name to Pudsey Bear in order to raise cash for the Beeb's Children in Need has been refused a passport on the grounds of her "frivolous" new moniker. Receptionist Eileen De Bont, 37, raised £4,000 for needy kiddies with her Deed Poll act of charity, and is now known as "Mrs P Bear" to her bank, "Ms …


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  1. Dr Patrick J R Harkin
    Jobs Halo

    They are not protecting HER identity...

    they are protecting the identity of the real Pudsey Bear. This woman obviously seeks to entrap fans of the genuine Pudsey in some form of honey trap. She even admits she has managed to get £4000 that way already!

    Jobs icon cos I've never used it before and can't be bother to come up with some dubious claim that "iJobs reckons the name is more important than the thing" argument.

  2. Mr Larrington


    ...I have an urge to change my name to "Mohammed Bear".

    OK, it's gone now.

  3. Simon Mort-Adams

    What about the kids?

    "In case you're wondering, Bear's two daughters, 10 and 13, don't seem to mind mum's change of identity."

    What sort of names are those, 10 Bear and 13 Bear...!?

    She's CLEARLY lost the plot, totally!


  4. Anonymous Coward

    Can hardly bear to say this, but . . .

    . . am I the only one here thinking "publicity hype"? Surely it's just a ruse to get a higher profile for Ms P Bear's charity, whatever that is . . .


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