back to article 1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today

Recently unearthed photographs taken by Danish explorers in the 1930s show glaciers in Greenland retreating faster than they are today, according to researchers. Danish explorers in Greenland in 1932. Credit: National Survey and Cadastre of Denmark We're not worried about rising sea levels. Well, we are in a seaplane. The …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dear Reg editors :-

    This stopped being funny a long time ago. Please sort it out.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Dear Reg editors :-

      It is indeed not funny, but your request may not get the response it deserves...

      You do know Lewis IS the editor and runs the show here now (since last year, in fact)?

      "Full time staff hack job at the Reg has now turned into being the editor and running the show, to the extent anyone does"

    2. Alfred

      Re: Dear Reg editors :-

      What exactly do you expect the reg editors to do about Greenland's glaciers?

    3. LarsG

      Re: Dear Reg editors :-

      When the human race is due for extinction anyway what is the point in worrying about global warming?

      Here in the UK we bend over and take the green issues up our backsides. We do all this to set an example to the rest of the world....

      In return developing countries, China, India etc increase outputs of greenhouse gasses at a rate that leave the UK' s savings infinitesimal. Then of course there is the USA which does it's best to stick two fingers up at us.

      So what's the point?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Dear Reg editors :-

        >We do all this to set an example to the rest of the world....

        Except you don't actually make the durable goods you consume, just farm that out to China, India etc.

        My TV, DVD, cookware, clothes, washing machine, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, phone, radio, speakers, hifi, cooker, microwave, blender, clothes hanger, cutlery, wallet, lightbulbs, doormat, earbuds, hard drive, cables, workwear, satnav were all made in China.

        1. Charles Manning

          Plus alll your food

          Agriculture is a BIG CO2 generator.

          Here is NZ our Greenies give us hell because our per-capita CO2 is high. But most of that is due to agriculture which is exported (eg. 90% of NZ milk is exported). That allows some hipster living in Europe to live a low-CO2 life and still eat.

          The only fair way to do any CO2 accounting is based on consumption. If you buy Chinese goods then you are contributing to China's CO2. If you buy NZ food, then you're contributing to NZ's CO2.

      2. rc

        Re: Dear Reg editors :-

        @ LarsG... "Then of course there is the USA which does it's best to stick two fingers up at us."

        That is grossly inaccurate, sir. We only stick one finger up at you. Perhaps because ours was implemented post musket? As far as I know, the two fingered 'Screw you! I've still got my bow fingers' salute is a uniquely British thing.

        So you've still got that going for you then...

        1. John H Woods Silver badge

          Re: Dear Reg editors :-

          Urban Legend Alert: 'still got bowfingers' is considered unlikely as the source of 'the Vs'

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        To set an example to the rest of the world

        "Here in the UK we bend over and take the green issues up our backsides. We do all this to set an example to the rest of the world...."

        Are you kidding? Where exactly is the UK setting an example in green issues? By building shoddy small homes after outdated construction methods from some 200 years ago? It's really amazing that in this day and age things like double glazing and wall insulation are still something special in Britain when these things are standard in most mainland European homes for half a century and not worth mentioning. But then most homes in mainland Europe also have been equipped with mixer tabs for a similar time already.

        Or are you thinking of leading by example through successfully killing off most of Britain's manufacturing industry in favor of the 'services' and financial industry which means most products sold in the UK are cheap crap from China which ultimately ends up in a landfill here or in some 3rd world country?

        But maybe Britain is setting an example by NOT heavily investing in green technology and clinging to nuclear power instead, ignoring the risks and the true costs (and probably still believing the myth that electricity in France is cheaper than anywhere when in reality prices in countries like Germany which heavily invest in green technology are actually far lower; in fact, France has often fallen back on Germany's electricity 'exports' to compensate for their insufficient infrastructure).

        If Britain is setting an example then that it is not only backwards in house building but also in green technology, way behind countries like Sweden, Norway or Germany, and even the USA.

    4. Mikel

      You're missing the point

      Poking fun at the established popular view is a key charm of El Reg. It's the spice that makes the meal. If they stop this they will have no special offer.

      If you don't like that why are you here? There are many places where you can get your preferred pablum bland though it may be. That is the common fare. Why do you have to come here and demand the common gruel when there is no lack of supply elsewhere?

      Is there some drive in you that insists that because you cannot bear spice that there must be none anywhere? What right have you to impose on all the world your intolerance of variety?

      1. Goat Jam

        Re: You're missing the point

        "Poking fun at the established popular view is a key charm of El Reg."

        Actually, I beleive that it has been some time since the belief in AGW was the popular view. These days it is just the true believers and the one world government watermelons that continue to push that barrow.

        1. Thing

          Re: You're missing the point

          'I beleive that it has been some time since the belief in AGW was the popular view'

          For 90% of the world and 99% of the worlds scientist AGW is still the prevailing view. It's only if you've been raised in a trailer in Buttfuck Alabama on a diet of Fox News, Glenn Beck and tub-thumping evangelical creationist idiocy that you are likely to think otherwise. By using the phrase 'one world government' you have very neatly saved everybody here the trouble of working out whether you were or not.

          1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

            99% of the worlds scientist are not sure about global warming. Saying such a thing just paints you as an AGW zealot without a brain.

            Thankfully, the scientific community in general is much more interested in getting all the data and building a picture as accurate as possible before drawing the conclusions that impose themselves from the analysis, rather than stupidly spouting a hastily-drawn one-sided conclusion taken from incomplete data.

            This is why such information is important, given that our understanding of meteorology is still very much in its infancy - but I understand that the masses (and the zealots) kind of miss that point since you need to be intelligent to understand that the world is the most complex dynamic system we can possibly hope to comprehend.

            1. Ole Juul

              Science and humans

              @Pascal Monet: Your view of science is excellent, or at least in line with mine. :) However, to say that "the world is the most complex dynamic system we can possibly hope to comprehend" is not consistent with that. Humans cannot hope to comprehend such a complex and dynamic system. Unless, of course, you have some private meaning for the word "comprehend".

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Science and humans @Ole Juul

                Going by my Concise OED, the word you *should* be quibbling over is "hope", with expectation being in the definition. Nothing wrong with his use of "comprehend" at all. Too bad - your comments were uncommonly reasonable until you tried to be patronizing in your last sentence

          2. csmac3144

            Re: You're missing the point

            Touched a nerve, did he?

            Watermelon rage.

            1. Anomynous Coward


              I've missed the development of this insult. What does it mean? To whom should I apply it?


              Judging my the pattern of voting here there are far more "Global warming panic is just religion not science" people than "We're killing Gaia" people around and yet there also seems to be fear / anger that green types are swamping the place.

              I think the anti-hippy contingent can probably relax a little, they seem to be ahead in the battle for hearts and minds on the Reg.

    5. Fibbles

      Re: Dear Reg editors :-

      Every time Lewis posts one of these trolling articles the eco-tards start summoning the troops on mailing lists and forums. They then come and spam the register comments section with cookie-cutter arguments because dissenting opinion seems to be something they can't handle. Lewis is laughing all the way to the bank of course because they're just increasing page views and therefore advertising revenue for the site of which he is editor.

      If the regulars disabled their adblockers for el reg perhaps Lewis could stop subjecting us to this asshattery every week?

      1. Graham Wilson

        @Fibbles -- Re: Dear Reg editors :-

        "If the regulars disabled their adblockers for el reg perhaps Lewis could stop subjecting us to this asshattery every week?

        Now, now, that nasty barbed comment's a bit below the belt. Trying to make us feel guilty or something?

        El Reg readers? Nuh, not possible....

  2. Michael M

    Industrial Revolution

    I was taught it started in the mid-18th century and was virtually over by the 1840s. All that coal being burnt in steam engines for 100 years might have begun to have an effect.

    I note that in figure 2 of the article you can see how much more melting is going on in the 2000-2010 decade.

    1. Just Thinking

      Re: Industrial Revolution

      But in those days the world population was about 1 billion, most of them not in industrialised countries. UK population was around 10 million, the US not much more.

      The steam engines might have had a seriously bad effect on local air quality, but I don't know if there was enough to have a significant global effect.

      1. Dave Bell

        Re: Industrial Revolution

        What I see, some of the vocal promoters, on both sides of these arguments, can't even do that sort of simple arithmetic. Some of the environmental scares seem to depend on almost homeopathic thinking. Cutting down of fossil-fuel use--carbon neutral energy--is something we shall have to do, whatever the global warming reality. And it is something we can do.

        1. itzman

          Re: Industrial Revolution

          ..though sadly not with renewable energy, which doesn't reduce emissions overall measurably at all.

  3. TheOtherHobbes

    "We show that many land-terminating glaciers underwent a more rapid retreat in the 1930s than in the 2000s, whereas marine-terminating glaciers retreated more rapidly during the recent warming."

    See also the difference between short-lived local variations and an easily observable planet-wide trend.

    1. Graham Wilson


      In a lifetime, the average person consumes about 100 tonnes of food. In addition to the energy required to feed a person over a lifetime, add his/her consumption of everything else from goods, housing, transport, plasma TV etc. etc. and the figure's gawd-awful huge.

      It's brain-dead simple. Stop breeding and global warming will go away.

      (Of course, the global-warming do-gooders never mention population growth, as that's much too close to home.)

      1. Joe User


        So people need to cut out the high-friction sex?

      2. Anomynous Coward

        @Graham Wilson

        "the global-warming do-gooders never mention population growth, as that's much too close to home"

        Eh? Aren't they always on about population growth being a huge problem?

        They certainly used to be when QE2 was having her silver jubblies.

  4. Connor

    Self Justification

    It is amazing that after a decade of absolutely nothing happening that these climatologists and 'climate change' experts are still managing to justify their existence - if only the Minister for Industrialisation had the same kind of mentality as these climate nuts during the 1800s, we'd still be in the age of steam.

  5. Cheapster

    Lewis is getting desperate

    Even the piece in the Mail admitted in the text that it was only a minority that had suffered faster decline. This trolling to support big oils $60bn taxpayers funding is sounding a little hysterical now. Nice reference too to the Glacier melting more slowly (than a general estimate in 2008, they are still melting faster than the IPCC projections just like global warming is still exceeding IPCC projections)

    1. Yamal Dodgy Data
      Big Brother

      Nah this is what desperation is ....

      Eco-loons organising trolling into a fine art:

      whenever a "climate holocaust denier" story appears on any major news site or blog ..

      the CACC mailing list kicks into action... alerting all "right thinking" ecotards with the url

      and if you don't believe it ->

      PS: But, since you’re here now eco-loons .. look at the article that woke up the apathetic majority and put the Reg on the eco-loons hitlist

      (and as an added bonus it's guaranteed to make any watermelon explode)

    2. The Axe
      Thumb Down

      global warming is still exceeding IPCC projections

      Well we've had twenty years of IPCC predictions and none of them have turned out right. The IPCC was projecting a warming of a nearly 6 degrees by 2100. Over the past twenty years the earth has warmed by about 0.5 degree, so how will it suddenly shoot up exponentially to reach 6 degrees in another 80 years.

      1. Burb

        Re: global warming is still exceeding IPCC projections

        You used the word 'prediction' in one sentence and 'projecting' in the next. Do you understand the difference?

        1. The Axe

          projecting predicting

          Yes there is a difference, they are spelt differently. They are synonyms for the same thing, looking into the future. Predicting tends to means more guess work than projecting, but considering that the IPCC's forcasts (another word to mean looking into the future) have always been wrong, predicting is just as valid as projecting.

      2. Sirius Lee

        Re: global warming is still exceeding IPCC projections

        But this isn't about science. It seems to me that in the mind of a dedicated warmer, if you say something often enough it's going to be be true. It's a religion for the modern age and this sort of blind repetition helps keep the faith. Posting the same 'it just is' comments on 'denier' articles seems to be a bit like a modern equivalent of praying and that by doing it the practitioner will receive salvation in the next life.

    3. TheWxMan

      Re: Lewis is getting desperate

      Yet, the entire state of Alaska has had a net increase in glaciation, and so have other regions. Nice try. The truth is that the warmingistas have no clue regarding actual atmospheric dynamics and climatology, and more studies than not prove that there is no AGW. So far no min/max ice coverage extent, sea-level fluctuation, nor temperature change has been witnessed which exceeds the threshold of well established natural variables, hence, no backing proof exists of such absurd notions as those presented by the IPCC. As a matter of fact, regarding Greenland, much of its glaciation didn't even exist before the LIA, so even if much of it were to sublimate or melt, it would only be reforming itself to the era preceding the aforementioned. Again, none of this can be formulated as proof of AGW, at least not if you understand the real science behind it (Best believe it as well, the air temperatures in most of Greenland are still far too cold for ice to melt).

  6. The Envoy

    And always remember:

    Predicting the future of the planet is a competition!

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    "but nobody worried about it". But it still caused acid rain and other problems. How is this helping the argument against AGW? Or is this a neutral article?

    1. Mikel

      "the argument against AGW"

      I want to point out that this is ambiguous. There are a set of arguments against the existence of Anthropogenic Global Warming as a factual condition. Some take issue with each of the three words of the phrase individually (Anthropogenic, Global, Warming), some each subset of two words in the three-word phrase in three pairs (Anthropogenic Global, Anthropogenic Warming, Global Warming), and some all three words as a group (Anthropogenic Global Warming). Another opposing class presumes the existence of the condition expressed by the trio as proved fact and is opposed to its evolution and is committed to its reversal. All can be said to "argue against Anthropogenic Global Warming", so your meaning is completely unclear.

      The rare few who care you've left out are those who may acknowledge the cause and condition with varying degrees of certainty but welcome its effect as a boon, like me. If I must choose between warming or cooling then for me and mine I choose warming because it's hard to grow crops on a glacier and a lack of crops leads inevitably to some unpleasantness for future generations. Of the cause of this needful warming, I don't care from whence it comes as long as it does.

      It's doubtful that it matters. The vast mass of humanity we can put in the "don't know and don't care" group anyway. Most of us have more immediate concerns. Since reversing global warming - whether it exits and by whatever cause - would require a global unanimous concerted effort centuries long directly against the immediate interests of most participants, and that's not going to happen, the whole thing seems moot to me. You may as well ask the world to agree to and achieve a 300M static global human population as a sustainable load. There are 7 billion of us and each has considerable freedom of action and genetic motivation to prevent this outcome. A global event or government that could achieve this end would be dire, and is not to be wished.

      My main point here though is that you've said something and linguistically it amounts to almost nothing. You may as well have not bothered. Words mean things. If you're going to express yourself please try to be clear about what you're trying to say.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "the argument against AGW"

          "I live 50 metres above the Oslo Fjord. When someone knocks on my window from a rowing boat, then I might start caring."

          The majority of the world would already have drowned by then as they live next to the sea.

          Maybe you don't care because you are from a very rich oil producing nation?

          1. Connor

            Re: "the argument against AGW"

            Sea levels are not rising, despite what people living in the Maldives would have you believe. The majority of the world is not going to drown. When someone paints a scary scenario for you, then asks you for money to 'solve' the problem (as the people of the Maldives have been doing for 20 years!) it should sound alarm bells for you. The problem is, once paid these shysters then have to come up with an even more compelling scare story for more money, and then more money and then more. That is why these scenarios have become more and more ridiculous and further and further away from any semblance of real science.

            Frankly, if you believe any of it these days then you must be a salesman's dream.

          2. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. Graham Wilson

          Re: "the argument against AGW"

          "I don't care. :)"

          Right. We had this argument a week or so ago with the editorial about the more scientifically literate one is the less one is concerned about the problem.

          So there's global warming! Big deal! I was taught this fact back when I was a kid in the 1960s.

          There's really only two issues: the effects of lots of scaremongering which has made half the world go mad and the second is to ensure technology is on course for a solution sometime in the future.

  8. Matt Bryant Silver badge

    Oh dear.

    It's always so darn annoying when your hockey stick pops up in the wrong decade!

    Here's my solution to the AGW sheeple - tell them it's all caused by smoking grass. I'm sure all that does have a minor impact on warming, and it must release some tiny amount of nasties like sulphur trapped in the leaves, but watch them shut up when their second favourite past-time threatens their first.

    1. Yamal Dodgy Data
      Thumb Up

      Re: Oh dear.

      You know Matt ... that makes perfect sense, I believe you may have discovered the real cause of global warming !

      The increase of emissions of TetraHydroCannabinol does correlate perfectly with the increase in global mean temperature.

      and there's no need to fudge a hockey stick chart to support that fact

      Although looking at the down votes your getting, It seems the spliff huffing greentards won't be too pleased.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Oh dear.

        Or maybe it's just that you don't have to be a tree hugger to enjoy the odd smoke?

        Why would one huff a spliff anyway? Despite what every politician seemed to think whilst they were at university, you're supposed to inhale, not blow smoke out of the end of it.

      2. Matt Bryant Silver badge

        Re: Re: Oh dear.

        ".....I believe you may have discovered the real cause of global warming !...." Crap! A silly thought turns out to be a "major scientific discovery" / coincidence and the Gubbermints of the World are already milking it for cash (AKA the War on Drugs). I thought I was on to something of Real Benefit To Mankind (AKA good for my bank balance) then.

  9. Graham Marsden

    "Box theorises that this is likely to be...

    "...because of sulphur pollution released into the atmosphere by humans"

    So what you're saying is that mankind's activites *DO* have an effect on the climate...?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "Box theorises that this is likely to be...

      That's the strange thing about the article. "Oh, everything was dire, they did not worry and they suffered. So no need for us to worry either".

    2. The Axe

      Re: "Box theorises that this is likely to be...

      "Climate deniers" don't deny that human activities do change the cimate. Where they disagree with the AGW lot is in terms of the degree of change. We don't think it'll be 6 degrees by 2100 and we think human activities could just as easily cause the temperate to drop with negative feedback. We just don't know what will happen as climate is such a complex mechanism and don't believe that models which aren't backed by any emperical evidence can predict the future.


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