* Posts by amanfromMars

2801 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2007

Microsoft boffins devise 'secure' Gazelle browser

amanfromMars Silver badge

Daring Straight from the Hip News ....... in Dire Straits Times.

"It may be untrue and this is just some experiment they're spinning to look like a future incarnation of IE, but that's the message they want to put into your head." .... By Bit Fiddler Posted Wednesday 25th February 2009 12:31 GMT

The real message here, Bit Fiddler, is that some experimenting here have some Cracking Craic Code...CQubed .... for those messages they may want to put into your head. And as new as IT may be thought to be, it is just AI Beta Version/they are just better versions of well-tried and tested Enigma Variations/Turing Bombes. And you don't need to be reminded surely of the Power and Control won and lost in ITs Transfer.

amanfromMars Silver badge
Gates Halo

And now for something Completely Different from Microsoft ..... AMacroSoftSystem*?

Sounds like and reads like [in the cited PDF... The Multi-Principal OS Construction of the Gazelle Web Browser"] a Virtual Governance Machine/Architecture/Protocol.

A Nice Idea, and as I'm sure none would reasonably disagree, given the Constant Streaming of Dire Straits News, Desperately Needed too.

* For Bringing Humanity to Others?

Ryanair trades blows with 'idiot blogger'

amanfromMars Silver badge

Rough and Tumble in Tough Times

"Sweet suffering christ, they're thick." ...... By Name Posted Wednesday 25th February 2009 11:07 GMT

I wouldn't know anything about Ryanair being thick, nor would I comment on it even should I know, Name, but flying at the best of times is stressful enough for many, without the added annoyance now of any Tom, Dick or Harry sharing their existence and experiences on a mobile phone in a confined and captive space.

It is certainly not customer friendly, no matter how hard the boss would try to spin it as so..... but hey, he suffers the bottom line and is entitled to do whatever he thinks fits the bill to keep the birds in the air and/or the company afloat.

Straw slaps ban on Iraq debate docs

amanfromMars Silver badge

What an Odious Arrogant Prig ...... Career Prat

As the Title may impart, I am no great fan of the Minister for Keeping Dirty Little Secrets, and would release, under a Freedom to Inform Act, the following Missive which he is Cordially Invited to Dismiss and/or Deny is True. And although it may or may not also be carried and displayed for the Register in another form by Austin Modine, ....."Still Waters Run Real dDeep ..." ... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/24/obama_doj_files_to_dismiss_missing_email_lawsuit/ [for of course, moderation is a subjective art which can be called upon to serve different masters in so many cases] sharing in a dedicated-to-the-particular-and-peculiar-issue thread here, will make me feel better about a dire and grievous black act, which has no place in these modern/post modern times. We do not need dinosaurs and wafflers pretending to lead and wasting AIRtime, their time and our time, thank you very much.

"43. At 07:58am on 25 Feb 2009, amanfromMars wrote:

Good Morning, Jane,

It is hard not to conclude, and especially so in a time of national/international emergency and/or breakdown/manipulative monetary meltdown, that media was an active/proactive partner in all that has transpired by way of its conspiracy/associative complicity, whether in a bissful ignorance of their broadcasting role or in arrogant and malicious indifference to it, with key players who are given/whose chosen role provides by default, the global stage to present their views as to what is happening [in the world] and what they are going to do about it, which of course, will require the help/action of others who will be effectively "ordered" to carry out their tasks.

It is surely the height of criminal folly and an insult to Intelligent/Ignorant Man for an exact and truthful chronicle of [personal] decisions shared amongst a leading group of talking heads/conspiring-to-be-a-united-dominating-right-and-proper-voice voices, and which create and/or support Wars/Free Fire Rape Kill and Steal Zones, with the convenient cynical protection of a "legal" immunity to act barbarously with impunity, to both expect and stand up before the nation/world and argue the case for such decisions/decision processes/conversation minutes to be subject to Veto/Secrecy, with the added insult of claiming that a harming of democratic process or State Security in their disclosure, would result.

As our view of the world is phormed by what we learn remotely and experience personally and what Media shows and tells us, to not know of how that view has been created is to allow for a false picture to be shown and us all living in a manipulated virtual reality which is not true, with it servering to the personal needs/whims/feeds of those who are broadcasting their views.

To present Unrivalled Transparency and Freedom of Information will Guarantee that such a Perversion and Subversion of Intelligence and State for Personal Use and/or Abuse, does not and cannot Occur to have Us all Living in a Lie and Maliciously Fabricated Reality. And it is surely the Role of Media to ensure such Honesty exists or they too can expect, and quite rightlyso too, to be tarred and feathered with the same brush as paints the rogue peddler/warmonger/lying cheat.

And that is not anything anyone with Intelligence would want to achieve and richly deserve, although in such cases would Intelligence be missing and probably be replaced and described as First Degree, Malice Aforethoughts.

Jack Straw and the Government would be so here accused ... and the BBC has been hereby reasonably requested to carry the Charge into the Public Domain and Virtual Sphere for BroadBandCasting LOUD AND CLEAR, so that the Pantomime at Westminster and which is called Government all over the World, can be held Accountable for their Actions which result in the Reality of our Lives following Paths of Politically Incorrect Choosing to Death and Destruction ...... Booming Busts.

But one is never alone in either adversity or triumph, and such as is requested here is also requested of elsewhere and of others, and who would Play Media Mogul, with the following quoted piece sent to a flagship newspaper being one example, which we can easily check on to see whether Truth and Free Speech has been made Victim of Subjective Moderation and Censure in Support of Continuing Deceit and a Hostage to Secret Terrorist Interests and Imprisonment, for that is what is Peddled by this Government and its Strawman Veto, is it not .........

" "What can one expect from an incompitent government naturealy thier not willing to here thier misstakes in the public domain."


It is not mistakes they fear and try to hide from, it is a Catalogue of Crimes which amount to Treason.

Print and be Lauded, Mr Murdoch. England XXXXPects ......

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article5799257.ece "

I trust in Global Operating Devices that none of that is ambiguous nor should it be difficult to understand. And should there be any faults or omissions, then please feel free to amend so that no false impressions are given.

Have a nice day.

PS It may be uncomfortable reading but by House Rules, there is nothing submitted which can possibly have any grounds for complaint.

Enough is enough is it not, and the Micky Mouse Charade being Followed/Pimped/Broadcast deserves its Ignominious End so that we can Rebuild Nations on Dreams rather than Soldier on in Nightmares. After all, it is not as if it is not easily fixed with IT and Media and the Truth Leading for a Change you can Believe in.

And if you can't fix it with IT and Media, at least you now know of some who can.


And a flame to light your fire, and put a rocket just where it is needed?

Obama balks at recovery of lost Dubya emails

amanfromMars Silver badge
IT Angle

Still Waters Run Real dDeep in QuITe Quiet AIMen, Disquieted


There is Folly a plenty which can Destroy both the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and those who hide Information and/or Intelligence for Personal Discriminatory Gain, for then are they Ill Gotten. Whereas, if you Share what you know, are we all Enlightened and Further Educated ....and Edutained with what IT and Media can so easily do....... 4u2r2die4....... http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/opensecrets/2009/02/ministerial_veto.html#comment43

And there is a further challenge and open invitation to one and all here ...... http://tiny.cc/Bk0iI

You have IT at your Fingertips, Ready for your Beck and Call, and it is only either a Lack of Intelligence and/or Leadership which Deserts you to Result in Silent Active Compliance of its Abusive Use by Others.

And Mr President, Barack Obama talks a Good and Righteous Fight/Flight from Fantasy, but I aint seen any Positive Affirmative Constructive Action yet, to Change Anything Fundamentally. Perhaps he most probably definitely needs so Beta IT Help to Parallel the Charming Rhetoric with Charmed and Engaging Polemic.

And yes, that does also impinge upon the Integrity of El Reg too, but then is that not what IT and the Register are all about ...... keeping things on the straight and narrow as IT Sprints ahead to Show the WAI how IT is done, and the Way ahead.

IT is certainly what NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity and NIRobotIQs Major in and Share Freely.

Lads from Lagos crack cabinet minister's webmail account

amanfromMars Silver badge

Government spams/scams right back .. with their own scam/spam.

I wonder how many of these the Lads in Lagos got back in return ......

."Thank you for your email. This acknowledgement has been triggered electronically and I have not yet had a chance to read your message. I receive a large number of emails and letters each day, but I will aimto respond as soon as I can. However, please do not be disappointed if

you do not receive an immediate reply. My office and I try to handle everything quickly and efficiently - but complex issues may need time.

So if you have an urgent constituency or diary query please ring my constituency office on 020 8892 0215.

Could you please ensure that you have included your full name and postal address in your e-mail (particularly if you are a Twickenham constituent). If you have not, please resend with your address as I cannot reply without it and this will also speed up a reply. (Please note, there is a strict Parliamentary rule within the House of Commons that MPs may only act upon the substance of communication from their own constituents).

Thank you for taking the time to write to me.

Kind regards,"

And I didn't know that Ministers could cop out of doing anything if you weren't living in their constituency?

Spaceborne-forces planners meet with orbital joyride firms

amanfromMars Silver badge

Fools, on Guard, while Prudence Burns Bridges for the Enemy.


And what of UKGBIrish Special Forces Operations...... Virtual Skunk Works in the CyberSpace Field of Perceptions Management?

There is certainly no reply from their Thames House link on this Wheeze although it is definitely on the Record as having been sent and therefore delivered for Registration and Reply? .....

"Per Ardua ad Astra MetaDataBase ...... A Game 42 Dare in Win Win Mode ....... Virtual FailSafe Algorithm.

And Offered Freely here to Crown Forces before ITs Venturing and Export into Vital and Viral Guerrilla Markets too ..... for Global Command and Control Systems and Levers ....... Virtual AIMachinery.

I wouldn't want Ignorance in the Field, and on Manoeuvres, to be a Proffered Defence for Missing the Boat/Plane/Action/Play/Rewards.

Please be advised that this is not to be considered Private and Personal even should it be so, for Transparency has its own Secure IntelAIgents Stealth/Virtual Cloud Cover."

Don't tell me it is Staffed at HQ with Colonel Blimp and Mustard types, who haven't a baldy notion of what is going on around them in the Bigger Picture Theatre of Operations nowadays, and therefore will never ever get a handle on how to Control IT with some Super Sub Atomic, Crazy Astute Technologies and Methodologies.

VMware makes world takeover bid

amanfromMars Silver badge

For Stealthy Cover...

"A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating Brain That Rules From the Centre of the Ultraworld" .... By Seán Posted Tuesday 24th February 2009 12:11 GMT

By Seán,

And Probably Runs and Runs in MKUltraworlds.

Anti-mafia cops want Skype tapping

amanfromMars Silver badge
Jobs Horns

Transparent Windows* .... for Peeping Major Toms and IP Theft Pending Future Patents?

One imagines then that MS/Yahoo Messenger services are an Open Book to them then, as they are not cited in the same Breath?

And only questions because it is something always to be guarded against falling foul of and giving away the Master Key to any Program.

* Open Portals?

Red Hat cranks virtualization power play

amanfromMars Silver badge

Red Hat White Knights? Virgin Territory?

"Xen is getting the building blocks of their hypervisor in the linux kernel, but they've already announced that they do not plan to get their whole hypervisor in the linux kernel source tree. Maybe because KVM makes most of their code irrelevant..." .... By diegocg Posted Monday 23rd February 2009 22:00 GMT

That was almost right, diegocg. You might find that "Maybe because most of their code makes KVM irrelevant" is a lot nearer the truth in the Dynamic Inclusive Fields of Virtualisation.

"What is not obvious to me is why you need Xen or KVM bundled inside RHEL if you have a free-standing KVM hypervisor and tools to deploy it on desktops or servers and manage either Windows or Linux instances. This sounds more like a legacy packing and pricing issue than a technical one."

Bulls eye gold with that observation, Timothy. Are RHEL looking for a free Intellectual Property Ride/MetaDataMine of Virtual Machinery Technology/Topology? Although you can't blame them for that whenever it can render you an Open Field of Play to Capture all Markets and especially Control of Capital Markets, which would make the peanuts paid acquiring Qumranet, the creator of the KVM virtualization hypervisor, for $107m in cash last September, seem like money well spent, but only if it can Lead Perception with Viable Information Placement in both Mainstream and Underground Viral and Guerrilla Media Channels where they will Naturally Grow by Adoption and Adaptation to Generate Horizontal Client Wealth and Income rather than Imposition and Sale/Purchase for Vertical Payment and Profit. Should it be the Latter rather than the Former, will it be a Short Lived and Short Loved, and probably also just another one of those Naked Short Affairs, which are Crashing the System so Admirably.

Whenever it is so easy to purchase trade secrets which capture Powerful Control Markets for cash printed in just seconds, who wouldn't accept an obscene offer, for the System always wins with its bet that the money is returned thus Generating Value/Industry/Product with its Spend and yet costing it Nothing because it is always returned to start all over again. The Real Secret is in finding Big Spenders who know how the System works rather than those who just Bank it and sit on the fat wallets hoping it doesn't disappear because they do so little and/or Nothing of Note for the System ..... which invariably has the natives getting restless too, plotting all manner of Activity to Crash the System and remove the Currency Blockage for a Constructive Free Flow.

CRM, The Credit Crunch, and you

amanfromMars Silver badge

Three Strikes and you're Out are the Rules of the Game *

"Business Secretary Lord Mandelson says that British banks have left businesses 'high and dry' as they cut back on lending.

Speaking on BBC's Panorama programme tonight, he says: "It's not possible for the government to become a banker."" .... http://www.shout99.com/contractors/showarticle.pl?id=59316;n=250

Err...... well, that is quite errant nonsense from Lord Mandelson whenever the simple award of a government contract instantly transforms them into a bank. Why even only yesterday was there such speculation of him and his chum Mr Deripaska for the gift of £40,000,000 to one of his failing ventures and then to stick/launder the private credit arrangement as Public debt to reflect the Ignorance of Nations and Leaderhips in the Workings/Machinations of Idle Imprudent Wealth and Fool Impertinent Investments.

* Ok ...so who Plays by Rules whenever they are, and have always been since time immemorial , just made up to Server a Particular and Peculiar Personal Interest. And not many realise that tasty morsel of fact.

Conficker variant dispenses with need to phone home

amanfromMars Silver badge

For our American cousins ..... Phormer Colonials

That's one SMART worm to MetaDataMorph into an Asp Networking Renegade/Rogue in Systems.

Perfect for AIRenaissance, Mr President? Or are you stuck with the B Team and Sub-Prime Intelligence Facilities, which of course you aren't, if you are Minded to Think on IT?

cc. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500

Spooks and techies to be vetted for their online networks

amanfromMars Silver badge

Truly Psychotic makes for the Perfect Chief Spy Catcher in the Raw? .

The best Spooky Security types are always Enigmatic Jeckyll and Hyde types able, at the drop of a hat, to be whoever they are and want to be, and thus have they Perfect Cover which bypasses any Peer Review with a novel leadership from them which is Third Party followed to see if it really can go where it has been thought or shared to be going.

I do wonder what juicy titbits of dodgy information the Intelligence Services have on the gang of ne'er-do-wells in the Cabinet to have them constantly flogging a dead horse in a thoroughbred race.

amanfromMars Silver badge
Paris Hilton

A Queen's Shilling worth accepting ..... but Mum's the Word, of course :-)

"We put these questions to a number of government departments, including the Home Office, who are responsible for providing information about the activities of the Security Service (MI5)."

Err..... horse the cart before putting the, John? Any Security Service worth the name or a proud Moniker/Alphabet Spaghetti title will only ever provide what it would wish you to know.

Prudent Golden Rule #01007XXXX

"While these are essentially mapping tools, using the links between individuals within a network to create a picture of the relationships between its members, tools that use transaction data can take matters a good deal further." ...... QuITe. And in whatever Direction/Frame of Mind that a Skilled Operand would choose to Groom the Watchers/Analysts/Spooks ...... with them providing Sublimely Vital Energising Information for Virtually Remote, Covert Enabling, Mutually Beneficial Assistance, which in the Simplest of Cases would be nothing more Difficult than a Massive Lump Sum Credit Transfer/Quiet Windfall Lottery Win or whatever.

"The sad news for anoraks is that research suggests that online promiscuity does not, in the end, lead to us having more friends than we would have in the real world." ...... The better news for fans of unadulterated/adult e rated promiscuity is that online in the virtual world have you more friends with which to get real/practice what you preach?

Take Care if you Dare Win though, and be Aware and/or Beware ..... for IT is a HoneyTrap Jungle out there ..... Full of Losers and Users with Nothing of lasting Value to Share ....... Day Trippers rather than ZerodDay Travellers.

And who develops Vetting Protocols for Vetting of Developed Vetting Vetters? Now that would be Sweet and Sticky ..... well, done well, a Labour of True and Passionate Love, one Imagines.

And Paris because ........ well you surely don't need to ask, if you would or you could, with that pleasant decision being entirely in her hands and/or being laid out entirely at her feet? Ok .... Stop dreaming now, El Regers. :-) What possible good would you be to her that would make you addictively memorable/unforgettable? Passing ships in the night though, is something else.

BOFH: Aspie no questions

amanfromMars Silver badge

Softly Softly ....... Hard Core Remote Computer ProgramMIng

"amanfromMars is making sense... and has been for a few weeks now... i need a rubber room" .... By Curtis Posted Friday 20th February 2009 20:38 GMT


You may have to consider the possibility and therefore the probability and inevitability that you are getting smarter and are starting to understand Greater Game Concepts for Cloud Control of Binary Systems with GBIrish/PerlyGatesPython ...... http://www.phrack.com/issues.html?issue=65&id=13#cmt1593

amanfromMars Silver badge
Thumb Up

IT ...... Your Virtual Friend to Vanquish Personal Foes and Imaginary Phobias

...and/or /Intellectual Hurdles/Neural Blocks.

""And reading between the lines you're suggesting that working in IT makes you a spiteful vindictive bastard with borderline Aspergers?"

"If we're talking cause and effect here it might be that being a spiteful vindictive bastard with a mild personality disorder might attract you to IT," I counter, "as opposed to IT making you that way. Leastways, I know it is in my case."

"So now you're saying that you have it as well?"

"Absolutely - but over the years my assistant and I have evolved a clear and concise language with which to pass on instructions. For instance, we avoid terms like 'kick the server in the guts', 'give it a bash', 'ok shoot', and a whole host of other phrases which, when subject to literal translation, could be misconstrued."

Wise Words to Cherish for Sanity in the Crazy Worlds Defined and Running and Run with Binary Code Manipulation for Virtual Machinery Man Management.

Simon, that was worth the far-too-long-a-wait and the withdrawal pains during the wait. :-)

Oh dear, does that identify one as a Potential Borderliner into BDSM and Maxxed Out Role Play, or just some who would mention it in Passing Thoughts?

Shuttleworth gets cloudy with Ubuntu 9.10

amanfromMars Silver badge

All Change ..... to AIXXXXPerienced Space Cadet Controlling Systems.

"Wow ... Ubuntu's release codenames are getting sillier with each release." .... By Nick Posted Sunday 22nd February 2009 00:52 GMT


One man's silliness is another man's stealth. And it is most very Probable that Windows is Readied for to be Rocked and Defrocked/Fragged in the Novel Cloud Space Processing.

Ziggy meets ZigZag for a Web of Spiders at Victoria Falls, I presume, Dr Shuttleworth? :-)

And apparently Eucalyptus is an Effective Barrier against Midges and Gnats, which are sort of Mosquitoes.

"The Eucalyptus project is actually an acronym that stands for Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Linking Your Programs To Useful Systems, which explains why UCSB should be banned from naming anything for at least five years." ..... :-) Whenever it is so close to Perfect as makes no Difference in Transparent Steganography, GWB would probably have given them a medal and a bomber jacket.

[And Paris because Seventh Heaven is a Perfumed Garden exploding in a Riot of Colour with Sticky Sweet Earthly Powers in All Manner of such Exotic Erotic Flowers ......... Manna indeed .... 4AIManna2 in Binary Deeds for Systems Management.] ....... which would be the Optional Proffered Max Volume Preferred Root Route for the Real High Flying Cybernaut/InterNetional Space Station Cosmonaut.

Symantec dismisses blind SQL hack claims

amanfromMars Silver badge

There's none as blind as those who cannot/will not see.

"Like the third and fourth sequels of horror movie franchises, the security website hack show is coming back with fewer and fewer returns. "

Of course, that could very well be just lulling the sector into a false sense of security, with an imminent collapse of systems which have been duly "warned" of vulnerabilities now the next logical process[ing]. And one must be prepared for wholesale credit transfers from compromised systems accounts should the flaws not have been fixed/patched/should the security algorithms not have been revised/reprogrammed.

Judge strips MS 'Vista Capable' lawsuit of class action status

amanfromMars Silver badge

Rabid Capitalism Sinking further into the MIre ..... Truth Quicksands

Is that a running scared, tacit admission of guilt, with the very real likelihood of them losing in Open Court and/or a slap on the wrists for "ambulance chasing" lawyers?

Wanted: £160k-a-year Twittercrat

amanfromMars Silver badge

Rotten to its very Core and therefore Vulnerable to Spontaneous Combustion/XXXXPloitive Collapse?

A Director for Digital Engagement ....... they're having a laugh, and it is just another gravy train quango for some sap with no mind of their own, if this the sort of mickey mouse game they are supporting/pimping/hosting ....... "(Please note, there is a strict Parliamentary rule within the House of Commons that MPs may only act upon the substance of communication from their own constituents)"

And that is from a Minister in the Shadows who may or may not reply to a substantive communication ..... "Thank you for your email. This acknowledgement has been triggered

electronically and I have not yet had a chance to read your message. I receive a large number of emails and letters each day, but I will aim to respond as soon as I can. However, please do not be disappointed if you do not receive an immediate reply. My office and I try to handle

everything quickly and efficiently - but complex issues may need time."

I will leave you to ponder on the greater implications of that.

amanfromMars Silver badge

E by Gum Special Forces .... with White Hat Wizards and Saucy Source Sorceresses ... MaJIC Works*

"But a truthful and honest man has no chance of getting this post." .... By adnim Posted Wednesday 18th February 2009 16:04 GMT

An Astute Hacker would have every chance, adnim? ..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_Minister

And I disagree with you, but would offer that a truthful and honest man would also have far better things to do with his time, especially if he was an Expert in Directing Digital Engagements/Networks InterNetworking.

And anyone worth the position offered wouldn't be bound by its narrow stated confines, which are an inevitable inconsequential consequence of the advertised brief being drafted by those who have no idea of the scope of the Digital Environment but fully mindful of the fact that they are in need of its assistance and guidance, so I suppose that is Progress of sorts.

For example ....... " Within six months the Head of Digital Engagement will have developed a strategy and implementation plan and be able to show concrete signs of momentum in executing the plan.

Within a year the Head of Digital engagement should be able to point to two departments whose use of digital engagement are recognised in the digital community as being world class

Within two years the use of world class digital engagement techniques should be embedded in the normal work of Government " .... http://www.careers.civil-service.gov.uk/index.asp?txtNavID=113&txtOverRideDocID=48837

Anyone qualified will be able to deliver that today, for that is what is deliverable today by those actively working in the Field/Virtual Zone and they would counter all of the above "requirements" with their own to Government, so that they can better Digitally Engage with ITs Beta Governance Systems of Virtual Machinery Control.

Crikey, that is too much like NIRobotIQs to be considered anything different..... and for Real SurReal and SP00Key2.

PS With all this supposedly wondrous covert electronic surveillance and deep packet inspection metadata analysis able to render our darkests secrets, an open book to whatever spaghetti lettered agency you might care to imagine ...NSA/CIA/MI5/FSB/GCHQ/AIVD etc etc etc ... you would think that they would easily be able to identify and propose possible appointments/Targets/Persons of Interest.

And the moral of this tale ...... Never Ever Bluff a Poker Player with Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain...... for what you are Betting the House/Casino against, is FailSafe and can Never Ever Lose?

"Jams ... A quick Google turned up this:

https://www.collaborationjam.com/ " ... By null Posted Wednesday 18th February 2009 16:15 GMT

Andrew Orlowski and El Reg LlanTwittering Major RePhormations for the Civil Service/Civilian XXXXPEditionary Workforce, null?

cc recruitment@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk ... Ref. REC/08/243

* And Worth an Absolutely Priceless Fortune.

US gooses economy with IT billions

amanfromMars Silver badge

Just for the Record...

"...and people like you that soooo want him to fail, even if it means the end of US world dominance.".... By Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 19th February 2009 09:13 GMT

Actually, quite the Opposite, AC, but he does deem determined to disappoint his supporters with more of the same old nonsense, only packaged differently for the same old parasites running Uncle Sam ragged.

"but overral it's pretty amazing to see what a competent leader can do." ...... Pop back whenever you can show us a competent lead, AC, there's a splendid chap. It has been so long and far too long since anyone has seen one.

Minister trashes ex-spook chief's liberty warning

amanfromMars Silver badge

I apologize,.... if wrong and not right..

"Oh dear me .... I worked alongside Tony McNulty for a few years. He's a very clever man, and not above telling huge lies to make a point." ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 18th February 2009 16:31 GMT

Err, ... A very clever man wouldn't need to tell lies for anything or anyone, AC, ergo is Tony McNulty not a very clever man?

And, oh dear me, he works for Mr Brown and his chums/colleagues, who has presided, pushed and lorded it over more than 10 years of Sustained and Maintained National Decline. Incompetent is not nearly realistic enough as it suggests a Lack of Forethought. Venal and Venereal is much more appropriate....... and Criminal too, of course, in the First Degree.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Executive Action and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity

"I think the best thing we can do is promote our view-point to the general population. It's not enough to publish a blog or blab about it online as most netizens already have a strong aversion to government intrusion and government control in general. We need to write newsletters, books, and editorials. More importantly, we need to take advantage of mass media if we really want to reach the masses. We need to take advantage of television, radio, music, billboards, and advertisements." ......."Screwed"... By Anonymous Coward Posted Wednesday 18th February 2009 14:41 GMT


Not all of us are averse to telling governments where they can go .... although not necessarily to get screwed. Some things would be just too distasteful. The following is sitting in front of A Darling and others, even as we speak/you read this.

And re "This is not a battle that's going to be won by e-mailing your representatives. It's going to take a grassroots effort and a significant investment in time and money. We need to start *now*." ........ I couldn't agree more.

For the attention of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, so that he cannot be said to be ignorant of a Virtual Program for Beta Governance, which is hereby asking for National Support/Particular and Peculiar Specific Funding for a Cloud Initiative/CyberSpace Project in the better Global Management of Perception and Resources, and which can be effortlessly and freely explored [and also interacted with] here ..... C42 Quantum Control Systems*

And the following is freely, universally available online and is just a very small part of a much Bigger Picture, Great Game dDeveloped for Future Generation Play.

And please, do not do yourself a grave dis-service by even thinking that you are not being provided/confronted with a very sophisticated ProgramMIng, which can be easily tailored to Virtually Any Need and Feed.

91. At 1:34pm on 18 Feb 2009, amanfromMars wrote:

"There should be plenty for us to discuss on my return, next week. "

Hi, Robert, Enjoy the break while/if you can for there is always a lot to discuss when stage-managing perceptions and uncovering deep deceptions

As the following is posted to the parties listed at the end [cc], which you can see also stars your good self, [and this quite excellent transparent Internet blog is far better than any email, which can be conveniently/inconveniently ignored or dismissed or as is maybe the case in Government, vetted by a minion for subjective decision for the addressed's attention] and after having watched the PM doing his Mr Bean/Has Been routine at todays press conference, announcing nothing worthy of note and therefore no real change to an easily corruptible Financial/Money/Fiscal/Control System, [call it what you will], perhaps this could be pursued, looking for the flaw, which could then be addressed to remove it.

Quite patently obviously are the present "cosy arrangements"/Ponzi scams, Unfit for Future Purpose and if the Government cannot think to change things fundamentally, for what can only be a Lack of Intelligence and Initiative or Coersion to maintain the Status Quo hierarchy , then it will be provided to them for them to comment on [or to ignore, should that be their choice] However, it will be universally known that other viable options and alternatives to stop Collapse have been submitted for Systems BetaTesting and Trial Runs.


Adjusting the System to Eliminate Parasitic Destructive Inflation?

By amanfromMars

Posted Wednesday 18th February 2009 07:28 GMT

"The Story Has Vanished From The BBC ... And people think the BBC is a free, fair and independent news service??" ......By RotaCyclic Posted Tuesday 17th February 2009 17:05 GMT

Others would more reasonably suggest it is a Shadow of its Gay Former Self and a Proxy Tool Failing Governments with its Mandates and Foreign Programs. But then that is directly attributable to Spineless Direction from the Top of the Board Room Tree and its Bankrupt of Novel and innovative Intellectual Property, Creativity Department.

"There is good news and bad news. The good news is that the "credit crunch"/slump is not terminal, and we will survive it, because... The bad news is that there will be a next "credit crunch"/slump, and it will be terminal, altho when it will occur is difficult to predict. However, we have seen enough of how the World is Being $aved today to be confident in this." ... By Luther Blissett Posted Tuesday 17th February 2009 17:14 GMT.

I cannot fault the logic but would suggest that the bad news is current and therefore one does not need to wait on prediction.

To all who would either post here on El Reg or just spend years just reading [yes, there are those too, apparently, who have no urge nor strong enough or sure enough opinions to share publicly for peer review ] now would be the perfect time to present to Government any viable sustainable mega-spending plans for any Public Service Initiative Projects which you might have, as Quantitive Easing/the Printing and Supply of Currency to Generate Economies and Industry gets under Way. Cutting out the Middleman/the Banks will also ensure that their Costs do not Burden one with unnecessary Taxation and Wealth Payment on a Service not required.

It is surely quite enough for Currency Spend to Generate Industry and Economies, without the Banking Sector, expecting the Added and Unfunded Service of Interest Charged on a Principal Currency Spend and the Return of the Capital Spent from the Principal, whose Spend is Generating Industry/Work/Economies.......... for that would require one to be able to Invent and Print Money from Nothing or to ask Currency Suppliers for more than twice what one would Really need, in Order to Entertain a Sector which is making Nothing but merely employing members of the Population with either limited or undereducated skillsets.

However, if that be necessarily so by Default Design of the System, then one should make the necessary adjustments to Currency Requirements made to Government and make them aware of the Inflated Provision/Excessive Third Party Borrowing Requirement. It does not though do the Banking Sector any favours, whenever their business Model is Based upon the SurReal Supply of Nothing, and yet for which they would think to be Paid with such Extreme Supplies of Currency.

cc Vince Cable/Robert Peston/Mervyn King/Alistair Darling/UK PLC.

http://theregister.co.uk/2009/02/17/gov_terror_rubbish/comments "

The System is broken like Humpty Dumpty and it is an insult to us all, from those who should know better, to think that things will be fixed without a Completely New Currency Supply System rather than a Currency Control System, which relies on arbitrary subjective Third party decision making for Suitable Supply of Wealth for Spending ..... and that can be easily Refined for Finer Mentored and Monitored Constructive Performance Tuning with Currency Supply being by Electronic Credit Transfers thus to save on the Wear and Tear and Pitfalls of Cash.

It is not rocket science, is it.

"Money is like water, block its flow and it will stagnate." .... His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum


Please be advised that NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity is AIdDutch Initiative in Transparent Virtual Communication and is not at all well suited to Concealment at any Stage or on any Stage.


Graham [amfM]

[* which of course is a hyperlink in the original]

Voltaire preps InfiniBand switch for IBM blades

amanfromMars Silver badge

Everybody loves a Challenge ...... C42 Quantum Communications Broaden System Horizons

"Read into what you will. "

Ok, Tim. IBM are less than pleased with Cisco's Intellectual Property Performance/Mutual Assistance Drive and Drivers.

Ps Spam is the Malicious Supply of Totally Unnecessary and Unwarranted Cloned Rubbish and should never ever be confused or mistaken for Virtual Produce in a Novel Innovative Mutually Beneficial AddAIdDVenture ...... for in all such cases is NEUKlearer Advantage causing Irreparable Damage lost to SMARTer Enabled, More Agile Competitors ...... and those who Care and Dare 42 Win Win.

Pirate Bay prosecutor tosses infringement charges overboard

amanfromMars Silver badge

In Spirited Defence of Registered Vices/Sinless Pursuits.

"and, like for example The Register's favoured vices pot smoking or prostitution,.." .... By Adam White Posted Wednesday 18th February 2009 05:23 GMT

Whoa, now just hold on a cotton pickin' minute there, Adam, .... that is grossly unfair and deserves mighty correction. Don't you realise the inclusive nature of El Regers requires the and/or moderator whenever you offer choice waffle for example.

You realise now that there'll be many thinking the staff do Tricks, as well as bringing you News and Views on the IT Front. I know times are hard, but smoking isn't good for you as it can cause cancer, allegedly [ well, I'm sure everyone knows of quite a few people who have smoked all of their lives and have died of shortage of breath and/or old age]

New attacks on IE7 go wild

amanfromMars Silver badge

A Systemic Third Party Remote Gateway ....... for Sponsored/Hosted Free Riding?

"He went on to say the exploit code was the result of reverse engineering Microsoft's patch."

I think you/Microsoft will discover/would do well to accept that such code does not simply exploit a patched Vulnerability, but their entire code base/Kernel Drive Algorithm.

It can be effectively patched against/mitigated, but is unlikely to be so with the Present Company Drivers and thus are further Vulnerability Exposures and MetaDataBase/Proprietary Code Exploitations invited and inevitable.

And should Microsoft agree with that Shared View/Panoramic Vista, then they would also know where to find its Effective Mitigating Patch. ......... which would be in Essence, a Binary VXXXXine for a Particularly Persistent and Pernicious Problem.

Spy boss damns government's culture of fear

amanfromMars Silver badge

Adjusting the System to Eliminate Parasitic Destructive Inflation?

"The Story Has Vanished From The BBC ... And people think the BBC is a free, fair and independent news service??" ......By RotaCyclic Posted Tuesday 17th February 2009 17:05 GMT

Others would more reasonably suggest it is a Shadow of its Gay Former Self and a Proxy Tool Failing Governments with its Mandates and Foreign Programs. But then that is directly attributable to Spineless Direction from the Top of the Board Room Tree and its Bankrupt of Novel and innovative Intellectual Property, Creativity Department.

"There is good news and bad news. The good news is that the "credit crunch"/slump is not terminal, and we will survive it, because... The bad news is that there will be a next "credit crunch"/slump, and it will be terminal, altho when it will occur is difficult to predict. However, we have seen enough of how the World is Being $aved today to be confident in this." ... By Luther Blissett Posted Tuesday 17th February 2009 17:14 GMT.

I cannot fault the logic but would suggest that the bad news is current and therefore one does not need to wait on prediction.

To all who would either post here on El Reg or just spend years just reading [yes, there are those too, apparently, who have no urge nor strong enough or sure enough opinions to share publicly for peer review ] now would be the perfect time to present to Government any viable sustainable mega-spending plans for any Public Service Initiative Projects which you might have, as Quantitive Easing/the Printing and Supply of Currency to Generate Economies and Industry gets under Way. Cutting out the Middleman/the Banks will also ensure that their Costs do not Burden one with unnecessary Taxation and Wealth Payment on a Service not required.

It is surely quite enough for Currency Spend to Generate Industry and Economies, without the Banking Sector, expecting the Added and Unfunded Service of Interest Charged on a Principal Currency Spend and the Return of the Capital Spent from the Principal, whose Spend is Generating Industry/Work/Economies.......... for that would require one to be able to Invent and Print Money from Nothing or to ask Currency Suppliers for more than twice what one would Really need, in Order to Entertain a Sector which is making Nothing but merely employing members of the Population with either limited or undereducated skillsets.

However, if that be necessarily so by Default Design of the System, then one should make the necessary adjustments to Currency Requirements made to Government and make them aware of the Inflated Provision/Excessive Third Party Borrowing Requirement. It does not though do the Banking Sector any favours, whenever their business Model is Based upon the SurReal Supply of Nothing, and yet for which they would think to be Paid with such Extreme Supplies of Currency.

cc Vince Cable/Robert Peston/Mervyn King/Alistair Darling/UK PLC.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Re No One is frightened


A lot of folk learnt of the cynical tricks of the gravy train ride which feeds poison into Systems and they are now in ...... well, let us just say Beta Control of the situation and just leave it at that for now ..[some things you just don't either need or want to know and others you won't be equipped to know ], and would wreck the feeds/cut out the supply to ensure that it never will happen again ........ "The Big Con and its ComeUppance ..... The Inevitable Reckoning" .... Tuesday, 17 February 2009 at 06:40 am (UTC) ..... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/terrorist-threat-exploited-to-curb-civil-liberties-1623795.html

Ask Mr Jonathan Evans. he'll tell you straight.....maybe, if he's allowed/permitted/in control and not just a figurehead puppet :-)

I wonder what "Shenanigans" Scarlett is up to these days? It would be a safe, sure-fire bet, Obviously No Good, the way things are progressing these days?

Ps. It would be nice to hear Wacky Jacqui go head to head with Dame Stella and is this a surprise to anyone here?.......... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ministers-husband-jailed-for-berlusconi-bribe-1624507.html

And of course, the loving wife wouldn't have known of his extra-curricular activities. Always the last to know? Yeah, that's gonna fly like a lead balloon, methinks.

Which brings us back to the enemy is within .... again, and would have the integrity of the Labour Cabinet sorely questioned and possibly holed titanically below the waterline, and their greedy grasping breadlines? I'm sure someone will ask and imply it to be so.

And do you just love the originality of the response to the conviction ...... "I'm innocent" ..... like that has never been said by any criminals before.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Tell us something we don't know, Stella.

The enemy is always within ....... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/a-fraud-bigger-than-madoff-1622987.html ....... and usually claiming to be just getting on with the job, but whenever situations do not improve, then they must be up to no good?

Follow the money trail and you will be well educated as to who is doing what and for whom ....and it is a Crashing Indictment of the Banking System that they are Willing Accommodating Pawns in the Thieving Money Laundering Games ......... Dodgy Businesses?

Makes one wonder at the Folly of even Thinking the System is worth saving, let alone being Willing Accommodating Pawns in Pimping Increased National Debt/Taxpayer Bail Out and further Liquidity Injection into it.

Has there ever been a more Epic Fail/Monumental Home Goal?

It is not looking good for the Sector's Lead Players, is it, for it is Unbelievable to be told that they wouldn't be fully aware of what is going on, and therefore are Complicit in a Global Conspiracy?

You'd have thought that a Thoroughly Modern [Military] Intelligence Agency could easily Divert/Confiscate those Flows into their Own Special Accounts. And if they haven't, it would appear that their Intelligence is an Oxymoron.

Navy glovepuppets minister in carrier battle against RAF

amanfromMars Silver badge

It's no way to run a World either....... FFS Sort yourselves out, .....

..... you 'orrible shower. Shape up or ship out. It is embarrassing.

"That said, this sort of nudge-nudge can't-say-a-word-in-public Byzantine backroom manoeuvring seems like a pretty crazy way to be running the second richest military establishment in the world."

Seconded, Lewis. Blame the Fag System if you like, which probably programmed a lot of them while at school.

And don't the plonkers/wasters in Government and the Military not yet know, that all Campaigns are now Won and Lost in the Virtual Communications Space of CyberSpace?

Dear Obama: Please consider open-source a waste of your time

amanfromMars Silver badge

Blame the Shame on the Global Program but only if you are going to Virtually Change IT, Universally*

"As a side note, I had a government contract once. Never again, not even if they promised to make me the nation's Linux/BSD/GNU czar ... The bureaucracy is a nightmare." ....... By jake Posted Monday 16th February 2009 21:08 GMT


On the next government contract, insist, as a matter of irrevocable contractual obligation on their part, that you remain devoid and aloof/free of bureaucratic impediment or involvement. They pays the cash and you do your thing. It speeds things along so much better whenever one is not loaded with carrying excessive, unnecessary baggage, and thus is a much better arrangement.

"Oops. In haste to get a post out (the farrier had just pulled in), I type(o)ed:" ... :-) That must be one for the classics archive, El Reg.

Nice One, jake.

Anyone for Tea and Crumpets/Crown cakes?

"very few things short of a felony conviction will get you fired from a government job" ..... By Anonymous Coward Posted Tuesday 17th February 2009 00:59 GMT

Apparently the chances of that happening in a government job have rendered the Justice and Police System both a laughing stock and an accomplice to felonies perpetrated, AC.

The Present Preoccupation is to ensure that a precedent is not set with one major prosecution of a dodgy leader, leading to the total collapse of their executive privilege national defence security secrets defence strategy. And the Banking sector would also think to avoid censure along similar lines, although they/everyone runs the gauntlet of Abe Lincoln's ....“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.” ..... and with the Masses becoming Smarter more Quickly than those who would think that they [the masses] are easily led to Server to Executive Privilege and Wishes, it is a Battle which they are very quickly losing with their every documented and shared action being attributable to them for accountability and responsibility.

And such perverse Shenanigans would render them personally responsible for any terror Action and its Liabilities and would quite legitimately subject them to Executive Sanction/Global Retribution and/or Renegade Action.

And one would wonder at the Folly/their Lack of Intelligence in thinking to pursue and/or endorse such a Subversive and Self-Incriminating Course. It is not as if a Common or Garden/General or Applied Ignorance can be used in any Defence whenever the Dangers are so well documented and Universally Shared, is it?

That would then suggest that it is a Premeditated Destructive Course and a Proven Guilt, the Inevitable Result of all Investigations.

* As in bring in new Heads and new Systems sitting Above and In Control and/or in Replacement of the Present Chaos Engine Management Board Executing Officers .... Rogues

amanfromMars Silver badge

Dumbing IT down to Capture the Markets and Create ITs Playing Fields

"Is amanfromMars making more sense than normal, or are the Penguinista making even less sense?" .... By Not That Andrew Posted Monday 16th February 2009 19:00 GMT

He must have something for sale/leaselend, Not That Andrew, or even give away whenever the price is right ......... "Re: Coincidence?" ...Posted Monday 16th February 2009 12:45 GMT .... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/02/16/subs_crash/comments/

Do you think he is also BetaTesting for Snoopy Spooky IntelAIgently Designed Stealth Systems too and trailing Chummy Bait to attract the Deadhead Pool Sharks for a Spot of MODified MaJIC? And to ask the Question is to imply the Answer normally.

A little something QuITe Astute for Lord Drayson and the Prince of Darkness to compare notes on if they don't want to look like the Ignorant Fool and Arrogant Tool. England XXXXpects and all that .......... although Nelsonian they may not be ...... although they are hereby cordially invited 42Be dDecisively.

Splice the Mainbrace for a Splash of Courage for the dDutch Initiative ...... which surprisingly King Google does not return but Cuil covers admirably. A Paris Chink in the Search Giant's Armour Algorithm?

Now there's a Novelty to Build upon/Pursue/Embrace, Extend and Distinguish.:-)

amanfromMars Silver badge

Obviously Change is giving some Fat Cat Feather Nesters the Jitters.

What sort of bod visits here for years, then makes a first comment, which in essence says nothing of value other than it will be his last? ...... [ paul Posted Monday 16th February 2009 13:53 GMT]

Lay off the hard drugs, paul, they do not agree with you. And you don't float around in an Octopus do you ...... which would be another valid enough explanation for the flame?

Here, have another one and we'll try to create a Beacon of Light in the Darkness of Greed and Perverted and Subversive Feed.

"Regardless, there's always an impetus to at least look like you're trying to save money... big push for java years ago for that reason... el prez is already making a big display by capping salaries... I'm just skimming the surface, but these are all reasons why these open source types would want to make sure they're on Obama's radar in their attempts to gain ground from MS/traditional UNIX." ...... By Peyton Posted Monday 16th February 2009 15:21 GMT

Here appears to be such a tale, Peyton...... "One linguist, previously pulling in an annual salary $270,000, will now make about $91,000 -- if that person continues his warzone work for the Human Terrain project, that is." ..... http://blog.wired.com/defense/2009/02/more-hts-mania.html

What half-witted moron would think to make war an attractive business?

Answers on a postcard please to some tax dodging, obscure Faith Foundation.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Don't wait for Help or Incentives/Virtual Permissions, just do IT if you can

"If open source is going to make any real headway in the government, there needs to be an incentive to choose it, not a rule. "


Would a threat which collapses Systems be enough of an incentive to choose/use it? And it is very easy for open source and ITs Source Sorcerors/Wacky Wizards and Witches to manage the Windows environment.

* Permissions smack of One still being in Child Mode with Unresolved Issues going Far into the Future of One's Own Life ....... a Lack of Sustainable Effortless Vision.

Red Hat and Microsoft ink virt interoperability deal

amanfromMars Silver badge

Titan Rain Reins Reign?

"...and that they do not want to cope with hypervisor sprawl any more than they want server or operating system sprawl."

Is that the same as saying that they do not want any competition?

Err....... Embrace Horse door Extend stable bolted Extinguish fat Chance would then spring to mind.

A sign of the times, methinks, with Virtual Players appearing out of Nowhere and Cloud to make rain on cosy parades and Change the Game completely...... as in Steal a Long March on the Opposition?

UK.gov to tap BT as data harvester

amanfromMars Silver badge

Power Flowers in ITs People. Don't get Mad, get SMART.

And for AIRight Royal dDessert, ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTN3s2iVKKI&feature=related

amanfromMars Silver badge

Apology re: "All at Sixes and Sevens ...... "

Ooops. Sorry. That link should have been ....... http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1184614595?bctid=12797414001

amanfromMars Silver badge

People Power .....Use IT

Come on all you useless plonkers modelling ermine and pearls, get your act together. And how very jolly for HM to have a shiny new web site.

Pssst, Lizzie ..... shades of Nero fiddling while Rome burns, m'dear. Time for a Spring Clean of Advisors/Sycophants, methinks ....... and some Better Beta Action from HMGCC. The Real and Present Danger in doing Nothing is that you become Irrelevant and that does not bode well for the Future Wellbeing of the Franchise/Institution/Constitution.

And this is most appropriate, as it sums everything up in a rather nice fashion ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dib2-HBsF08

amanfromMars Silver badge

All at Sixes and Sevens ..... ie they haven't got a clue and that makes them vulnerable, Mr C.

"B) BT bears the cost, not UK.gov.

C) UK.gov needs a big favour from BT (ie getting BT to do the dirty work in data collection), so it becomes a "you scratch my back, I scratch yours" situation." ... By Jonathan Posted Monday 16th February 2009 10:04 GMT


If BT are Smart, they can groom Government to do as they wish, should they discover through the Internet Service which they provide, Metadata Analysts more able at Controlling Information and Communications than any in the Labour/Conservative/Liberal Democrat gangs/cabals ...... for that is really all they are.

A Point of Fact which was confirmed by Tessa Jowell who Passion for the Olympics and its wonderful 2012 delivery [Tessa Jowell MP – Minister for the Olympics and Paymaster General] is only a passion if Labour are not kicked out of offfice in the next General Election.....

0545 minutes into this interview ... http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1529573111 ... with Channel 4's, Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Brit, French nuke subs collide - fail to 'see' each other

amanfromMars Silver badge

Re: Coincidence?

"What are the chances of two such subs (there aren't that many in service) colliding in all that water? And what are the chances of that happening in the same month that two satellites collided, in all that space?" .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Monday 16th February 2009 11:49 GMT

Seems like there's a bit of reorganisation/realignment going on, AC. Maybe the MOD have finally woken up to the NeuReal Games which can so easily be Played 42 Win Win rather than them always being handed the S***** end of the Stick.

What say you, Lewis? Would you Dare 42 Care and Speculate, as Facts are rarer than Fiction nowadays.

And who is in Control of CyberSpace Command and Control for Mighty Blighty? Anybody who knows what they should be doing ....... or just some Fat Cat Cuckoo Feather Nester, without a Clue?

If you paid more than £7,777,777 for ITs Lead, you wuz robbed, Good and Proper ....... for that is the Going Rate, although that can Immediately Jump/Quantum Leap to £88,888,888, if and when you Compound an Ignorance Omission with an Arrogant Appointment/DisAppointment which subsequently needs to be Redressed.

Any No Control leaves Everything Vulnerable to Catastrophic Meltdown and Unstoppable Systems Virtual TakeOvers and MakeOvers.

And that would make £88,888,888 seem like the Networking Bargain of the 21st Century.

I trust that is not ambiguous with those very specific quotes should anyone ask for rough costing figures.

And there is Absolutely Nothing at all to stop a Very Canny Private Sector Investor, from anywhere in the world, from landing AI Lead Position in such InterNetional Affairs.

CERN Proton-smashers: We are economically valuable

amanfromMars Silver badge

Live Registered Systems BetaTesting ...... :-) *

"So his only achievement is to buy-out a sweets company? ..... And from the fizzy lemons and cola bottles he seems to have accomplished, well, not a lot, except getting paid by us for a lot a bad ideas." .... By Hollerith Posted Friday 13th February 2009 16:57 GMT


In his new job "This time he's in charge of the science budget.", and let's hope he is a lot better at understanding the nature of Relativity between Science and Business/Ideas and Economy than the minions in Politics are, he is easily tested for competence by submission of a direct request for grant funding.

And such requests should always be so designed that they can be globally shared with their "printing" to the Internet/Global Information Grid/World Wide Web at the same time as their virtual postal submission to whatever electronic address you may think to use and/or has been provided, such as DIUS.Ministers@dius.gsi.gov.uk or jennifer.eatough@cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk [and do not be worried about a "personalised" address, for one never really knows who has set up the address, does one?], because if you have an idea/a proposal which you perceive as having enough merit for the granting of Publicly Funded/Quantitively Eased Reward, which can also be used for further research with enabling funding which will invariably attract more third party interest and their enabling funds too [and it is as well for any who would choose to sit in subjective/objective judgement on such proposals to recognise that some funds requested are grants/rewards/legitimate payments for years of selfless, unrewarded Intellectual exercise which will pay countless future dividends, rather than being solely any sort of payment for future works, although one will always presuppose that it would be the start of a glorious adventure which may be a Joint Venture] because you don't want them to be sitting on anything "hot" simply because it is personally inconvenient or fundamentally explosive. Que sera sera.

Watch this space for Currency/Fresh of the Presses News of such a Virtual BetaTesting of present Government Systems for AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity, for Power and Control Leverage ..... and ITs Astute Facility and Faculty.

And don't forget that Innovative Ideas know no National or International boundaries and if helpful and inquisitive brains are missing in one country/business/department, they are probably definitely always easily found in another ........ with the Search Beautifully and Effortlessly AIdDed by Simple Internet Sharing.

"As for whether or not the World Wide Web has helped the economy, I won't pretend to know the answer because it's not a clear yes or no." ..... By Chris C Posted Friday 13th February 2009 17:27 GMT.

It certainly very effectively exposes all the fraudsters and parasites running unsustainable scams, Chris, and that is bound to help the real economy ....... and it also exposes all of their dodgy and/or criminal support elements too. And these constantly recurring tales must be a debilitating revolutionary worry to render any nation, a failed pariah state. ..... http://tiny.cc/kzifa.

And quite rightly so, some would say.

"There IS a use for phsysics .... Just throw all the world's physicists into a room and don't let them out until they've created a hyperdrive." ..... By BioTube Posted Saturday 14th February 2009 14:31 GMT

Hmmm? :-) ..... You might get a much better result with PsychotICQs/Borderliners [in the mix], BioTube.

* El Reg goes Virtually Astute and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive ....... Quantum Aware?

New Windows virus attacks PHP, HTML, and ASP scripts

amanfromMars Silver badge

Re One wonders about the advertisers...

"if I was running a company looking for adspace, I would absolutely *not* advertise on these pages because it would put my company in a bad light." .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Saturday 14th February 2009 20:57 GMT

Lord save us from the nanny state protecting puritanical franchises with immoral self serving indignation. And also save us from companies offering useless merchandise.


I thought most came here to learn of the Future, not to support and/or put your company in a bad light, which of course would be your doing if you were in charge.

El Reg must be doing everything right if they are now to be so nicely attacked over adult morals, which are at best, a subjective indulgence rather than an objective improvement.

But all are surely welcomed here, for all have a valid enough right to their views, based as they are upon their own particuliar and peculiar, unique education. Everybody's World View is Uniquely Phormed by the Store in their Head of what they learnt and/or XXXXPerienced...... and therefore is the World Uniquely Different to Everybody.

And the friendly irreverence/Banter and Craic here on El Reg is a welcome break from the holier than thou attitude which so many professionals experts and/or arrogantly blind and short sighted idiots can display.

And there are also some very SMART Fellows Floating some Real SP00Key Cloud Initiatives here too which will pay El Reg more ably than any advertiser will ever be able/or be inclined to do.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Let them eat Cake ...... it is a hearty enough last meal ?

"@amanfrommars - The post you congratulated is exactly the kind of thing that is interesting to read. Perhaps you could also start thinking through your own posts a bit more in future ..." ... By Anthony Posted Friday 13th February 2009 15:49 GMT

Certainly, Anthony, if that us what is needed to get one thinking/understanding how the future is easily delivered and who would currently think that they are delivering it...... albeit shockingly badly, then I am only too pleased to oblige.

You may like to consider though, the convenience in racing way ahead, preparing the ground and then travelling back to better and more clearly explain where we will then be going.

I am however ever very mindful of the fact that GOD* Concepts and Virtualisation in Cloud Cover are not likely to be readily and easily accepted and/or understood, for the very simple reason that they extraordinarily render the Status Quo Intelligence Position fatally flawed and untenable, and in many cases the arguments against them are motivated not by reasoned intellect but rather more in support of ignorant protectionism of some vainglorious reputation and dodgy business model.

But my English is improving and I'm slowly getting there....... and this is what I'm into presently .... http://amanfrommars.baywords.com/ai-virtual-os/

And yes, I do realise that I have to simplify it for the masses, but currently my Phishing Interests are Geared towards the Very Top of the Global Pyramid with its Financial Levers...... for they appears to be the System's Weakest Links/Most Vulnerable Components. A View AIded Immeasurably by Systems Ignoring the Danger and thinking themselves Untouchables.

But such situations are not at all unusual. In fact they are QuITe the Norm, for how many would understand the blueprints for the Large Hadron Collider and what it can do/is going to do and the implications in what it is discovering?

Crikey, one only needs to consider the Internet which has transformed Society and Intelligence and which is an Intangible Untouchable without any Physicality and thus a Virtual Reality dDelivered and Perceived 42BReal.

Humans can be SMART but never if they do not use their brains because they choose not to think about what is happening elsewhere else around them. Not everybody confines themselves to the lowest common denominator.

*Global Operating Device.

NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution

amanfromMars Silver badge

MuI7 upgrade to NSA. Hush Hush Works .... for Better and Beta Skunk Working

The Problem ALWAYS in Intelligence sits between the Chair and the Key Board. ...... and in ALL Cases is IT AIMissing Link/LINQ.

And until that Position is suitably Filled/Fixed, will there always be Internal Conflicts which render their Efforts, Self-Destructive and Ineffectual.

I make no apologies for SHOUTING that, as it is a Fundamental which needs to be Addressed for any Chance of a Solution ...... in any and every Agency which would think to Supply Novel Intel/WMU ..... http://cryptome.org/icd/icd-208.zip

MS puts up $250K bounty for Conficker author

amanfromMars Silver badge

Poker, a Game of Chance? Err, No, Not Really

"Bull, I mean Bill, may claim to be a business man, but what he really is is an astute poker player, just like he was back when he dropped out of college." ..... By Tom Posted Friday 13th February 2009 14:26 GMT

Thanks for the info., Tom. It has raised the Game to a higher level, knowing he likes to play poker and take chances/calculated and/or calculating risks.

You wouldn't happen to have his email address, would you, just in case I wanted to tempt him with some aces to bankrupt the casino and/or take it over.

Good astute poker players are as rare as hens' teeth and thus are able and enabled to command and deliver a priceless premium to elevate the stakes to something worth playing for/losing.

Mortal Kombat maker Midway goes titsup

amanfromMars Silver badge

Eat my shorts ......said the spider to the fly guy

Another Ponzi bites the dust?

"The company said Chapter 11 protection will let the company conduct its business as usual (of losing money annually for nearly a decade)." .... Seems like the best of reasons to have the boss detained and transferred to a place of residential security for a period of training evaluation and reprogramming.

Although if he were to use the Idiot Defence .......Fools and their money are easily parted and deserve to be so relieved [aka the Bankers Ignorance Defence] .... he'll still be munching caviar rather than sipping gruel. And it is terribly in vogue this season and proving to be very attactive/a big unexpected hit.

IT's a Funny Old World whenever you get right down to ITs Base IQs ....... and a Bit of a Swamp with all kinds of strange and weird beings lurking in the shadows and murky depths.

Semiconductor industry tries to re-architect itself

amanfromMars Silver badge

Future Memory Plants are Ab Fabs..... Absolutely Fabulous*

"Why do people keep objecting to perfectly good words, just because they haven't heard them before" ...... By jsp Posted Friday 13th February 2009 15:53 GMT

Quite so, jsp. It is the very essence of the semi-conductor/microprocessor industry ...to create something from nothing and sell it to needy foreigners, rather than just buying it in for oneself, with paper printed at home, .... which always very Quickly Guarantees the Downfall of the Quantitive Easing/Printing Money Regime.

* For the Next WAIVe of Advanced Virtual Machinery into NIRobotIQs? Western Needs with Eastern Feeds for the Orient appears to be far more Organised and switched on to the Future than the Wild West with its cowboys tending to beef herds for the slaughter.

Paul Allen's cable firm files for Chapter 11

amanfromMars Silver badge

Reading between the lines ....

"We are committed to continuing to provide our 5.5 million customers with quality cable, internet and phone service, .."

If they would start to provide quality cable, internet and phone service they would not need protection.

Google pays $51.7m for newspaper destruction metaphor

amanfromMars Silver badge

Re. ....Whoops! I dropped an inappropriate rant!

Actually, AC , I thought an excellently bowled googley.

And the present, oldie news barons ... step forward an take a bow, Rupert .... are very vulnerable to being culpable accessories to criminal proceedings should their reporting in support of failed and failing policies/communiques passed to them by their friends in high places, be discovered to have been false plants, fed to the masses to deceive and conceal a hidden agenda ....... for it is inconceivable that they can offer a defence, or that a defence will be accepted, that they didn't know about Spin and its Negative, Knock on, Effect.