* Posts by James Snowsill

6 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Jul 2007

RIAA wiped off the net

James Snowsill

Free downloading

How about doing something subtle - like inserting a press release stating that their members had decided that, as of the issue date of the press release, they would allow private peer-to-peer sharing of music tracks in mp3 format.

It would at least have made life more difficult for them in the courts!

Dino-boffins unearth another new gigantic species

James Snowsill

For Americans

For the Americans out there, especially those from the more southern states, a dinosaur is what the rest of the world calls "dragons".

Most of the rest of the world also believes that they are the fossilised (fossilized (?)) bones of creatures who lived millions of years ago; rather than a couple of thousand.

And no, we also don't believe that they were put on the earth by the devil in order to make us question the reality that God created the earth in 6 days.

An inconvenient update

James Snowsill

Geoff ...

The very reason that I use AGW as the relevant TLA. I realise now though that I should have actually spelt out what it meant (I thought that I did but may have edited out that section!).

AGW = anthropogenic global warming.

Therefore AGW believer = eco-loony

AGW denier/non-believer = oil company funded scum. :-)

It is very obvious that our climate is changing, has always changed, and, hopefully, will always change. What we need to do as AGW believers and non-believers is to debate why and how it is changing at the moment and try and come to a consensus view by persuading people one way or another (a proper one - not one that has been made up by the press and enviromental lobby groups).

The main way of doing this is by sharing data, opening up the models and being open and honest about your assumptions and calculations of forcings. Until that happens the scientific process can't work its magic.

James Snowsill


All very well and good but when they are getting their data from monitoring station like some of these: http://www.surfacestations.org/odd_sites.htm you know that it is only a matter of time until more adjustments are necessary.

Also I love the comment about lots of scientists out there working very carefully on this - especially in light of all the attacks people who don't believe in AGW. The point of having differing opinions is that it means that people need to prove one way or another - it is how science works!

Finally can you imagine the press reports and quotes from AGW believers if the results had been the other way around? A few hundredths of a degree suddenly meaning that 8 of the 10 warmest years were in the last decade with 1998 being the hottest? Now think about whether there is any press and governmental bias in this debate!

Eminem sues Apple - again

James Snowsill

Definitely a licence

I think that he has a point here as if I "buy" a song off iTunes then I haven't actually bought it as I can't do anything with it without iTune's permission; I can't sell it on and I can't play it on any player that I want.

Seems like every other software licence that I've seen then.

O2 gets UK iPhone deal

James Snowsill

Its what I've been waiting for

Sounds like everything that I want a phone to have without any of the pointless bits!

No 3G - great; first thing I did with my P990 was to switch 3G off as it sucks the battery life and makes no discernable speed / functionality difference to the average user (like come on, has anyone made a video call more than once?).

No camera - great; never used it on my phone. If I desperately need to take photos then I would prefer to use a proper camera (not that I bother with that anyway - who looks at the photos more than once?)

No MMS - Never used it; can't see the point in paying loads for sending an email with limits when I can pay less and send an email.

The only thing that I don't get is the price; I would probably pay £200 if it looked good and operated well (but don't tell O2 that as I will be pushing for £100).