* Posts by Geoff Webber

59 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Sep 2007


Firefox spoofing bug raises phishing fears

Geoff Webber
IT Angle


Hmm - I can see your point but not sure what font you would use to perform the trick.

vvww.xxyy.com looks completely different to


I expect that changing the font halfway through typing the URL may work but I dont know of a way to do this in the address field

Brit workers: The Xmas skive starts today

Geoff Webber

google earth

Is a great time waster - planning stuff for Xmas in new york.

With handy wordy doc in another pane just in case one gets disturbed.

Wii tops online search poll

Geoff Webber
Thumb Up

I got 4!

I got one from argos on their text reservation system, although they did tell me that I should not have actually been allocated one when I went to collect it !

Then I ordered 3 more from Amazon all 4 were 179.99.

And before anyone asks I didnt sell them on for a profit. Just at face value to very grateful friends

Inventor of revoked payment patent says UK system is a joke

Geoff Webber

pay cash for tips

I never add a tip to my bill when paying by CC - the staff rarely get it.

I prefer to chuck my loose change on the table.

Ofcom's 0870 rip-off reforms stumble at the final hurdle

Geoff Webber


"The amount of money I have spent on ringing BT recently (£100 one month on my mobile, because the landline was dead, therefore my broadband was dead so my VoIP line was dead, so my only option was to use the mobile)"

Dr Mouse - didnt it cross your mind at any point to use a payphone or a friends land line (at no cost to yourself or anyone else)!!

No-humping 20mph limit for London

Geoff Webber

hmm - we already have this in sleepy dorset

Every day I go to work and home again, my reg number is logged by no less than 8 of these ANPR cameras in each direction.

Why you might ask!

Well apparently its part of a long running traffic survey to check vehicle movement ahead of the 2012 olympics (Weymouth & Portland are hosting the sailing events.)

What is interesting is that the cameras only face towards oncoming traffic being sited on traffic lights or custom poles.

When I use my moped (to avoid the gridlock when all the holiday makers are here) I can go as fast as i like (well up to 40mph)

Microsoft shouts 'Long Live XP'

Geoff Webber

Win 2k !

many of our customers (the small ones) are still using Win2k quite happily and see no reason to change. It costs then too much in outsourced IT to upgrade.

The big ones install from an image and are more than happy to continue with XP which is robust and has little or no compatibilty issues with legacy systems.

Online car tax saves planet from carbon hell

Geoff Webber


£205 or more for road tax.......... Hmm

Now if we really wanted to reduce costs and carbon emissions maybe we should all buy Mini Cooper diesels.

Quick, similar CO2 footprint as a prius (sp?) and less than the honda multifuel.

and £35 a year for tax.

BTW the volume calculation for the bus has not taken into account solid items within the space (seats, stairs, floors, engine etc etc.) ;-)

Geoff Webber


with all these number plate recognition cameras about - just what does the tax disk actually prove.

I dont display a sign outside my house to say I have paid my council tax so that when the fire brigade / police / dustbin men et al turn up they dont then decline to provide me with a service because I cant prove I have paid.
