* Posts by Matheus

8 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Jan 2014

Microsoft to RIP THE SHEETS off Windows 9 aka 'Threshold' in April


Re: Best Linux?

I prefer Linux Mint 13 - LTS version. People should not use these test versions like Mint 15,16 as default OS because they are just test versions. Mint 13 is the latest stable one and with great 5 years support (until spring 2017). The next LTS will be released in May 2014 (with support until spring 2019).

Use strong passwords and install antivirus, mmkay? UK.gov pushes awareness campaign


They forgot most important from the list:

USE LINUX. USE........ L.I.N.U.X------------> save money+have stable, secure operation system. Believing in Windows is like believing in Stalinism.

Slovenian jailed for creating code behind 12 MILLION strong 'Mariposa' botnet army


As you all probably know - 99,999% of all botnet machines are Windows-machines. I just wonder what historiians are telling about Windows era (1992-2010), vulnerability, malwares, spywares, crapwares, NSA and Gates.

Torvalds: Linux devs may 'cry into our lonely beers' at Christmas


I know better his father, Nils Torvalds, Finnish MEP. Most of people haven't realized so far how Linus and Richard Stallman has changed the world. Linux is now the mainstream platform ecosystem of IT world. Windows ecosystem is waning and Apple has never been good enough with supercomputers, servers etc... it's just a Cult. An American Dream.

Think about the whole chain of Linux from Raspberry to US Navy and Air Force, biggest stock market IT systems, Patriot missiles, NASA, aviation using Linux, supercomputers (95%), servers (85%). And now Linux is dominating smartphones (80%) and tablets (65%). Clearly this is just another story of evolution where Neanderthal (Microsoft) is wiped out by Modern Humans (Linux/Open Source).

Acer C720 Chromebook with Haswell battery boosting goodness


I hope to see dual-boot ChromeBook with ChromeOS and Linux Mint (or at least Ubuntu). That would be the perfect one for most of web users. ChromeBook is likely my next computer after my old 8½ years old PC (with Linux Mint/SUSE) says adios to this world.


ChromeBook will be my next computer but not with ChromeOS. I will install some other Linux distribution(s) on it: Ubuntu, Mint, SUSE or Debian likely. Now i just keep using my 8 years old former XP - now Linux HP PC.

Skype's Twitter account, blog hacked to spread anti-Microsoft messages


It was not anti-Microsoft propaganda, it was just information for all people.

Blame Silicon Valley for the NSA's data slurp... and what to do about it


The best way to make things as difficult as possible for NSA is to move to Linux and open source software. After all - Windows and Apple ecosystems are just Gulags. Don't play too close with Google too though Microsoft is the worste of all them.