* Posts by steven W. Scott

39 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jan 2007

Cyber security: Do the experts need letters after their name?

steven W. Scott

Ah, but that is precisely the point

Creative, curious, bright and eager children have a tendancy to grow into market changers - This is anathema to institutions which by far prefer to control and maintain continuity in the marketspace.

Limited roles and market fragility are desired by government and industry. With narrowly defined roles salary demands are regulated, and planned obsolecence allows the discarding of IT related personnel to reduce pension/benifit/longevity costs. Having experienced this at least three times in my career, roughly every ten years or so, I am not so sure that I'm just being cynical. Lots of friends accompanied me, and I fear I may never know what four weeks of vacation is like.

After 30+ years in the field, the breadth of my knowledge across all major platforms is a rarity, but when I seek employment, I must choose only one area of expertise. Do I want to sling web java? .Net? CICS/VTAM sysprog? Unix/Linux admin? MVS Assm/Cobol dev? Devops/automation engineer? CyberSec engineer? Do I get free blinders with that?

It is, after all, a business's perogative and duty to do the things necessary to reduce costs as much as possible, but when government and business collude with higher education to cattle-drive the masses into unfulfilling existences of drudgery and boredom, society rots as a whole. Sure, some people are just fine living with those parameters, but those who look for more, who thrive on creativity, challenge and knowledge, are the most frustrated of all, and at the age of 11, these are the ones who should be nurtured the most. Instead, we teach them about the box we made ourselves, and how they can get in it and be all safe and warm and cozy inside. Forever!

The labels are there to represent the young prospect's confirmity to having eaten, lived, and slept in the box for at least a few months and maybe years. There is no class or test that can imbue talent or extrodinary ability. You're either born with it, or you're not. When we devise educational programs that actually minimize exceptionalism, we do us all a disservice. The age of inventors will sorely be missed.

Zero-knowledge proof crypto scheme divines truths from nothing

steven W. Scott


you don't exist either. I need no proof.

Apple: We'll tailor Swift to be a fast new programming language

steven W. Scott

Rejoice Peasants!

Verily, that which causeth our exile from Eden now blesses our bosoms with perfectification of language! Cast thy evil Java and C/C++ from thy houses, and stand with thy master Apple in righteousness! Let the Trinity of P's (Python/Perl/PHP) be cast down as derision!

*...(dry hacking cough from third pew)...*

Yeah, indeed, cast thy Google and Windows transgressions into the fire, lest they cause you more sin. The language of thy master Apple shall fall like coins, shimmering gold in the light, falling from thy wallet wherever ye may be found, so all may know ye as the people of thy master Apple. Rejoice indeed!

*... (Choir sings hymn "Bringing in the Sheep")...*








Cheat Win XP death: Your handy guide to keeping snubbed operating system ticking over

steven W. Scott

You Cretin Pigs!

Why would you exploit a Windows oversight just to keep running.... *.gasp.* FREE SOFTWARE!!!!!!


The gift of Grace: COBOL's odyssey from Vietnam to the Square Mile

steven W. Scott

COBOL: The language for those who like to type

Triple storage requirements, six times the codepath, constant BALR/BAKR action driving page-faults?


Most 'cloud' traffic never sees the cloud: Cisco

steven W. Scott


a cloud is mostly formed by hot air

Is social networking good for anything more than cat pics?

steven W. Scott

Linkedin: A wasteland of recruiters and embelishment

Deleted my Linkedin acct nearly three years ago - for some strange reason tho, my password still found its way into the hacked list released 6-8 months ago. During the time my account was active (5 years or so) it provided no value to me whatsoever, unless value could be attributed to receiving solicitations for employment in some foreign country at laughable pay.

Content is king on the web, and if the substance of the content is questionable or lacking completely (ie, The CEO of multimillion dollar business "Informationen Technologie-Design" is actually a distant cousin living on welfare), then the visitors aren't returning, and besides, a hiring manager will still want an interview or some more concrete method of evaluating a prospect for employment consideration than a self-evaluation from a social site. Geocities anyone?

Google's JavaScript assassin: Web languages are harder than VMs

steven W. Scott

All your web are belong to us

"By borrowing from C++ and Java, the idea is Dart is familiar yet even easier and quicker to code in, and should generate fewer bugs – called side effects."


How to build a perfect private cloud with Windows Server 2012

steven W. Scott


MS? H.A.? Fault tolerant?


Security! Please escort the salesman out of building.

Wind, solar could provide 99.9% of ALL POWER by 2030

steven W. Scott


.....an earth friendly way to charge my flying car the prophets told me about in 1973

How IT bosses turned the tables on our cushy consultancy gigs

steven W. Scott

Hi, my name is Bob, and I am a data processing programmer

The primary goals set forth in the boardrooms of the 80's were: reduce the cost of techies, and shed the long-term employees to reduce retirement benefit liabilities. Since I entered the IT arena in 1981, I have been shown the door roughly every 10 years either due to buyouts, outsourcing, or downsizing. During this time IT shops methodically moved from creative development shops - which incidentally, requires more expertise and therefore, expense - to operations and maintenance type shops, with the effort concentrated on installing, configuring and operating pre-built vendor software as the legacy in-house systems were retired. As those systems were retired, so too were the old-timers who built them.

So now most IT jobs seek merely tools for tools, and the IT execs have traded dependency on certain key IT employees to dependency on some 3rd party vendor's sale and support force, a definite loss of control when attempting to match business requirements to the capabilities of the existing software, and while the average salary may be lower, the number of employees required has increased due to the care, feeding, and burping that most IT software products require.

It's kind of fitting that they are now beholden to the same sort of dollar squeezers they have been. Hope they enjoy the ride!

Microsoft: Just swallow this tablet ... the rest will take care of itself

steven W. Scott

Re: "Microsoft actually writes fantastic software"

Ummmmm..... for one, you have to actually know what you're doing rather than depending on bloated crutch-ware which simply reduces the knowledge set required to write a program to pre-MCSE level. I love watching VS/.net types when confronted with ANY other OS/IDE/language environment; that deer-in-headlights look, that anger over the realization that they don't know jack, and then the mumbling about how great VS is as they walk away in complete denial of the fact they have little to no understanding of the internal workings of any computer system.

All they extra "stuff" VS shoves in and around your code? Don't worry about it; it's very important but too complex for you Scooter. No. Really. Don't look at it. And don't worry about that extra 25% in compiled module size. Its completely necessary. How exactly do you get VS to work for other languages/environments such as PERL, btw? Got PHP? Brightscript? Android plugins/emulators/development? No? Didn't think so.

Linux on ARM breakthrough to take away Torvalds' arse pain

steven W. Scott


if they didn't dick around, they wouldn't be engineers now, would they?

Edgy penguins test-fly Ubuntu's Quantal Quetzal

steven W. Scott

Canonical EOL on my unit

Canonical continues to move further and further away from it's Debian base, if for no other reason than to be different. I cant stand what they did with runlevels and startup, and the new UI SUCKS. What, we're supposed to remember all the names and functions of our installed apps by icons? Isn't that how the Chinese alphabet got started?

WTF is with these vendors who think a PC that works like a phone is going to be sooooo badass? I write code. I create media. I custom build software packages. I want a command line, not some flashy, inaccurate and poorly responsive touch panel to sooth dull minds.

I still haven't upgraded my Lucid 10.04 laptop, but when I do, I can assuredly say it will not be a Canonical distro. Debian makes a pretty nice desktop these days, and I've been thinking about giving Slackware a spin.

One desktop to rule them all, eh? Good luck with that. What's that proverb.... something about eggs in one basket....

Curiosity needs OS upgrade before getting down to science

steven W. Scott

Re: 2 Gig?

is HUGE when you're writing in assembler

Facebook's new Open Compute V2 servers

steven W. Scott



Amazon turns A9 search engine into a cloud service

steven W. Scott

1 point in Horseshoes

Huge untapped market, but methinks few will choose to cloud their data.

LinkedIn whips out begging cap, asks for $500m

steven W. Scott

Severence packages....

can cost hundreds of millions. Linkedin is crap, peeps are only on it because the think they need to b on it. A useless recruiter, demo stat, and spam tool. Much better ways to market biz and yourself. I predict Linkedin will soon be Linkedout of the interwebs.

600,000 hacks a day, welcome to Facebook

steven W. Scott

Spider Sense,.... tingling......

Danger of BS very near.....

When I pop in or out of TOR, and also at times on my mobile, FB creeps out and drops into "suspicious hacking" mode. My guess is +1 to "hack attempts" every time someone's IP addr changes while actively logged in to FB. I could see how that would run up the tab, but it's fairly meaningless.

IBM big iron OSes treated to spit and polish

steven W. Scott


Why is IBM so inept at marketing it's best products, and so astute at marketing IT services, which they do so poorly?

Integrating Windows with a z/OS cluster is like the Queen wearing jewelry from a Cracker Jacks box.

MS to WinXP diehards: Just under 3 more years' support

steven W. Scott

Time to buy new hardware!

Everytime I change Win versions, I have to change hardware because it's obsoleted. Meanwhile, my Linux systems still lovingly talk to old hardware that Windows forgot about 15 years ago. Why is that? Collusion between MS and HW vendors? Think of how many scanners and printers did not really need to be replaced. Embracing the future doesn't mean dumping the past, except in Orwell's "1984".

My wife, mom, grandma, grandpa and cousins are all getting pretty sick of the routine too, and each time I show them my free Ubuntu function flawlessly in all the tasks they perform, they drool a little harder.

MS, like IBM, will continue to price and license their products away from the market.

I have Win 7. I hate Win 7. I hate the varying degree of straight-jackets the Win7 offerings "feature", the unimaginative plagiarized GUI, the condescending "You're an idiot" stance the OS takes towards the user and lack of visibility into the "magical, mysterious" system that is much too complex for mere mortals to understand. I hate that some moronic marketeer keeps telling them that new releases are "totally cool!" when they completely restructure where typical system administration and facilities are found and called - "Otherwise, how will the stupid users know it's a new release?"

The only reason I boot into 7 is the very rare times when I want to watch TV on my laptop because there's no linux driver for the tuner yet (thanks Dell) - and I rarely watch TV normally so you can call that a twice a year venture.

MS - 30 years of wasted time and hardware. If only 1980 could have begun with Debian.

Facebook Places - why, and why not

steven W. Scott

GPS is a bit invasive, but....

you IP alone already provides enough to pinpoint you pretty close to home

IBM's zEnterprise 196 CPU: Cache is king

steven W. Scott

Not everybody needs a locomotive

Beauty chip. It all comes down to how much data you need to move, and nothing moves data like a mainframe.

IBM: 'We'll double profits by 2015'

steven W. Scott

Um, ...... yeah.

Cant see how their inept marketeers and sleazy weasel service managers can pump the public sector more, & private sector prospects are pretty tight these days and for the foreseeable future. Baghdad Bob award?

Twitter: It's the end of the sysadmin as we know it

steven W. Scott

old is new!

I have received a vision.... .workload management! :o

Attack code for Firefox zero-day goes wild, says researcher

steven W. Scott

Need more input

It would be nice to know a little more about the mechanics of the exploit.

steven W. Scott

It's not the language

It's the programmer.

Windows 7's dirty secrets revealed

steven W. Scott

I wish I was linux, I wish I was linux, I wish I was linux....

Even though they seem to finally be grasping the benefit and competitive advantages of a modular architecture, I can't imagine MS will ever eliminate the precluding dependencies without ultimately compounding it and obfuscating the architecture, if only to prevent the possibility that a third party may develop a much more efficient and reliable modular component.

The "memory game" workaround is most concerning, and I can only deduce that memory creep will again be a major issue with Win7, not to mention the remote possibility of disastrous results as program A, which would normally crash on access to previously unallocated memory, now obtains whatever value may have been there and uses it as, say, a disk write address. One never knows whether that bit of code that didn't get executed before is OK to run now with "assistance". If the developer is unable to properly manage memory, it is quite reasonable to expect that there may be other issues within the code. It appears to me that attempting to make an app more reliable has the potential to make the OS less reliable.

Still, appreciate very much Mark's straightforwardness. Perhaps this is a new era for Microsoft.

What does a server environment look like anyway?

steven W. Scott

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

Yes, we have a pristine, camera friendly "data center" with latest and greatest racking, overhead cabling, and environmental controls chock full of high density blades. And then there's the rest of the data center, which occupies the other 2 thirds of the building; a hodgepodge of Fuji, Solaris, Z-series, ATLs, SAN arrays, under-tile mish-mash of cables , Wintel farm, P690 AIX boxes, tape devices and networking equipment, all of which handle the lions share of the processing that occurs.

Hoaxed US Chamber thumps pranksters with blunt instrument

steven W. Scott

The REAL fraud is...

Climate change itself. Show me a world without climate change and I'll show you a dead planet. Morons.

Try these beans: Business Service Management

steven W. Scott

BSM? Wait, doesn't BPEL do that?

Ah, yes. The elusive "End-user experience". Synthetic transactions tests? embedded metric collection within the app like A.R.M.? External passive monitoring? Good luck trying to explain the nuances, pros and cons of each to your executive management, and also that they'll probably need to buy something, but it won't necessarily provide Business Services Management.

Then they'll look at you and say, "but we're deploying everything in BPEL now!", and you'll sigh.

If you're a typical shop you have multiple tools from multiple vendors collecting most of the underlying data necessary to accomplish BSM, but where to do the management? Most BSM solutions provided by vendors are part of a larger suite (usually purchased for the best-of-breed, point solution "X" but hey, you get this other cool stuff at a discount!) and integrate with your other vendor software poorly or not at all, leaving important data out of the overall service representation. Several products claim to provide BSM capabilities via some sort of dashboard, but upon closer inspection don't really allow weighting of metrics and application of differing algorithms against underlying metrics to derive service state, critical in large-scale clustered environments.

Implementation is a labor intensive process as you begin to normalize the underlying data and represent these metrics as part of the application architecture, in some cases using other tools and system forensics to complete the picture for legacy apps where the institutional knowledge has long since left the building.

Finally, unless your organization has a fairly solid ITIL implementation, you can expect to spend the remainder of your time maintaining these business views for applications which change often. A good ITIL implementation will allow you to automatically populate and update the business models based on attributes and information defined within you change management/change process system.

Oh, did I mention patience? You'll need lots of that. :)


Automated out of existence?

steven W. Scott

People, droids, PCs and delusions #3

Here, Here! And let us not forget the software vendors who prey on the misconceptions and confusion, pushing suite solutions which might only provide one or two high quality point solutions and the rest is mediocre fluff which doesn't integrate well with existing systems, or not at all. Buy one product to make you SOA, another and you've got ITIL! Is there no end to the madness?

Facebook knuckle-raps Intel, AMD

steven W. Scott


40,000 virtual ZLinux systems running under ZVM on one Zseries box. Power issue solved.

'I can see dinosaurs from my back porch'

steven W. Scott

You'd prefer science as religion?

Like most religious zealots, you make your case with the assumption that all you claim is indeed proven. Is it still not the "Theory of Evolution"? Certainly there are precepts of Darwin's theory that have validity, and others that do not, or have not yet been verified scientifically.

A particular species which grows larger and stronger due to an abundant and high quality food source in it's environment is not at conflict here, it's the concept that a particular species, confronted with a particular challenge, suddenly begins some quasi-conscious self modification to meet that challenge (grow legs, wings, etc..), as if a dog breeder can eventually "evolve" a long-necked dog by placing it's and it's progeny's food bowl at an unnaturally high position relative to the dog. Absurd.

That, combined with a complete dismissal of any other possible explanation for diversity in species, including that of creationism, is where your religion of science begins. Science questions everything, including it's own probable conclusions.

Facing up to parallelism

steven W. Scott

Been there, done that.

It's called "re-entrant" code. Had your boffins spent any time in the big iron mainframe world you'd know it's been in place since the mid 70's. Why is it that the micro-heads always think they've come up with something new when it's been in place for over a quarter century in the mainframe world?

Ditto for workload management. Cutting edge in the micro world, but old-hat on the mainframes.

It's a shame that the cultural and "religious" differences between mainframers and micro-heads prevents building upon previous knowledge like you normally see in any other scientific discipline. Tsk, Tsk.......

Mainframe now obsolete for data warehousing

steven W. Scott

What the chicken farmers don't say.....

What I've noticed is that whenever someone attempts to sell you on the idea that 1000 chickens is better than 1 ox to pull your load, they never mention the fact that it takes a considerably larger enclosure and power to house 1000 chickens, whereas the OX only takes up one stall and eats far less.

I've seen the p690s come in and the blades in a shop which is primarily z/series based - we're now out of both space and power due to the exorbant infrastructure requirements created by these "modern" platforms.

Sad thing is, they could be running 10,000 virtual linux "chickens" on the z/series box, and save a hell of a lot of money.

IPCC report: no surprises, not much hope either

steven W. Scott


It's truly disturbing when the science community begins distorting evidence and ignoring facts to support their premise, namely that man is responsible for global warming. What about:

* - The sun is warmer .. and all of these scientists don't seem to be willing to credit a warmer sun with any of the blame for global warming.

* - The polar ice caps on Mars are melting. How did our CO2 emissions get all the way to Mars?

* - It was warmer in the 1930s across the globe than it is right now.

* - It wasn't all that long ago that these very same scientists were warning us about "global cooling" and another approaching ice age.

* - How much has the earth warmed up in the last 100 years? One degree. Now that's frightening.

* - That famous "hockey stick" graph that purports to show a sudden warming of the earth in the last few decades is a fraud. It ignored previous warming periods ... left them off the graph altogether.

* - The Kyoto accords exempt some of the world's biggest CO2 polluters, including China and India.

* - Many of these scientists who are sounding the global warming scare depend on grant money for their livelihood, and they know the grant money dries up when they stop preaching the global warming sermon.

* - Global warming "activists" and scientists seek to punish those who have different viewpoints. If you are sure of your science you have no need to shout down or seek to punish those who disagree.

* - What happened to the Medieval Warm Period? In 1996 the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a chart showing climatic change over a period of 1000 years. This graph showed a Medieval warming period in which global temperatures were higher than they are today. In 2001 the IPCC issued another 1000 year graph in which the Medieval warming period was missing. Why?

* - Why has one scientist promoting the cause of man-made global warming been quoted as saying "we have to get rid of the medieval warming period?"

* - Why is the ice cap on the Antarctic getting thicker if the earth is getting warmer?

* - In the United State, the one country with the most accurate temperature measuring and reporting records, temperatures have risen by 0.3 degrees centigrade over the past 100 years. The UN estimate is twice that.

* - There are about 160,000 glaciers around the world. Most have never been visited or measured by man. The great majority of these glaciers are growing, not melting.

* - Side-looking radar interferometry shows that the ice mass in the West Antarctic is growing at a rate of over 26 gigatons a year. This reverses a melting trend that had persisted for the previous 6,000 years.

* - The sea levels have been rising since the last ice age ended. That was 12,000 years ago. Estimates are that in that time the sea level has risen by over 300 feet. The rise in our sea levels has been going on long before man started creating anything but natural CO2 emissions.

* - Like Antarctica, the interior of Greenland is gaining ice mass.

* - Over the past 3,000 years there have been five different extended periods when the earth was measurably warmer than it is today.

* - During the last 20 years -- a period of the highest carbon dioxide levels -- global temperatures have actually decreased. That's right ... decreased.

* - Why did a reporter from National Public Radio refuse to interview David Deming, an associate professor at the University of Oklahoma studying global warming, after his testimony to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee unless Deming would state that global warming was being caused by man?

* - Why are global warming proponents insisting that the matter is settled and that no further scientific research is needed? Why are they afraid of additional information?

* -On July 24, 1974 Time Magazine published an article entitled "Another Ice Age?" Here's the first paragraph:

"As they review the bizarre and unpredictable weather pattern of the past several years, a growing number of scientists are beginning to suspect that many seemingly contradictory meteorological fluctuations are actually part of a global climatic upheaval. However widely the weather varies from place to place and time to time, when meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing. Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age."

* - Why do nearly ALL meterologists discredit man-made global warming and immediately refer to the sun's increased output?

Malware: Windows is only part of the problem

steven W. Scott

Sloppy application programmers......

Just another case of sloppy app programmers..."Length and Error checking? The system takes care of that while I can concentrate on my beautiful code!".....

Adopt and adapt better than rip and replace...

steven W. Scott

1 Oxen or 1000 beavers?

Nice to see people are starting to realize that those "nasty old mainframes" aren't so bad after all. It's really amazing how over the years the Wintel/Solaris marketeers have cast such an impression of leprosy on large-scale, mainframe business systems, when the truth of the matter is that each platform has it's own unique strengths, and when properly exploited, compliment each other with suprisingly positive results. Even more prevalent than IMS, CICS(Customer Information Control System), or Transaction Server as it is now called, is widely used in Government, Hospitals, and the privates sector as it is probably the most robust and reliable transaction processor currently availble, however, it's shortcoming is it's user interface, primarily 3270 green screen but IBM added web capabilities 15 years ago, yet nonetheless it is still clunky and cumbersome to develop green screens or web pages underneath. What has resulted is the trend of using of MQ as the SOA "service bus" for application components on the various platforms is growing, as it makes it relatively easy to leverage disparate systems and architectures into a unified, effective and efficient solution. After all, The beavers do a great job of felling the trees, but you're going to want the Ox to pull the wagon.