back to article Privacy Commissioner, infosec boffins, call for reform of anti-hack Bill

Australian Privacy Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim, together with noted security and privacy professionals, have called for amendments to a Federal Government Bill that would criminalise the identification of Government-issued anonymous data sets claiming it will impinge legitimate research. Federal Attorney-General George …

  1. Paul

    and in other news: farm yard workers, who report that the horse already ran away whilst the owners are busy locking the stable, are to be prosecuted.

  2. Michael Thibault

    Legislators conflating the map and the territory.

  3. eldakka

    Alternatively, you could ship the raw data offshore and have someone outside the jurisdiction of the Australian government perform the de-anonymisation.

    Sorta like PGP shipped development to NZ to avoid the then US crypto export controls.

  4. jake Silver badge

    You mean security by obscurity doesn't work?

    I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

    They[0] say lawyers will be first up against the wall. Me, I'm thinking politicians ...

    [0] Whoever "they" is ...

  5. jake Silver badge

    Actually, Paul ...

    ... the "farm yard workers"[0] are almost always in charge of securing the livestock. I have a couple horses here at the barn which are never even visited by their owners ...

    [0] We call 'em "field hands" in these here parts.

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