* Posts by JaneDoe

2 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Mar 2013

Corporate IT bod? Show 'em what it costs and management WILL pay

IT Angle

An external provider's job is to milk you, IT's job is to make things work

An external provider can do the same thing IT does, while charging you more than if you paid the staff yourself, so they make a profit while paying the same staff you would have otherwise paid, as well as paying their marketers. Now instead of rising and falling with you, the people who own your data are interested in their own profit, not yours. Staff at external service providers is rewarded for costing you money, not saving you money like your IT staff is. An IT department that starts acting like an external service provider, not members of an organization is bound to fail. Everyone needs people to fix broken things and make things work, which is what IT should be doing.

Which qualifications are worthwhile?


Re: An update to the OP

If you're interested in learning linux, the best place to start is by running linux as your primary desktop for a while, and troubleshooting whenever you run into issues. For educational purposes Fedora or Debian is best, although other distros (like Mint) are easier for beginners if you get lost with those.