* Posts by StereoStokey

5 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Apr 2013

EE...K: Why can't I uninstall carrier's sticky 'Free Games' app?


HTC One on EE as well

It's not only Samsung and EE... I've got that rubbish on my HTC One as well. Lucky me!

Facebook tests sinister CURSOR-TRACKING in hunt for more ad bucks



Oh, you mean like many other sites are already doing, using solutions like Crazy Egg? Not exactly a conspiracy...

German engineers demo ROBOT APE


Mini AT-AT?

Make it bigger, put some armor and laser cannons on it, and we're done!

Review: Nokia Lumia 720


Re: Sounds nice...

Yes, because Google or Apple would never put profit before customer interests. Their altruism makes me weep. Sometimes. Silently. At night. Alone.

There hasn't been much innovation on iPhone since 2007, and while I do like Android it seems that Google and its OEMs are trying to set new standards in feature creep.

WinPhone8, at least, dares do something a bit different, and it works for me. Which does not make it perfect of course. There are a number of annoying aspects to it... browser navigation, volume controls, etc. come to mind.

Maggie Thatcher: The Iron Lady who saved us from drab Post Office mobes


And Hitler...

... gave Germany cheap cars and Autobahns to drive them really really fast. It's not all bad, hey.