back to article Prime yourself for security on the web

Web security is an interesting topic. It's the kind of thing we think we know all about yet, when you sit down and consider all the dimensions, it's pretty hard to nail them all in one go. The trouble is, each time you start, some new threat has emerged and moves the goal posts. It doesn't have to be this way though, as our …


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  1. Frumious Bandersnatch
    Thumb Down

    aghh ... misleading title blues

    I read all the way through only to find no mention at all of prime numbers. I feel cheated, mostly because of the length of the article. It wasn't so long as to scream TL;DR, nor too short to rue the time lost. And now here I am writing a complaining post. Tsk. Misery compounding misery!

    ObPrimeCheck: 498181,547819,604547

  2. RoboPope

    dear god

    For the most part not responding to an ip based request just that of a host header negates script kiddies and hang about on the right forums, its not that diffucult. Nothing other than store procs helps for dynamic requests everthing else is largely site specific


  3. Aodhhan
    Thumb Down

    Time waster

    Tired of reading security papers, which are basically conglomerations of bullet statements from real research work by real experts

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