* Posts by Bleu

860 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Jun 2012


Burger-rage horse dumps on McDonald's: Rider saddled with fat fine


Re: Horselover Fat?

Can't see a VALIS connection, but re. the Damn Horses thread, the part (and scene in the great movie) of A Scanner Darkly where Barris feeds Arctor worse than usual substance D (because cut with something else nasty), after having sabotaged Arctor's car is relevant.

Arctor opens the bonnet and smells dogshit.

Lord, I hate dog owners who leave the crap from their pets all over the place, evidently sniggering at the thought of someone later stepping in it, they so closely resemble the arseholes who plant chewed chewing gum on public transport seats.

Catshit also has a seriously horrid stench, but the patterns of the 'domestic' cat are such that one only has to suffer that stench when visitlng one of the many cat lovers who appear to enjoy livlng in a miasma of cat excreta.

Horses are quite tolerable on those terms, being in a stable or even mucking out are not stomach-churning experiences.


Re: Damn horses

Understand, the point, but you must be joking. Dogshit, while less noisome than that of some humans (presumably living on rancid fat, meat, and sugar, thus leaving a toilet smelling like they dropped a dead rat from the arse) has a revolting stench and, unlike humans, many have moronic bipedal owners who get their jollies from encouraging their pet to crap anywhere and sniggering at the thought of the poor bastard who'll later step in it.

Cat is revolting, too, although many cat owners appear to love it, but that is only a problem if you visit one of the many cat lovers who enjoy the stench of catshit.

Horse is quite tolerable.

European Space Agency goes for mostly solid Ariane 6


Re: Space!

Nice and informative article from Mr. Page.

These private-sector space ventures are anything but, Musk's efforts and ambititions are admirable and all, but the reality is massive handouts from the state.

X prize was the precedent, the winning entry was from a massively US defense-subsidised company, and was reliant on tech derived from that. I enjoyed the video at the time, also love the pilot, and the shuttlecock concept, but their team should have been disqualified as totally reliant on the govt.

Put up your ... err ... hand for free vasectomy streamed online


Re: I had the snip...

Lovely line from you.

... but more than a little shocked by the number of commentards who've had the procedure and want to post abt it, oh well, replacement will ensue, nature abhors a vacuum and far less responsible folk rush to fill it right now.


Re: Sadly, a decade to late

In another decade or two, your progeny will be all the more harshly confronted by those more determined to breed like rabbits; and no, I am not of the school that pretends Erlich's long ago writing had no validity, though overstated for the time, his conclusions will in the end come to pass.

Those who have irresponsibly been breeding like rabbits will breifly inherit control until all becomes unsustainable, or at least irreparably broken.

Don't think it will be in my lifetime, but certainly well before the middle of the next century.

Meanwhile, we have a stream of commentards being displaced by the rabbit-like breeding people centering the discussion on the extent to which self-emasculation (and purely for sex free of responsibilty)hurt.

Dubya: I introduced PRISM and I think it's pretty swell


Re: First political dissident

Sorry, I am extremely well read, history to philosopy and lit. to tech.. my major I suppose,& c.

Sure a little too sauced to write at length right now, but you may well do worse than to broaden the horizons you so clearly showed to be so narrow in your earlier posts by *doing just a little reading*.


Re: W

Perhaps the set here doesn't translate to the wider world. Off topic, but a screenshot might be fun.

Viva Edward


Re: First political dissident

`us who admire the best of it would not stoop to such an ignorant stance.'

Suppose I'd better not post from the phone when overly sauced, preview takes too long.

Client-side prob.

Delish , u must eat it!


First political dissident

Wow. another who needs more than a little remedial reading.

*So on this basis Snowden is the US of A's first political dissident*

Those of who admire the best of it would not stoop to such an ignorant, try reading a few books if you have the patience.


Re: Come on you lot...

Whoops, missed a wordor two there.

`not such yet are forcibly accepted as such.'


Re: Come on you lot...

What rubbish, Titus Technophobe, although I wouldn't wish you living in an area dominated by fake `asylum seekers' who just turn up, spout any bullshit, and get free legal aid at the taxpayer's expense, and for greatly self-righteous and self-enriching lawyers. Every English-speaking nation, and most western Europe nations, have similar systems. The US and UK go a little further, automatically offering residence to enemies of places they want to piss off, or just be terrorized by.

A precise list is easy to make.

Like you it seems, the lawyers don't have to live with the situations they create, expense accounts and the ability to ride taxis or limos everywhere keeps them away from the pain they inflict on the hoi polloi.

Snowden is now a genuine political refugee, interesting how much shakier his situation of those who are patently not yet are accepted as such.



Anyone paying attention already knew there was a reliably rumoured deal between Google and the NSA, albeit not the scope of the whole programme.

I've found Edward's other revelations more hilarious and revelatory.

After decades of whining about having to tear down and rebuild the Moscow embassy because of Soviet bugs, turns out that they treat their *allies* even worse.

Ecuador denies granting asylum, safe passage to Snowden

Black Helicopters

Re: AC 'The US would be better off monitoring its secret services rather than its allies'


I enjoy a lot of your posts, disagree with some but love free speech.

Said, are you not aware that the main facilator (and encourager) of the Greek govt's profligacy and money shuffling is a major New York City `investment bank' with a large degree of responsibiliy for the GFC *and* a big-time Obama campaign donor?

How odd that they've not, and never will be, called to account for any of it.


Re: The London connection again.

You may benefit from a slightly more expansive reading of history.

BTW, the term you want is `populist' not `popularist', and it doesn't apply to even one of the historical villains you name.

Schwarzenegger says 'I'll be back' for Terminator 5 reboot


Outer Limits

Do you know the title?


Re: Meh

I am an idiot.

Some of the several driving scenes feature back projection or the digital equivalent.

Forgot because Cinefex didn't mention it.


Re: Meh

The nuclear explosions sequence in T3 is matte painting.

One reason I thought it rather great was the relatively low reliance on CG.

The crew used *all* of the old techniques (with the possible exception of back projection) to great effect.

On that score, prolly not to be repeated any time soon.


Re: Wow...

Consider the Starship Troopers sequel, largely shot in the dark to SAVE MONEY.


Re: you people really need to give arnold some credit!

Nothlng worng with my spelling.

The icon should start with `very arcane' for this.

Seriously, negative opinions on T3 seem to be based on concensus reality rather than tne movie itself.

T1 was an lnstant cult ciassic, 2 and 3 were both enjoyable exploitations of that.

Hell, 3 even has a lovely tribute to the original Django, may well have been the real inspiration for the recent crappy remake.

Black Helicopters

Re: "how the hell can there be Independence Day 2"

Best, at least only interesting thing about lIndependence Day was the gay (as ln sexual preferece) walking style of Messrs Goldblum and Smith.

If you didn't catch it the first time, watch it again and see.

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Re: Hollywood is lazy

Don't you thlnk that is the plan?


Re: Like there never was a matrix 2 and 3

Wow, a confusing topic.

T3 cheated on the story line, sure and all, but it was a bloody good movie, particularly in comparisom with the Matrix crapquels releasad around the same time.

Great use of miniatures?


Plot not brain-dead.


Great matte art?


... and so on.

TSalvation on the other hand, what a piece of shite. I walked out of the cinema well before the end, asked for my money back, not expecting and not receiving.

After some on-line disinfo, sat through the bits I'd walked out on at the cinema, confirmed that it was a prize turkey and a misuse of Mr. Bale.

More sequels?

Likely the same level of crap.

Planetary data merge shows three Earth-like planets in close star system

Black Helicopters

Re: Why Bother with Planets?

So from where does the energy to drive a large object with thick rock walls into interstellar space come?

Without the sudden discovery or gift (neither very likely IMHO) of a new technique to get immense spatial displacement for little cost in energy. it has to be incremental, until people can at least work out how to run a viable and largely non-dependent outpost under the relatively known and benign conditions of Mars.

Meanwhile, thanks to a large and irresponsible arc from Afghanistan, throgh Bangladesh to South Africa, and, including India, the exponential population growth continues apace, as does the profligate waste by the privileged everywhere (stand up Al Gore, the Google management, and UAE high-ups on this point, just as three choice examples, the reader's own wealthier neighbours might do just as well).

Population of 8,000 million is not far off.

There will be a breaking point, when it is clearly visible and how much remains possible after that is impossible to predict, to paraphrase Lovelock, if this situation collapses, no sites will have oil bubbling to the surface, no readily extractable bodies of metal will remain.

Sure and all, garbage mining will have its day.

Good luck with getting out into the solar system after the human population hits say, 10 or 11 thousand million, neither too distant if present trends continue, and there's nary a hint that they won't.

Black Helicopters

Re: Why Bother with Planets?

BTW, don't take my comment in the wrong way, I'm strongly in favour of humanity making viable habitats off our our still-lovely home world, but three factors remain insurmountable:

radation and protection against that

no closed human-made ecosystem so far has survived for long (yes, I am aware that somewith exclusively aquatic organisms, and a very limited set of species have done alright, but not indefinitely). Withhumans and many otherterrestrial species in the mix, failure has always been too quick for use in a viable outposton Mars.

many elements of humanity being led by atavistic pseudo-religious leaders who treat everytning as a demographic war and invasion (and no, I'm not talking about the Catholic Church,nor the Iranian state).


Re: Why Bother with Planets?

`Wouldn’t take any more technology than we’d need to build ships capable of relativistic speeds'

If only you really were trolling. The one is far closer to practicability than the other ... can you guess which? Sure, that might change if the right trick that works on the right (as in macro) scale is found or donated/left behind by aliens, fantasy territory, not that some writers haven't used some deus ex machina to good effect.

The self-proclaimed boffin who, apparently straight-faced, claims that we have proof of the possibility of life on tidally locked worlds really needs some fantasy cake to live on for a bit.

Sci-fi and horror scribe Richard Matheson: He is Legend


Re: The novel's pretty hard to adapt without bombing

Thank you, and the other commentards who posted re. Last Man, look forward to seeing it.

I also avoided the Smith vehicle, a short at the theatre and a snippet on TV put me right off.

Re. Bodysnatchers (comparable because originally publshed in a similar form to Legend, presented as mainstream not SciFi and all, also three celluloid takes), who can argue that the original is not the best? The '70s one is alright, love Carpenter at times  (They Live!), but his Bodysnatchers was so disappointing (as was his Midwich Cuckoos).

Have to wait 'til I watch The Last Man before I can judge if the trajectories were similar, but I rate the Omega Man pretty highly as a film and a take on Legend.


The novel's pretty hard to adapt without bombing

The Omega Man isn't really true to the text. but it's a damned good movie, unlike the Smith vehicle.

Hadn't heard of the Price take before, really want to see it.

... and nothing tops Nightmare at 20,000 ft for pure paranoia on the tube.

Vale Mr Matheson, your nightmares remain beloved in our hearts.

Snowden: 'Hey, Assange, any more room on Ecuador's sofa?'

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Re: Heh..


Thou art a true moron.

Do you really expect your constant use of `Julie' to have some sway? Was it in a `talking points' instruction from your controllers?

Being a girl myself, it irritates me no end that you think you can undermine someone by running that line all of the time.

If only you had half a wit, but moron you are.


Re: Not good @ twits R 4 Twats

`should the several hundred law enforcement agencies in the US'

Otherwise a great post, but the election of judiciary and heads of constabulary is to me a fascinating example of where US democracy is a model.

The point of most states (and the major ones in the US) is precisely to deprive the citizenry of any say, the remnants in the few places where real US democracy survives are pretty instructive, also automatically by Guardian and BBC-style outfits where the main aim is dictacting the outlines of permissible thought.

Doesn't make Edward Snowden's tilt at the national security state any less pertinent, tragic, or hilarious.

Viva Edward!


Re: Huh?

Well said. says a lot about the level of today's `journalists', not all illiterate yet, but seems to be the goal.


Re: Where in the world is Edward Snowden?

As the great Scottish nationalist Sean Connery, who chooses not to live in Scotland incidentally once pronunced from a script, `You're the man now dog'.


Where in the world is Edward Snowden?

Ambitious app devs with quick cartoonist friends, on your marks ...

What a lovely circus he is making!

Leaked docs: GCHQ spooks secretly haul in more data than NSA



Mr. Williams certainly had expensive tastes in fashion, always found the `oh, he was just collecting them to give away as presents' line patently false.

Manner of the poor bloke/girl's demise, on the other hand, hard to see how a lone person could have managed that.

Icelandic biz baron: 'I have a private jet waiting in China for Snowden'



Have you met any?

In my experience, they combine extreme bossiness with a large overdose of xenophobia (not Nordic, not human to them), only reasons Assange `scored' were the celeb dong and possibly the honey trap.

Julian Assange: I'm quite happy to sleep on Ecuador's sofa FOREVER


Re: Perfect sense

The word should be pompous. not paranoid.

He'd be much more fun if he were a true raving paranoid, might even do a good job at Black Sabbath's one for karaoke. Somehow I can't imagine that.

Still, easy to see how a man accustomed to being led by his prong was entrapped by a pair of Scandinavian castrators.


Re: Bleu Bah @ Bleu

Interestingly testoroneOD post re. moi.

Sure and all, I agree that the man is an egomaniac, comes from his mum it seems. A crappy honey trap doesn't negate the more informative reieases.

As for IT. very likely a lot more than you.


Re: Bah @ Bleu

Interesting how many liars appear on threads like this.

The major chaser of celeb dong is on record as:

boasting about how amazing it was to be with the most happening people in the world *at a party for Jules at which he was present and that she'd helped organise*

was a US agent of influence in Swedish jr politics

colluded with the other celeb dong chaser to trump up the charges.

A lot more.

None of that is from 'net rumours, those of your ilk may have google-bombed those irritating facts to where they are hard to find now, but some of us still remember.

I have no sympathy for celeb-dong chasers who post-facto collude to trump up charges.

Not a great fan of those like Jules who can'tsay no and are stinky to boot, but those repeadly and falsely screaming `rape charges' are simply willful liars.

Paris Hilton

Re: Bah

Victims? Oh, I see, you mean the woman who bragged about her score and the quieter one who colluded with the other after they'd compared notes.

Only thing they seem to be victims of is a desire for celebrity dong, hell, even Jules's famous lack of taste for the occasional bath or shower didn't put them off.

Background of the first of Jules's very willing conquests is really interesting, as are her known movements immediately after the two `victims' had colluded.

Paris, 'cos we'd like tothink she has the taste to avoid bedding those who enjoy being stinky.

Fifty, fired and fretful: Three chaps stare down CAREER MORTALITY


Re: Aged 41 I am worried reading this

Wrong. Write a decent game, nobody cares. That is the iOS world. A good fart app on the other hand ...



^he interviewed one day'

Precisely how does one interview a day?

MySpace zaps millions of teens' tearful rants, causes wave of angst


Re: Please can you help out @ Maharg

Justin Timberdong Bayber?

OK, on m'way.

Black Helicopters

Re: What you post can vanish at any time...

Geocities lives ... in Japan. Not sure if Yahoo Japan owns it, s'pose they do.

Dumping that was a tactical error for Yahoo central, hard to 'monetize' but cheap to run, the lost goodwill must have outweighed the savings.

Jailed LulzSec hacker Cleary coughs to child porn images, will be freed soon

Paris Hilton

Re: What's the matter with you lot?

As an earlier poster pointed out, there is some chance they were simply cartoons with the law as it stands.

Enquiring minds want to know.

Paris, 'cos she's the only one with a question mark.

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Re: @DrXym - Should be minimum sentencing guidelines for this sort of thing

God, I forgot about that, all of the images may well have been cartoon characters (I doubt it, but as you say, the ridiculous law makes it possible).

I'm sure people would like to know.


Ryan's other major achievement

Hasn't come up on the Reg. AFAIK, but an interesting point about Mr. Cleary is that he was central to recovering most of Encyclopaedia Dramatica and the launch of the new or continuing site.

What you think of that has to depend on what you think of Encyclopaedia Dramatica. I thought he did a good job there (resuscitating most of it), site has a lot of crap, but also a lot of good material.

Given the kiddy porn and gigantic botnet, I think he got off very lightly, I'd guess the former was due to a combination of stupidity and too much /b/ from too young an age, lord I hope he had no prurient interest, but courts are insanely inconsistent on sentences re. offences in that area, he seems to have escaped pretty lightly.

The botnet on the other hand ... Wonder what else it was used for (outside Anonymous and Lulzsec stunts)? He had a *hell of a lot* of machines corraled before Anonymous was much into DDOS, and well before the Lulzsec entertainment/fiasco.


Re: The Asperger's Syndrome sufferer

AC, I read your comment 'The Asperger's Syndrome sufferer' during a meal break, then checked Webster's Third International (anything but Wikipedia, and Webster's was at hand), the term is from 1980, named for a Swiss shrink. Just about anyone with an interest in psych. knew of the term by '90. I called bullshit the first time I heard it, just sounded like another case of PC language, 'Hey, why not just say autistic!'

Sure, at the nearly full autistic end of the scale, it might have some value (almost socially non-functional, but not completely in a shell). On the light end (as in light cases of "Asperger's"), it seems to act as a tool for pathologizing talented people who would previously have been considered normal, with a particular focus on males, especially those who happen to be talented at mathematics, programming, and so on, but a little lacking in social skills.

The explosion in use of the term came some years after the 'net was opened to morons, profiteers, and trick cyclists, I'd say in the late '90s, and was common currency by about 2002/3.

KEEP CALM and Carry On: PRISM itself is not a big deal

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Re: Open Dollars as compared to acres of Utah Data Center

NSA Cloud Services: Stock float coming soooon

Possible slogan: Why settle for second best, we slurp 'em all so we outslurp the rest!

Speaking of which, this all casts a bright new light on some of Eric Schmidt's odd statements about info privacy, don'it indeed?

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Pretty Rich Infernal System Making

First time I've seen this presentation of that PRISM as an acronym, pray tell us the words for which it stands, or does it fall into `if you know that, they'll have to kill you' territory?

Why should it be too costly if they have deals for spoon-feeding from US `national champion' .coms, and doubtless plenty of black budget?

My heading is lame, I know (tired), but other commentards can doubtless do better.

Google: Our 'freedom of expression' should trump punters' privacy

Paris Hilton

Re: But you don't have to be using Facebook/G+ to be on it.

Interesting post.

I avoid fb and twitworld like the plague, but people I know and like in real life post things from me on both, and other people I know and like IRL tell me that they've seen the posts, although there's no real-life or even Internet social network connection between posters and people who say they've seen things posted. The latter tell me I have something of an ID on both sites.

Don't like your suggestion (sign up or you won't know what's going on), I prefer to vote with my virtual feet and just stay away.

If you or any other fellow commentard has links to entertaining or informative info on this, I'm sure I would not be the only appreciative reader.

Trekkies detect Spock's Vulcan homeworld ORBITING PLUTO


Re: Star Trekking....

Star Trekking:

Execrable voices, trite copied patterns, hated it within a minute of first hearing it, just how and why did such a piece of ... get major airplay?

Fan of many 'novelty' recordings, would be interested to hear a justification for that one.
