* Posts by chazChance

4 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jul 2012

Move over Raspberry Pi, give kids a Radio Ham Pi - minister

Black Helicopters

Re: Not as good idea as it sounds...

I bought my daughter one of those push-it-together electronic kits a year ago, when she was five.

She hasn't designed anything new, but she has come up with a few innovative uses for the circuits in the kit. My favourite is a set of alternating flashing leds under some tissue paper to simulate a camp fire in a forest diorama.

Most new stuff in this world is really stuff that isn't new being used or combined in new ways. DAB, for instance, is a combination of digitisation, compression, and wireless radio; nothing there that is less than forty years old. Modern innovators such as Sinclair and Dyson found fame and fortune by making new things out of stuff that already existed, used differently.

This is what children should be learning; how to make better use of what we have. When they reach the limits of what is available to them (by which time they won't be children anymore) then they will naturally look towards making something new.


Re: Not as good idea as it sounds... Hey teacher!

Maybe their attention span reflects your teaching ability.

I went to school. I remember that some teachers would hold the class attention for the most boring of subjects, and some couldn't for the most interesting.

Some kids (not many in my experience) may be unable to hold their attention on something for long and some may take a little longer to pick things up, but the clue is that you said "they are all", which makes the teacher the only common denominator.

Finally, HOW DARE YOU call any child "thick"!

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Re: Computer club

Sam, your style of teaching would fit well in a montessori style school.


There are only a few schools in the UK that use this style of education, and competition for places in them is fierce, because of the above average results.

If I had access to serious money I would fund you...


Re: Aint guna fly in the inner cities, not cool enough

Hook up a Rasp Pi with the right codecs between the decks and the transmitter and you have a Pirate DAB station!

Now that's cool and tech all in one!