5 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Nov 2007

Microsoft Mojave 'outs' secret Vista lovers

Paris Hilton


Dude, it's 2008. NOBODY (as in, the average Joe) used computers in 1993. Ever stop to think about that?

People have, despite the thickheaded idiot Jobs, successfully loaded the latest OS-X on modern Intel machines. It's obvious that it works. It's a short hop to code it so you can buy it and throw it in your existing PC and go.

More importantly, people would have a viable alternative to Windows on THEIR EXISTING HARDWARE. No need to spend money on an yet another machine, an overpriced one at that. Had people had this option a year ago, it's pretty safe to say Apple's stock value right now would've been through the roof. I'm surprise

Paris, because you SOOO missed the point.


If Jobs wasn't such an idiot...

...he would have over 50% of the PC market now if the dumb idiot had opened OS-X to run on any PC a year ago. If you could have bought and installed it on any PC, legally, with Apples blessing, Apple would have totally, and finally, killed Microsoft.

But Jobs is too self-centered and egotistical to have seen that reality. He's still into his microcosm kingdom mentality, and that has bought Microsoft the time it needs to return to business as usual. It only a matter of time now. What an idiot.

For a small moment there, it could finally have been different.

Asus releases application kit for Eee PC coders


Nah, We Need A Fresh Bimbo

I say Miley, before she becomes Britney...

Turkmen prez sacks 30 for TV news cockroach outrage


Where's The Footage?

Damn, I wanna see THAT!

US manned spaceflight after Shuttle could be delayed


Don't forget the rest of the world

You have Europe's Ariane Rocket, China's Long March (the guys who invented rockets, incidentally), and let's not forget Japan's H1 and H2 (the H2, in "shuttle" formation having a heavier payload capacity). India looks hot to have their rocket as well. By the time the shuttle retires, the rocket landscape is gonna be pretty heated up (so to speak).