* Posts by DCID 6/3

3 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Oct 2012

Ten serious sci-fi films for the sentient fan

DCID 6/3
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Re: Where's the....

the BOOK millennium was very good, the Move was VERY BAD! if you had never read the book it was a confusing, long, and difficult to follow movie. I know I saw it AND I had read the book. my wife and I for years used that movie as the benchmark for BAD MOVIE.

DCID 6/3

No Soylent green? no Alien? you picked Zardoz over those two?

Engineer designs glass slipper on Quora

DCID 6/3

Glas Slippers and Clarke's Law

OK, first the slippers were"magic" because it was a fairy godmother that whipped them up, so even though the original story probably had the slippers as something other than glass. lets say for the argument, that they were a transparent glass like substance like Aluminium oxynitride or AlON. this is often called Transparent aluminum. (not kidding, look it up yourself and ignore the Star Trek references) this substance seems to be quite capable of doing the job. is't very expensive, but hey the Fairy Godmother had invested wisely...

once you let the thought outside of the box , it can go anywhere!