* Posts by Blartbast

4 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Jan 2014

Scam emails tell people they have cancer to trick them into installing a money-stealing Trojan


Our mail scanners have always blocked zip attachments that contain any type of executable, but we allow other content as several of our business systems send large reports zipped with passwords for smaller size and a little extra security.

Walking while texting can – OUCH! – end badly, say boffins


Pedestrian fail

I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection a few weeks ago. A young woman was crossing the street while looking at her phone.

She walked right into my right front fender, she hit hard enough that her face hit my hood. She started screaming at me for hitting HER. I started laughing so hard tears came to my eyes. She screamed something unintelligible and continued across the street and I drove away still laughing.

App to manage Android app permissions


Re: But...

Keep digging, I'm more and more convinced this is a scam.


Re: This App is a Scam and Obvious Malware

I've done some research myself and must agree with you.

I did look at it in the Play store and the shills are obvious. I reported it as well.

Gary hurt himself with his comments, and I thank him for exposing his low tactics.