back to article Tolkien-inspired oil painting 'immortalizes' Silicon Valley rich people

A woman named Jane is preparing an oil painting that "depicts the leaders of Silicon Valley in a situation inspired by the pivotal fight scene in The Fellowship of the Ring." In a post to a website called Strayform, Jane says that the "leaders of Silicon Valley" deserve to be immortalized alongside the likes of American …


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  1. Rachel

    You know

    Oh, let me get in on this.

    For $100 a piece, half the price mind you!!, I can photoshop you into a scene from Lord of the Rings and then have it printed on canvas, just like an actual painting!

    All you have to do is provide me with a decently high resolution photo!

  2. Not That Andrew

    Utter Tat

    Sounds like something the Franklin Mint would dream up

  3. Graham Marsden
    Gates Horns


    ... Who gets to play Sauron and his buddies?

    I can think of a few I'd like to nominate...

  4. dervheid


    required, surely. Clearly she'll be setting herself a nigh on impossible task to produce this 'work of art' with her head so clearly lodged up either her own backside, or that of the prospective 'marks' for this scam, oops, sorry project.

    (comma between "sorry" and "project" optional, dependant on your interpritation)

    That'll be the "Emporer's New Coat" type coat, please.

  5. Tim
    Dead Vulture


    Fair play to her for exploiting the egos of these people. This will be the only project they invest in that will still be around in 50 years time.

    Good Lord I bet it's going to look ugly though.

  6. Matt Bradley

    @graham - /can/ we nominate somebody else?

    I'm pretty sure we could scrape together $200 to have chairman Bill painted as an Uruk-Hai.

    Maybe for an extra $200, we could have him depicted stabbing Tim Berners-Leee through the neck...

    Sounds like a brilliant idea.

  7. Smallbrainfield

    Yes, but

    what if she's a rubbish artist?

    Considering the subject matter this is highly likely, given the number of cross-eyed Legolas* sketches on the web. Most of the others tend to be homo-erotic pics of Frodo being 'intimate' with Sam. I'd be worried if I was one of these Silicon Valley rich types.

    *and at least as many boss-eyed Arwens.

  8. Matt Bradley

    @graham - /can/ we nominate somebody else?

    I'm pretty sure we could scrape together $200 to have chairman Bill painted as an Uruk-Hai.

    Maybe for an extra $200, we could have him depicted stabbing Tim Berners-Lee through the neck...

    Sounds like a brilliant idea.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    film choices

    They really went for some choice films in that list.

    Given the people to be depicted (Silicon Valley investors and advisors) maybe something like Cheech and Chong's "Up in Smoke" might be more suitable.

  10. TrixyB

    What a load of

    old tosh!

  11. Anonymous Coward

    Which fight scene?

    In *The Fellowship of the Ring* there aren't too many big battles.

    These came in the latter two books The Two Towers and The Return of the King.

    Perhaps this is a scam - one person is heroically depicted vanquishing the Balrog in Moria while everyone else is shown brawling in the tavern at Bree?

    Elven cloak please...

  12. Christoph

    Which scene?

    The story does not seem to state which fight scene is considered to be the "pivotal fight scene in Fellowship of the Rings." (Rings plural??)

    Will these industry greats be portrayed as the Nazgul attacking the party on Weathertop?

  13. Liam Johnson

    Better idea

    Why limit it to 6 people – that’s just silly. Why not do it like the guy with the Pixel page. For $1 you can be a dead Ork in the background, for $100,000 you get to be Aragorn kicking ass in the foreground.

    Remember you saw it here first. Patent Pending…

  14. Spleen

    Fight scene

    I assume it'll be either the fight on that hilltop with the Ringwraiths, or the fight with the orcs and the troll just before the Balrog.

  15. Anonymous Coward

    "Immortalize" my ass.

    It's not exactly Mount Rushmore, now is it?

  16. bogwoppit

    Ronald McDonald

    I wonder whether McDonalds can afford to plump $200 for the 'immortalisation' of its favourite character in such a painting? Or heck, a man with a head shaped, curiously enough, like a logo/4x4/toaster?

    I for one propose we all club together to give Jabba the Hut (my alien avatar) his rightful representation.

  17. David Paul Morgan

    so, my precious,

    is it Larry Ellison as Saruman and Bill Gates as Gandalf or vice-vera, in the lord of the databases!. Steve Jobs as Legolas, i think!

    I'll get my mithril-silver shirt

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Wow, just wow....

    Talk about a cheesey vanity project!

    For those Silicon Valley execs that can't be fit into this masterpiece, I suggest the following:

    1. Larry Ellison can replace Moses in a portrayal of him leading benighted IT users across the Jordan or out of bondage in Egypt. If Egypt, he can have Bill Gates's face painted onto Ramses body

    2. Bill Gates can go Monty Burns on us and have himself digitally inserted into the role of Jesus in "Ben Hur"

    3. Steve Jobs can be portayed as Elivs in a black velvet wall hanging.

  19. Michael Jolly
    Jobs Halo

    Re: steven kraft

    3. Steve Jobs can be portayed as Elivs in a black velvet wall hanging.

    somehow i feel lots of people would like this,

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