back to article Uncontacted rainforest tribe caught from the air

Survival International has published remarkable snaps of an uncontacted tribe on the border between Brazil and Peru to highlight the plight of such groups which are threatened by illegal logging. One photograph, captured during one of several flights over the area, shows tribal members evidently none too pleased with the fly- …


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  1. Richard Rayner

    someone forgot to colorize the third person in that pic.

    and since a comment is required to accompany my title, here it is!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I think it's offensive

    for us to deny these people the benefits of modern society, just so we can feel like they're cute, and we're maintaining them in innocence.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    I wonder...

    ...what the rainforest people thought about the plane(?) that took the pictures. They must have got scared shitless by the contraption! They'll probably make a demon-, monster- or god-bird out of it that will be talked about for generations (unless they get eventually wiped out or assimilated).

    Mines the one made of banana leaves.

  4. David Temple

    ...I've got a little message for you

    Is it me or do the orange chaps look like umpa-lumpas?

  5. Manny

    They might be uncontacted, but..

    They certainly seemed to have developed the ancient art of making Nikes.

  6. Anonymous Coward

    How about

    1. Contact uncontacted tribe

    2. ???

    3. Profit!

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    Re: I think it's offensive

    Well, you kinda have a point, but it's not just about feeling they are cute and keeping their innocence. They could well die of disease if they get exposed to the pathogens of the modern society, against which they don't have any immune defenses. A great many of the dead during the conquest of the Americas succumbed to unwitting biological weapons....

  8. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

    How long d'you reckon....

    It'll be before Negroponte tries to shark them some cheap wind-up laptops?

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Watch out

    Maybe someone should warn them not to aim weapons of any kind at a plane - the Yanks will see these and no doubt claim they are the largest threat to mankind since Osama (because they can't find him) and send an invasion...erm...liberation army down there to stop them!

  10. P.Nutt

    Re : I wonder

    I guess seeing the plane fly over head would be more or less the same as an Alien vessel hovering over London to us. I am pretty sure we all would run for the hills and hide if that happened, so I do not expect the poor villagers to be anywhere near that village now.

    Flame as could the company not have looked on Google Earth for the village instead of buzzing it scaring the shit out of the locals with a plane.

  11. Aaron

    Re: I think it's offensive

    Tell that to an Australian aborigine. Or an American aborigine, for that matter.

  12. Mark

    They can take our facepaint...

    What's the betting one of them's sayin to the others - "It's that w*nker Mel Gibson again - kill him before he makes a sequel!"...

  13. Frank Bough
    Thumb Down

    I Tend to Agree

    ...with Mr Coward. It's patronising in the extreme to treat these people like animals in a zoo (as it is animals in a zoo). Who knows how their society is organised? Monstrous human rights abuses could well be part of their daily lives? Why do so many assume that primitive = good? Maybe they don't LIKE dying in childbirth, or dying of simple infected wounds, or being poisoned by unsafe water supplies? Our modern world is hardly perfect, but things were FAR worse 1000 or even 10000 years ago.

  14. eddiewrenn

    spearchuckers :)

    That is all.

    Also, that big metal bird must have freaked the hell out of them! I think they deserve the right to have their way of life continue without disturbance.

  15. George

    @ Anonymous Coward

    I think you're little naive in your thinking there. An uncontacted tribe were spotted by plane purely because they could ONLY be spotted by plane...I don't think you realise the density of the rainforest, the peoples in the tribes here are not denied its because they are simply not reachable. There are members of tribes in the Peru/Brazil are who do leave and contact the modern world and some tribes co-exist without changing at all.

    And don't forget some of the tribes in Africa continue to remain un-modernised through choice.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Human instinct.

    Nice to see their first instinct is to attack something new (firing arrows at the aircraft?) - just like the rest of humanity.

    At least it's just not the decadent West that thinks 'Shoot first & ask questions later!'.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    Yeah, let's show up en masse, scare the ever-loving shit out of them, force them into a world they can't possibly live in, kill 90% of them with disease, and bulldoze their lands. I'm sure they'll be very happy not to be condescended to.

  18. Michael Compton

    Re: I think it's offensive

    They seem to be doing alright to me so what exact benefits are we talking about here that they need. Plus have you looked at modern society its a mess based on greed and self advancement why would they want to be part of it.

  19. Craig


    These pics were on BBC1 this morning, and tbh they look pretty staged / fantastic.

    My first question would be why bother painting themselves red all the time?

  20. Pavlovs well trained dog

    Shame, poor buggers

    one of them thar primitives is going to use this as an excuse to invent some evil religion.

    Shame for the rest of them

    yes, I know, the evil is implied with religion..

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Uncivilised they may be...

    ...but they do seem to have mastered the skill of accessorizing. "Honey, that gold belt goes perfectly with your sandals"

    Paris, because even this tribe cut off from the rest of the world has probably seen "One night in Paris" like the rest of us.

  22. Andrew Bolton

    If they're uncontacted

    ...what's the mobile phone pouches doing on their belts? Eh? Seem pretty contactable to me.

    Mine's the bright red one

  23. bluesxman

    so that's where...

    ... Mr Wonka got his Oompa Loompas (as seen in the original movie.)

  24. Mike

    @AC (benefits of moderm society)

    For us to take these people out of that environment and put them into a 'modern society' would kill them outright (or may as well do so). Its taken 'modern man' well over 1000 years to gain this much technology and assimilate it in to everyday life. You can't just drop that on these people overnight. The governments of these countries need to step up and protect them.

    As the other AC said, they'll be freaked out just by an airplane. I can't imagine how much people in regular clothing, no coloration of their skin (ie. body makeup like them) and guns showing up to take them away would freak them out.

  25. Anonymous Coward

    Anyone fancy being revered as a god...

    Turn up with enough techno wizardry and they'll think your a god - or at least a good replacement for the local witch-doctor...

    Our government like playing god; maybe we should send over the cabinet...

  26. Anonymous Coward

    Prozac, pollution, hatred and politics...

    I quote from above:::

    "I think it's offensive ...

    for us to deny these people the benefits of modern society, just so we can feel like they're cute, and we're maintaining them in innocence"

    I REALLY hope you are taking the ssip - you really think they would be better off in the modern world? Innocence is bliss. Let them be!

  27. Adrian
    Paris Hilton

    Looks more like

    a screen capture of the latest Sims - The Sims go native.

    You'd think that if you go looking for people lost to civilisation that you'd bring a decent camera.

    Paris - because even these people would have heard of her

  28. TranceMist

    What about the iPod

    If they're "uncontacted" then why does the one in the center have an iPod on his hip?

  29. max

    @I think it's offensive

    The problem is that there immune systems haven't been exposed to all the illnesses in the modern world, so popping in and introducing ourselves is likely to lead to them all dying from the flu or somthing.

  30. This post has been deleted by its author

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down


    I think it's offensive you think it's offensive.

    What on earth makes you think you have a better life than they do?

    Leave them in peace.

  32. Anonymous Coward


    the UN should already be there - "helping" the locals.

  33. Smallbrainfield

    Start the plane! Start the plane!

    Was anyone else disappointed by the new Indiana Jones film?

    /in process of getting coat.

  34. Hedley Phillips

    I for one welcome our large white bird like overlords

    I for one welcome our large white bird like overlords

  35. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    re: I think it's offensive

    I think it's arrogant to assume that "modern society" is something better than what they already have. That line of thinking lead to us maintaining a world wide empire and colonial rule to "bring civilisation and it's benefits to the natives".

    I wouldn't inflict modern society on my worst enemy.

    Let them develop at their own pace, they may just develop a better civilisation than we have thus far managed. We've ruined too many countries and too many peoples with our ideas of a better world, let's not drag more people down with us.

  36. Brett Leach

    @AC 12:59 And I think it's offensive that you'd want to drag them...

    ...into the 21st C that we have so thoughtfully built for our children and theirs to inherit.

    Black ensign for our brave^h^h^h^h^hpoisonous new world.

  37. anonymous sms

    Wow they found a tribe of David Dickinson's


  38. Xee Thot

    Re: I think it's offensive

    What's offensive is the thought that our culture is better than theirs and that we should give them the "benefits of modern society".

    Some of those people don't even have the antibodies required to live among the civilized people, a simple sneeze can (and has done in the past) kill an entire village.

    Most of them are in great health and don't need any of us to live happily.

  39. shaun

    screw them

    damn hippies, they need a job, a hair cut and an expresso.

  40. Dave


    Obviously, two of those guys are quite upset at the plane for buzzing them, disrupting their listening to their Ipods.


  41. David Edge

    Caption competition

    "Damn choppers, cant you see were trying to watch sky HD here!?"

  42. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @AC Colonialism

    >That line of thinking lead to us maintaining a world wide empire and

    >colonial rule to "bring civilisation and it's benefits to the natives".

    No, all that was done to improve the lot of the people doing it, at the time they had no problem with that.

    There were a few god squadders that thought they were bringing jesus to the natives, but otherwise it was for the cold hard cash.

  43. mark

    Send in Ray Mears

    He'll love to find out how the tango tribe of deep dark South America live.

  44. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    Forgot to turn on the red guy reduction setting?

    I think it's pretty obviously the photographer's error. Does anyone else see the clear imprint of a lunar lander in the bottom right corner?

  45. Luke Wells

    equal oportunities

    Aww look low they live in harmony...... red and black? people hand in hand

  46. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not always bright orange

    Just for some of you who have wondered at the orangeness of the tribespeople, apparently these photos were taken on the second flyover, the first having been a few hours before, and the guys with bows had painted themselves red in the meantime.

  47. Anonymous Coward


    Genius. You appear to have started one of the longest flame threads on the Reg forums so far! I thought it was rather amusing myself. :o) Shame everybody else's irony detectors are still suffering from the power cuts this week!

  48. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    The men paint themselves red and the women paint themselves black.

    What's that all about?!

  49. Anonymous Coward

    This picture is a hoax

    obviously someone has already visited these allegedly uncontacted primitives and introduced them to the pleasures of the fake tan. Looks like they got two twos.

  50. richard tanswell
    Paris Hilton


    You can see these guys on Channel 4 on Sunday mornings, the orange is just fake tan. They're all harmless really, in fact many of the men wouldn't be able to use a bow and arrow for fear of breaking a nail!

    Or were these pictures taken when Jordan was on I'm a Celebrity? Either way, has their celebrity status now improved to W list? They've reached the BBC websites top stories!

    Paris because she's probably sh@gged them all!


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