* Posts by Don Jefe

5059 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Nov 2011

British spooks seize tech from Snowden journo's boyfriend at airport

Don Jefe

Re: Obama still not strong-arming, then, I see

Surprisingly it was about abuse of terrorism laws in the UK, but I'm fairly certain they'll eventually segue off that into how the US isn't as bad as the UK in abusing power so everything we're doing is 'OK'!

Interestingly enough even the semi-literate, gay bashing asshats at Fox News had the class to say 'Greenwald partner' not boyfriend or lover in their articles...

Don Jefe

Re: But

A Telegraph piece, citing Greenwald, said there were Snowden related files on the seized memory sticks but they were encrypted, for whatever that's worth.

I think traveling with the stuff was either intentionally crazy to scare the spooks with what they had or possibly just to be hilarious & give them several gigs of encrypted cat pictures and cookie recipes.

We next day FedEx our encrypted stuff when we travel abroad. It's expensive but it gets hustled through customs and the packages have inspection measures that let us know if they've been opened/compromised. I can't believe Greenwald & Friends wouldn't take similar precautions.

Don Jefe

Re: Obama still not strong-arming, then, I see

Actually this story has dominated the news here in the States since yesterday (Sunday) morning. Everybody, even Fox News, is getting a piece of it.

Don Jefe

Re: Hmmm, and this from a administration

That's a great point, but don't forget that terrorism anti-terrorism enforcers aren't subject to the law in any Western country anymore, so they are allowed, even encouraged to bully.

Wikileaks Party scrambles to explain election decisions

Don Jefe

Re: Democracy

Voting in the US is really screwed up. The last armed insurrection in the US was about voting fraud. In 1946 a bunch of WWII vets in Tennessee seized the National Guard Armory and laid siege to the jail where crooked politicians had absconded with the ballot boxes to destroy the ballots supporting the opposition.

I'm originally from where this all took place and the families are still alive; everyone is waiting for natural attrition of involved parties so the movie can be made. My family was involved in the original incidents and provided interviews and pictures to a big name producer several years ago.

Here's the TL;DR Wikipedia summary: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Athens_(1946)

Sad part is that people aren't willing to defend their rights anymore. This probably never would have happened if it wasn't a bunch of battle hardened WWII vets who had been home from the war less than a year.

Don Jefe


Democracy is all fine and well, until those in power manipulate the system to the point that no matter how you vote you're voting for the same bunch of people. I'm fairly certain the insanely complex systems that are popular today are not meeting the goals empowering the populace.

An afternoon with Phil Plait, the Bad Astronomer

Don Jefe

Re: Maybe scientists are born, not made.

I truly believe that Humans are innately curious by default, especially as their brains and bodies mature to the point where they notice they really have an effect on the natural world and the world has an effect on them. But then 'the real world' comes along and for various reasons, almost always about money, people sacrifice that curiosity to support their version of reality.

It is sad, but I don't know what to do about it. I can almost guarantee someone will comment on this article about how science funding could be better spent on (x); all the while blind to the fact that those funds could be used to alleviate (x) if politics and religion weren't so disproportionatly weighted in our society.

This was a great article!

Google Glass is high fashion in September Vogue magazine

Don Jefe

Re: Still a dork...

You are absolutely wrong. People do get to judge.

Just as models are free to sell sex and exhibit lunatic fascination with fancy accoutrements in order to pump up their self worth, people are free to laugh at them and their shallow behavior. Absolutely no different than laughing at a geek for their raging iPhone or Galaxy S4 boner.

It is far more likely that the reason there aren't many women in IT is because there is a surplus of egos and easily offended individuals who are so full of their own contradictory bullshit that no one, especially an intelligent woman, would want to be around them. So they sit, lurking in the basements and dark bedrooms of the world, ready to pounce on whatever concept thy believe will make them seem worldly and attractive but that they manage to wholly misunderstand.

Don Jefe

Re: Glamour?

You must be from the UK. Here in the US we didn't let our women operate fuel dispensing equipment until the late 1970's and only then with proper supervision by a qualified male.

Don Jefe

Re: ouroboros

You gotta give El Reg credit though: They keep the recycled mumbojumbo and sponsored stories to a bare minimum.

Don Jefe

Re: Still a dork...

The fact Google Glass has now been features in a "high-fashion" magazine pretty much, thankfully, means commoners won't be wearing it. As you note, normal women neither look, dress nor style themselves like the ambulatory semen buckets in these magazines.

Curiosity looks up, spies Martian double-mooning

Don Jefe

I never tire of Space Exploration either. I have only recently returned to Earth after seven millennia of travel. I have seen much and learned even more. I know how you all shall perish.

Don Jefe

That's really cool! Although the big one is suspiciously potato like in appearance.

I wonder how two moons affect the tides on Mars?

NSA coughs to 1000s of unlawful acts of snooping on US soil since 2008

Don Jefe

No. As a regular on the DC scene I can assure you that there is nothing worth putting under surveillance there except possibly drug buys by members of Congress and the DC City Council. But that's not scandalous or interesting because they passed laws that make it illegal to request they be screened for drug use.

People go to DC to be seen and distribute money, all the real business takes place away from that festering ass boil of a town.

In all seriousness, the calling code thing seems like the only slightly believable part of all this. People do make mistakes, but that's also why letting people have this much power is a really bad idea.

Don Jefe

Re: Fuck the NSA

The people at the museum are employees which did not exhibit the deficiencies in moral fiber and antisocial tendencies of their colleagues with the security clearances who work in the back: i.e. inappropriate hires.

Don Jefe

Re: So...

No, this will not. This will be addressed by another commission which will not be reporting to the President, Congress or the public. You'll just have to trust they'll take care of the issue(s).

Don Jefe

Re: Meaning?

Collection, noun: The act or process of collecting a like type group of items or other works.

It looks like they're trying to collect the complete set.

Don Jefe

Re: caused by?

They missed "We really didn't think this would get out".

Don Jefe
Black Helicopters

Re: I see the Fnords

Yes, I believe that's likely what they were aiming at when exposing the fnords to the uninitiated.

It's a pity you had to tell everyone about your revelation though. I for one will miss your commentary when you're replaced with a duplicate Runcible Spoon... Runcible Spork!

Don Jefe

Re: Bigger Gov

Conservatives support growing government too. They just want it to grow in a way that puts money into their programs. Don't ever buy that bullishit about the conservative platform being for smaller government, it isn't; their platform is greater control.

A study of their own policies prove it, it's just that the conservatives are also known for completely ignoring their own facts if it'll get them what they want.

Don Jefe

Re: Fetch my paintbox ...

Just heard on the radio they're going to make a statement today.

Don Jefe

Error Error Error

The really scary part of this is that these violations are at the consolidation and analysis center so they only reflect errors that escaped redaction at the collection centers, where the majority of the work gets done.

So what we're looking at here is a system that is so broken the presence of ~2500 constitutionally illegal procedures slip through the curtains to be reported, the rest are squashed hidden suppressed corrected before they get reported to HQ.

WTF is... backend-as-a-service?

Don Jefe

This is old news. People have been providing Backend As A Service with 100% uptime guarantees forever: Ask your Congressman or MP where to find service providers in your area.

Virus and infection measures are the responsibility of the client, so use common sense and follow best practices when interfacing with your chosen service provider.

Google goes dark for 2 minutes, kills 40% of world's net traffic

Don Jefe
Black Helicopters

Upgrade Complete

To help prevent inadvertent collection of personal data, as reported in earlier stories; the NSA and Google are proud to unveil the new Fast Updatable Collection Keystone Utilities (FUCKU) system which went online at 21:53 Friday, August 16th.

Fully integrating the new system required a brief restart of the Internet our systems. We do not anticipate further interruptions of service.

Don Jefe

Re: Is it really that bad?

How did you find the other websites?

Department of Interior dishes out $10bn for cloudy IT

Don Jefe

Re: Department of what?

The Department of Convenience Stores, Motels and Tobacco Stores.

Don Jefe

Re: Department of what?


They are responsible for all US land, waterways, wildlife, most natural resources as well as one of the largest road networks in the world (possibly the largest) and the Indians (Native Americans).

KABOOOM! Space-faring dwarf's galactic pile-up snapped by X-ray boffins

Don Jefe

Re: A Scientific Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit; WTF!

It is zero because from there you just have to count upwards! It would be really stupid if the scale started at 32 or something.

Don Jefe

Re: DEGREES Kelvin?

I went to university with a guy named Kelvin Digree, no joke. We teased him unmercifully about his existence.

Microsoft warns of post-April zero day hack bonanza on Windows XP

Don Jefe

Don't Have To

They don't have to provide updates at all period, unless the product does not function based on the published minimum system requirements.

In the US you can't even advertise it as 'going to be updated' in the future: US law prohibits companies from listing 'partial or incomplete' products as sales in their financials. You get what you get when you buy it and the goodwill of the company keeps the updates coming.

It sucks, but that's the way it is.

Facebook's flush Sheryl Sandberg savaged over unpaid intern advert

Don Jefe

Re: "Lean In"?

Bend Over: Women, Shaking It, and the Desire to Make Sandwiches was proposed as a rebuttal to her feminist manifesto but the publisher didn't want to risk being accused of trolling.

Don Jefe


Is Sandberg, feminist role model and empowerment figure, saying: "It's thier fault because they were obviously desperate and asking for it"?

Sounds suspiciously like another argument I've heard derided by the Feminist Camp...

NASA: Earth II may be hiding in unexamined data from injured Kepler

Don Jefe

Re: Now if one of those "Earth II" planets was within a human lifetime at say 0.1c

Deep space travelers should talk to their doctor about Chronexaline.

Chronexaline has been shown to protect bio matter from the effects of tachyon radiation without keeping you away from your duty shifts. Chronexaline is administered painlessly in your physicians office with a hypo-spray which can also include other immune system boosters and required vaccinations for off planet travel to keep you healthy without repeated office visits or expense.

Chronexaline is a available only through your doctor. Women who are nursing should not use Chronexaline as infant liver damage may occur. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should discuss deep space travel with their doctor prior to leaving Earth. Chronexaline or exposure to tachyon radiation is not recommended for children under the age of 15 or for those with immune system, liver or kidney complications.

Side effects of Chronexaline may include mild headache, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hyper active libido (Damp Underwear Symdrome), vivid dreams, auditory hallucinations and a strong urge to gamble.

If you need Chronexaline but are unable to afford your medication we may be able to assist you. Please contact us to see if you qualify for financial assistance.

Don Jefe

Re: Earth II

Used to be people couldn't see using cars instead of horses. They were just too many challenges.

Used to be people couldn't see using electricity in every home. Just too many challenges.

Used to be people couldn't see flying around in airplanes. There were just too many challenges.

Used to be people couldn't see having moving picture shows at home. There were just too many challenges.

Used to be people couldn't imagine speaking in real time to someone across the Atlantic. Too many challenges.

Used to be people couldn't see having computers in every home, or a global information network, or mobile phones or the ability to make cocks 8===> appear on screens all over the world and even on the surface of Mars.

For every challenge there is a solution, it may not be what's expected, but a solution exists. I don't have the answers, and neither does anyone else, yet, but the solution(s) will be found. Found by someone who didn't quit because of naysayers or silly things like science as it was/is understood. Those people do come along and we all ride on the backs of their ideas.

Don Jefe

Re: Calling Roadside Assistance

Strange that my comment was repeated 5mins after the original post was posted...

Don Jefe

Re: Calling Roadside Assistance

Yep, no Shuttle and the distance to the device make fixing it technologically and financially impossible.

There was also a lot of politics going on around Hubble with a lot of people embarrassed and going to be more embarrassed if it wasn't fixed. Their support for the fix turned them into 'heros'.

The current Congress, being comprised of 75% of members who hate science and the rest too impotent to push any agenda means Kepler will never get any help.

Don Jefe

Re: Calling Roadside Assistance

Yep, no Shuttle and the distance to the device make fixing it technologically and financially impossible.

There was also a lot of politics going on around Hubble with a lot of people embarrassed and going to be more embarrassed if it wasn't fixed. Their support for the fix turned them into 'heros'.

The current Congress, being comprised of 75% of members who hate science and the rest too impotent to push any agenda means Keppler will never get any more support.

Don Jefe
Thumb Up

Re: Might be an idea for future missions to include some "plan B" science options in planning?

Have to agree with Tom. There is a bar size gap in the planetary design market, someone needs to fill it.

Shareholders hoping to squeeze cash from Kodak are deluded, says court

Don Jefe

Re: I owned a mid- noughties Kodak digital camera....

All digital cameras from that era were horrendous, Kodak had no monopoly on that. Besides, Kodak didn't even provide much of the equipment, the licensed it from Sony, Nikon and a few other specialty manufacturers. They did some great work with color processing software embedded in the cameras, but they were held back by the limitations of the hardware.

I didn't drop my Mamiya medium format film stuff until 2011. Digital cameras have only recently caught up with what a real film camera and film could do. Most people have just never seen what an ultra high quality transparency looked like so digital has suited them well. I still prefer to view transparencies on a light box, but the film is simply too hard to find anymore. It's sad really.

Don Jefe

Re: @Robert Sneddon

There were activists shareholders at Kodak. They were loudly opposed to a strong move into digital photography and wanted the company to break up and return the investment dollars, with a nice profit on top of course.

They ended up destroying not only the company, but any return they might have seen were it not for their interference. Now they're whinging because their own actions cost them money. The judge is absolutely correct in this.

AREA 51 - THE TRUTH by the CIA: Official dossier blows lid off US secrets

Don Jefe

Re: SR71 Blackbird

There's an SR-71 at the USAF Armament Museum at Eglin AFB in Florida. The museum is open to the public as it's just outside the base. The plane is cool, you can climb all over it, touch it, etc. Nice that they allow the public to come in contact with it. Seems to make it more real somehow.

Don Jefe

Both the U-2 and the SR-71 are excellent examples of not only aerospace design but high speed, high resolution photography and photography processes and logistical support. They were full of complicated engineering problems and keeping them flying was a constant challenge: I'm afraid the abilities to bootstrap engineering solutions on the fly is a lost art these days.

Everyone wants no risk guarantees and assurances these days, not forward thinking. Look at the F-35 for a great example of trying to design around every possible problem and coming up with a big pile of shit that can't do anything, instead of recognizing the need for in the field solutions.

Also, the aliens and their technology are kept at the Mt. Weather facility in Virginia not Area 51.

Open Rights Group revives 'unavailable for legal reasons' HTTP error code plan

Don Jefe

Re: >the temperature at which books burn

There is no magic number for the ignition temperature of 'paper'. Ignition temperature is a function of the materials something is made from and any chemical processes it undergoes in order to become the finished good.

There are about 1.7 zillion officially standardized types of 'paper', some of which ignite much lower and some much higher that 451F.

Just add creepiness: Google Search gets even more personal

Don Jefe

Re: Question:

Choose your favorite answer:

a) We can't answer that question.

b) We don't know what you're talking about.

c) All information we provide to government agencies is legal.

d) Everything.

Don Jefe

Re: Not an issue for moi.

Duck Duck Go already went for me. I truly appreciate what they're doing, but the results simply aren't as useful as Google's.

Even with the overall drop off in quality of Google searches they've still got the best search offering out there. As long as that remains the case people will keep lining up to give Google all their information.

Don Jefe
Black Helicopters

Re: Hack into Joe Bloggs' account, and...go!

I keep all my classified information dissemination appointments with journalists in Google Calendar...

Twee...THUD: Boffins build 'The Classifier' to seek out, kill millions of Twitter fakes

Don Jefe

Re: indistinguishable guff

It certainly is a significant accomplishment! I thought all the stuff on Twitter was spam...

Telefonica and Arqiva set to mop up BILLIONS in smart meter cash

Don Jefe

Re: If I get forced to have a smart meter

Out of curiosity, what do you think a Faraday Cage looks like?