back to article Zuckerberg: Facebook rakes in cash... to make world a better place

Mark Zuckerberg: a shrewd businessman or simply the world's greatest ever opportunist. Now we can finally find out. His company, Facebook, filed for its initial public offering yesterday, which immediately set off a gentle Web2.0gasm across the interwebulator. The CEO of the world's biggest social network site, whose infamous …


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  1. amanfromearth

    fb users..

    ... are still dumb fucks, but not as dumb as those investing in this bubble.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Go on then Einstein, why's that? You seem content to regurgitate the (in)famous man's quote, but would you mind fleshing it out a little more?

      I love the fact that people are happy to call the FB users a bunch of dumb sheep for following the herd, but what off the forum dwelling detractors spitting bile from their basement hiding holes, all as once voice quoting the same old tired rhetoric about "sheeple" and "dumb fucks" without actually adding any more to the discussion on the effect FB nad their ilk are having on the state of things.

      Personally I am a live and let live person, I have no personal interest in Zuckerberg's empire but I wouldn't stop anyone using it if they feel so compelled to do so.

      Flame on!

      1. amanfromearth

        Ah, the first troll of the day, evidence by the fact that you use AC to post.

        1. Danny 14


          any sort of "automatic opt out" privacy and advert legislation will sink the business in that country. There are many eu countries looking at a similar bill - even a central one.

      2. Charlie Clark Silver badge

        Okay, I'll bite

        Big Brother has shown us two things:

        1) you will always find dumb fucks prepared to make fools of themselves in public

        2) the marketing for advertising around such a format is limited.

        Caveat IPO-investor because you are the dump part of the carefully orchestrated pump-and-dump scheme that is Facebook. While Facebook is making a profit a price to earnings ratio of 100:1 is fucking insane (see the Schiller average) and costs are only likely to rise from here-on in. Buying at that price can only disappoint as further share price growth is beyond the realm of fairy tales and dividends must be paid from revenues. Those are the two main reasons for investing in a company.

        Amazon is good historical comparison: anyone who bought stock on the IPO is still waiting to recover their money.

  2. 5.antiago

    Monetising it might undermine it

    So it seems to me that the entire valuation is based on the large user base and the potential to monetise it, but I suspect the forthcoming efforts to monetise the user base will make for a progressively worse Facebook user experience and begin to push those valuable users away.

    Already we're seeing certain trends emerge like Facebook fatigue and anti-mainstream people deleting their accounts.

  3. the-it-slayer

    Woah, chill pill! @AC 09:17

    @AC 09:17 - Take the pill mate. It's just a sweeping statement Zucker's made to relate to the dump he create for users to share ridiculous statements, events, photos and such. The general public don't understand how much in IT resources it takes to run heavy photo/video content. I guess that was the catalyst for success. If Zucker's hadn't of agressively expanded, it would of turned into a slow pile of crap. It almost did in the early years when the floodgates opened to the general public (outside the university/college circle).

    Go live and let die with James Bond. Hold on, are you in that fantasy bubble of yours? Ah, that's why you posted as AC. That's understandable. Boom!

  4. OmGDraKe

    Cant wait for this bubble to burst tbh :)

  5. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Facebook on mobile ?

    Let's be clear about one thing : as long as mobile internet costs an arm and a leg, nobody is going to view mobile ads as anything but the greatest annoyance.

    Things are changing in that sector, but slowly (heh, operators are not going to just let data flow freely, now are they ?). I predict that, until mobile internet data usage is freed from counting and billing bytes, Facebook is not going to be able to make any meaningful ad money out of it.

  6. 404


    Wife has FB account, I do not. HTTPS, ad block, and no platforms running equals peace of mind for me - although she's started to call him Fuckerberg over the timeline thing.

    Funny how he says Google+ (nope, not that either) being integrated in search & Android is an issue - have you seen any desktop/mobile OS that doesn't have FB either available or already installed 'as a service to our valued customers'? You have to root any/every mobile device to get rid of the damn thing seems like.

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      I don't think it was ever on my Galaxy 8.9.

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