* Posts by Rob2621

6 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2012

BOFH: Mmm, gotta love me some fresh BYOD dog roll


Dog Roll

Doll role in in New Zealand is basically bulk dog food sold in a large plastic skin - about 5 inches in diametre and about a foot and half long, im not sure whats in it - but our dog wont touch the stuff...

BOFH: On the contrary, we LOVE rebranding here at the IT dept


Working in a Uni in the UK a 'few' years back...

When I worked in a uni, my boss didn't want us called IT any more, so we sat around trying to think of a new title for us. Various names were bandied about and I Suggested "Computer Users Network Technical Specialists"

My boss at the time loved the title and wanted it painted on the door immediately, but unfortunately a junior of mine (a rather attractive young lady) said 'No Roy, no way am I going into an office with him and saying "Hello we are a pair of C#NTS"

Strange - the meeting got broken up and we remained as the IT department

Your kids' chances of becoming programmers? ZERO


Wow! how I remember that telytype machine with acoustic coupler to the polytechnic

I remember it fondly as it got me out of writing a few thousand lines for a geography teacher

a few lines of basic and 1/2 a role of paper

Lines done...

somehow I dont my kids could get away with that now...

Bother! Breakdown busts bloke's bold boffin-blasted briny boat balloon bid


'An' IT Manager

So the question being....

1. Why did we only send one IT 'Manager' aloft

2. Why on earth wasn't it my manager?

3. Why didn't I have a rifle to pop the balloons...

Tell me why I don't like Moon days: Bob Geldof heads into SPAAACE


First Irishman in space? That's got to be wrong...

I swear that was Mr Leary at No.8 who tried to repair his gas cooker...

Hams: We're good in a disaster – UK Radio Society boss


Ex G1ZXG and MFL49

Mr Torx

How can you claim that radio amateurs have have a aversion to computers?

So Packet radio, RTTY, Amtor and a whole raft of other protocols that require computers to communicate is an aversion?

I suggest that you look into this a touch further OM