back to article Canon climbs atop Facebook with over-the-top pic wrangler

Having built numerous services over the top of what used to just be the World Wide Web, Facebook is now the established platform for plenty of applications. So it pretty much had to happen that someone would find a way to create services that clamber over The Social NetworkTM to subject it to some OTT pain. That's what Canon …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "The author is attending TechEd Australia as a guest of Microsoft, which has shelled out for travel, accommodation, nourishment and Nokia." I love the past part :)

  2. rho

    It's a technical solution to a legal and social problem. That they're waving OAuth around like some kind of talisman to ward off the evil eye says something.

    Any image, once publicly posted, is subject to copyright violation. "The Cloud" and "OAuth" won't change that. Your vacation bikini pic will be used to sell wombat semen energy drinks in Upper Shitcanistan, and no cloud-service company will prevent it. Read those TOS carefully. I'm sure that Canon is indemnified against any failures of their service.

    1. frank ly

      re. energy drinks

      I'm waiting for replies from combat wombat and mutated wombat.

      1. Khaptain Silver badge

        Re: re. energy drinks

        I am not sure they wom-bat an eyelid.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      It's a technical solution to a legal and social problem

      Exactly. In addition, there are Facebook's T&Cs which state in summary that content will remain yours, but by posting you give Farcebook a license to use it as it pleases in perpetuity. The latter also means that deleting your images after you have posted them is irrelevant as well (the reaction of a lot of people to their latest self help detailed in the new T&Cs).

      It's not an unusual contractual condition: Google has the same (quite a bit further down in the ToS than where they acknowledge your ownership, following the standard contract writing principle of giving in the first bit, and taking away further down in the text).

  3. Peter Galbavy

    This article makes no sense. Perhaps it needs an editor to review it?

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