* Posts by sciguybm

5 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Apr 2012

KABOOM! Billionaire fingers dud valve in ROCKET WIBBLE PRANG BLAST


Hey Elon

Just because you're a rich f*** doesn't mean you can shower the oceans with your toxic rocket crap. I and my family eat the products coming from those oceans and we don't want rocket fuel, radioactive and toxic compounds in them.... QUIT. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to foul our planet just because you say so.

Higgs boson even more likely to actually be Higgs boson - boffins


Now they're SURE its a Higgs Boson......in an even increasing vain attempt to make man the sole center of the universe... how small men must be.

Like Einstein's "nothing can go faster than the speed of light" (equally ridiculous) man keeps putting himself at the pinnacle.

Sure, they can say whatever they want to say thinking it impossible for anyone to prove differently.

Hey: how about alittle humility humanity?

WET SPOT found on MARS: NASA rover says 'high percentage'


"just heat and drink"

really. just heat and drink... why do you all think we are morons?

First: what OTHER chemicals are there?

Second: 1 in 50, so "heat & drink" yields what, 500 gallons of water until all used up?

Third: sending AN astronaut? a few dozen and the "heat & drink" theory gets alittle overworked.

No, this is just continued hype for sending earthlings to Mars paid for by someone's, anyone's, budget.



are our researchers dumber today than 50 years ago?

I am appalled at the level of idiocy that passes for 'research" and "researchers" today.

Maybe it is just me, maybe the media edits wordage to "get the point across" or something because I am just dumbstruck at what passes for peer-reviewed research today.

The premise: "....Boffins have discovered that "lethally hot" ocean temperatures kept the Earth devoid of life for millions of years ..." is so without merit that it lacks any note what-so-ever, let alone publication, let alone grants or financing.

It is like saying, without any real proof; "solar flares wiped the earth clean of life 5.5 billion years ago and could do it again..."


PLANET-SWAP shock: Stars grabbed dirtballs from other clusters



"boffins" says it all........ so how would our esteemed "boffins" have any idea this might have happened? I mean really; we don't even know what happened in this solar system much less ANY system anywhere....

This is exactly what we have become today: any "boffin" anywhere saying anything they want because they can.

boffin = idiot.