* Posts by Dan

12 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jul 2007

Vote now for your fave sci-fi movie quote


I'll be back

I dunno, there is just something about a tall austrian robot killing machine being litteral that just makes me laugh.

and as for event horizon, there shoulda been one, i mean, c'mon:

"Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see."


"Do you see?"

"yes, i see"

(Anyone else bother to freeze frame here and step it to see the images? Man some of those are messed up.)

Quake rocks Britain


Missing something here...

I feel the point you are missing isn't how strong it was but that earthquakes are just freaky when you are in them. Sure if you live somewhere that gets them a lot you are gonna find em less freaky each time but we hardly get any like that. I was up, was a tad on the disconcerting side, but i didn't loose any sleep over it.

Scientists warn on climatic 'tipping points'


Why care?

It's just one other problem that may eventually become a reality, what scares people is that they see the causes every day, cars, buses, computers, power-stations (all arguable causes mind, after all it may not even be us apparently :roll:). Each time (thanks to mass media, gotta love it) they think about it, even if only subconsciously . At the end of the day I'd take slow eventual (and perhaps possibly survivable) "climate change" over short but most certainly terminal meteor strike or massive volcano eruption or whatever of the thousands of things that could blip us out of the universe in a flash.

I suppose sure, we caused it (arguably) but we cause a lot of things extinction of hundreds of species, the culling of entire forests, etc.

At the end of the day if your so worried why are you sat at your computer now and not out planting trees or whatever else people who care do..

Brighton professor bans Google



The internet knows everything, surely it's just as reliable if what you read is filtered through a (hopefully developed) mesh of common sense. If they can't do that then why are they doing a degree in the first place?

Admittedly it's no replacement for books but as pointed out previously books are expensive and quite often even the newest reading lists that are handed out are listing out of date books. Not to mention that quite a lot of books can be found on the net by various means anyway...

This whole idea seems insane to me, i hope to hell it doesn't catch on....

Schools minister touts 'one interweb per child' pork barrel


Internet teaching them so much?

Or just allowing them to find the stuff they want and reword it to fit their own work which they then hand in seem a model pupil but have made little to no effort and haven't learned much in the process except how to regurgitate crap they can't even be bothered to understand...

Terry Pratchett has Alzheimer's


Such a shame.

So sorry to hear about this, awesome guy, infact i'd go as far as a legendary guy. first books i ever read and to this day still the only ones that keep me interested. such a bummer :(

Microsoft fires cannon at counterfeiters


well you do charge..

Quite unfairly to be honest, why don't they try making it not look like the uk (and i assume the rest of Europe) should in some way have to pay more for the same software that is much cheaper in the us.

(yes my copy of xp is legit :P )

McLaren fined $100m for spying


They obviously didn't take note of anything in it.

Just look at Ferrari's car this year, it's awful. Worst they have managed for a long time and yet somehow Mclaren are winning. Next Ferrari will be claiming Mclaren have also been sabotaging their car and that this explains their poor performance aswell.

Some idiots at the FIA have really got this wrong this time. Some if not most of the blame lies squarely at Ferrari's door.

RFID chip implants linked to cancer in animals



i spose if we are only tagging the most violent of criminals with them after their jail sentences or whatever then there really isn't much of a problem ;)

Warner Bros to remake Enter the Dragon


Wheres the sense in this?

Do they expect it to gross highly at all?

Seems like a dumb idea to me and they must believe it'll make em money or they'd realise they are being dicks.

Jason Bourne disses James Bond


James bond obviously!

We like James Bond cause he kicks the ass of every country that isn't the uk.

Jason Bourne on the other hand is busy destroying his own country...

When 'God Machines' go back to their maker



Article makes a few fair points and i was thinking much the same thing as to how the touchscreen would make things harder anyway. I spose this goes some way to explaining why people would buy one, which i won't.

It does look shiny though... maybe all the people who buy apple products have ADD or something, now that would explain it all!