back to article Feeling the heat at Neptune's south pole

The south pole isn't where you'd ordinarily think of going for your summer holidays, but that is because you are from Earth, not Neptune. Thermal images of Neptune's hot south pole Thermal images of Neptune's hot south pole. Neptunians looking to catch a little heat are all heading south, where according to new images from …


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  1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

    What do fashion-conscious Neptunians wear on their summer holidays?

    Walking along the bright CO2 beaches or surfing on the methane waves. Are clothespegs de rigeur?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I wish...

    "A Neptunian year lasts roughly 165 Earth years, so summer is distinctly longer."

    As opposed to the British summer, which lasts roughly 165 Earth minutes.

    Fucking country...

  3. Dan Beshear

    Could be worse ...

    Instead of surfing on Neptune, you could be spelunking in Uranus.

    (har har har)

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Call For Ernie!

    What's all this about methane then? Can we assume that the bovine population of Neptune is so well established that the thick methane clouds have been created? If we have a milk shortage I suggest we hop on a solar milk float and go collect some of this - it's already in the freezer ready for collection!


  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Amanfrommars have any comment on Neptune? And leave Myanus out of it.

  6. Luther Blissett

    "Of course..."

    It could of course be because the south pole of Neptune is closest to the Earth, and therefore has the greatest exposure to Global Warming.

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