* Posts by Agios Vasilis tou Stalingrad

2 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Aug 2014

TV transport tech, part 1: From server to sofa at the touch of a button

Agios Vasilis tou Stalingrad

Re: All that effort...

Let me be more specific,HD-SDI (or FC/IP if from a server) -> DVB -> IP -> DVB is ludicrous and both capex/opex wasteful (all those fabrics and transport translators to install and manage). Also, if you don't think that the web will eventually absorb broadcast, then why is Rupert Murdoch so terrified by Google? And it's not only because they have 10x more cash than he does!

Agios Vasilis tou Stalingrad

Re: All that effort...

All this RF-to-IP back to RF again reminds me of the Three Stooges working on the plumbing in the basement. Someday the whole path will be IP from the file or camera to the viewer's display (at least in the advanced economies of the northern hemisphere). That will happen when someone like Google steps in and buys the broadcast rights to the NFL or the Premiere League. Until then, we'll just keep heating the atmosphere w/this archaic RF delivery platform and the cultural shit it requires to fill 750MHz of spectrum