* Posts by mcgeeky

4 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jan 2014

Microsoft hopes for FONDLESLAB FRENZY as Surface Pro 3 debuts


Re: 3rd Time Lucky for MS?

I am an MS fan. I work from home and make my living selling tools for Microsoft's cloud platform. I can see the Surface Pro 3 working well for me as long as I have the docking station. I do the majority of my work in my home office but when I am out of the office I need quick access to desktop Windows to process orders or handle support.

I don't think I will even need the type cover. I can just pull the Surface Pro 3 out from the docking station, leave the office, and if I get an order I can quickly deal with it through the touch screen alone. On return to the office, slot it back in the docking station and continue working.

The cost is high, and for the past 10 years I have bought cheap hardware, but in this case for the way that I work I can justify it as it would make my working life better.

'Hello, is that the space station? NASA here. Can you put us through to Moscow?'


Re: Perhaps

> they could annex the station to protect the crew

or claim they are hiding weapons of mass destruction then invade the US half

Canada says Google broke law by snooping health info to serve ads


While adblock plus is stopping the ads from getting to your browser, it won't have stopped your private heath related search terms from getting to the advertisers.

Let Google's tentacles fondle your mobile's web downloads and Chrome will put the data on a diet


Worrying development

I don't like this. Do any of you here use Google analytics or other web site reporting solutions? When Google switched to allowing https for web searches the keywords were stripped from the visitor referrals making it hard to understand why people are coming to my web site. From an end user privacy standpoint, great. From Google's standpoint, even better; now they get to see the keywords and search patterns but no one else does, and furthermore they can sell that data which they do via adwords; you can still get access to the keywords as long as you stump up for adwords (and someone clicks your ad).

Now we have Google being not only the search gateway to your web site (and controlling the information you get as a web site hoster), but the actual visitor to your website too via their proxy. So information such as visitor location will be dropped from my web site traffic. That's how I understand this would work.

No doubt if you use Google's analytics you could get that information back, or perhaps going on their past practices, you will need to pay a fee for it. But either way, this gives more control to Google when you consider the market share Google now has on desktop Chrome and mobile browsers.