back to article Update glitch derails Kaspersky

Problems in updating Kaspersky Lab anti-virus software led to some machines locking up.The Russian anti-virus firm said the problem was due to an error in a threat signature update issued on Thursday, which are now resolved. It apologised for problems caused by the SNAFU, which were severe for those affected. "This error led …


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  1. Andrew Badera
    Gates Horns

    Points for Vista

    While Kaspersky DID pop this message on me, no reboot was needed. Kaspersky itself died, machine still going strong. Vista Business 64 bit.

  2. Joe Noyes

    Hmmm, okay....

    I am using Kaspersky AV 7. I was using it yesterday and didn't have it lock up before I went home. This morning I turned it on to be greeted with a crashed program (avp) and the message "previous application launch failed".

    My computer still seems to be working ok and I hit "Update" in KAV directly after the program crashed and it seems to be updating ok...

    Does that mean it has been fixed already or that my computer is "special"?

  3. Adam Craig

    seems to be a minor problem

    my kaspersky crashed last night in this fashion. i restarted and the whole thing went back to normal.

  4. Chika

    Re: Hmmm, okay....

    @Joe Noyes. Dunno. I know that my machine is nothing special and my own install of Kaspersky seems fine, though it did complain a lot over last weekend when it insisted on rebooting after updating twice.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Its fixed now, but what a FXXX up

    For single users or a tiny office, this is acceptable, but for large installation sites, some that span outside the HQ, this is totally unacceptable, I read on the forum one user quote :

    "I pay for medical insurance and I still catch cold"

    What a bullshit way of looking at it, for software that affects the OS in such way is simply bad for the AV company, customers pay to be protected, and of no faults of their own this happens, which is totally different from catching a bloody cold.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Another hit x2

    Two of my systems were affected. Rebooted and redoing updates....

  7. Silvergunner
    Gates Halo

    Even better...

    Disable Kaspersky on startup, which is what I did when my new Vista machine froze constantly less than 48 hours after I recieved it.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    No problems here

    Didn't crash yesterday or today.

    I was just asked to reboot my machine after the latest update - that worked fine.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Same situation as Joe Noyes

    I'm in the same situation as Joe Noyes - was fine when I left yesterday, when I got in this morning I had the message but system was running fine... hopefully kaspersky updated and fixed itself last night after it crashed.

    Now, if GM could build cars like kaspersky build software... a car that can recover itself from a crash... that sounds like fun!

  10. TheThing

    or alternatively

    ...just don't install Kaspersky in the first place. Given my experience with them, that's much the best plan.

  11. Steve Button Silver badge
    Jobs Halo

    This completely floored my XP machine.

    My laptop was already painfully slow to use and this completely floored it. Was sorting it at 11pm last night (started trying to fix it at 9PM). I only just installed Kaspersky on Thursday after being told it was much better than AVG. How unlucky is that?

    It was sooooo slow, that it would do absolutely nothing for 5 minutes after boot, and the mousapad didn't work.

    ... but how come a two year old laptop is "painfully slow" anyway. I wish I'd bought a Mac.


  12. victor herbert

    Who hasn't sent out duff Def's

    Maybe we should make a list of those AV vendors that haven't sent out duff Def's and only buy from them. Symantec stuffed 300 of our machines in October with a duff Def, luckily for us it arrived at night and most of our 5000+ machines where off!

    It took 1man/month tracking them all down and fixing. Symantec supplied us with three answers 1. it didn't happen 2. the pixies did it 3. it was the 'Users' fault.

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