back to article Sculpted 66-pound jubs survive lightning blast, 26ft drop

Lightning has struck a stone sculpture of the goddess Venus and removed her breasts... But in a stroke of divine intervention, the giant stone jubs were saved, despite a 26ft drop. Sculptor Tom Findlay told the NT News that despite the statue's body being destroyed and the 30kg (66lb) breasts being 8m (26ft) above ground, …


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  1. TheTrouser

    Light strike on lovely's jubblies results in knocker dropper and nip chip

  2. Rob

    Is it wrong...

    ... to ask for pictures ;-)

    1. Code Monkey

      Re: Is it wrong...

      There are pictures if you follow the link to the (magnificent) NT News site.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Is it wrong...

      It's not wrong, you'd just look a tit.

    3. Wombling_Free

      Re: Is it wrong...

      Yes, because it happened in Darwin which means it is drunken delusional bullshit.

  3. mike 32

    In the natural threats to ones' life in Darwin, you seem to have overlooked the massive lizard in the photo in the article referenced.

  4. FartingHippo

    Some sort of metallic mesh...

    ...shaped in the form of a brassiere would seem to be the order of the day. I think Madonna has one.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Only in Australia would you...

    ...get the first paragraph of a news item with the words 'blasts the tits off'

  6. Anigel
    Paris Hilton

    Pictures or it didn't happen

  7. Arachnoid

    Venus dropped a BooB

    I guess she needs to see a plastic surgeon now.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bootnotes spelled wrong.

    Shouldn't that be Boobnotes?

  9. Khaptain Silver badge

    Forget the mammaries

    Why is there a "big" lizard at the statue base ?

  10. leeCh

    Well it was Finlay's

    This is the same stonemasonry business that has a prominent sign you can see from the main road that says: "Get stoned with Tom".

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Ode to the dropped boobies

    There was a stone lady called Venus

    Who suffered a mishap so haenous.

    For quick as a flash

    Her boobs dropped with a crash

    And squashed young David's wee penis.

  12. Arachnoid

    Venus a veritable queen with out a p****s

    A Boob fell off her rack

    Its lucky it didn't fall in a crack

    Never mind, Ill volunteer to stick it back

  13. taxman

    I wonder

    how long it takes to think 'why wasn't he holding the other one?'.

    But the comment on the comment about mounting them.....sheer joy!

  14. Tim Parker

    "Everything disintegrated but the breasts - all that's left is what's under her hips," [Mr Finlay] added.

    Her breasts were under her hips ?... is that typical of goddesses (or Australian women) ?

    1. FozzyBear

      Her breasts were under her hips ?.

      30Kg Saggy boobs, Hmm, this is a picture i can do without seeing

  15. Field Marshal Von Krakenfart


    I must repost this on titer... eh twiter.

    Maybe Tom Finlay should have given his statue of Venus a big lightning rod.

    Seems ample mammary glands are the norm in the out-back (or should that be the out-front), as the ntnews also reported that Alice Springs topped a 42.7C-cup, while Kintore and Yulara hit a 45C-cup.

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