* Posts by CJ Bill

16 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Nov 2011

Snowden journalist's partner gave Brit spooks passwords to seized files

CJ Bill

Re: gazthejourno New Security Application

Difficult when's living under...

That $1,000 the lad in Lagos needed? Just email it with Google Wallet

CJ Bill

Funny you should mention that lad in Lagos

The pay by email system reminds me a bit of m-pesa, an African pay by text system which is massive in East Africa. It's very much proved itself in it's home country, Kenya, and is spreading.


Murdoch hate sparks mass bitchin', rapid evacuation from O2, BE

CJ Bill

Re: I'm going

I'm waiting on the house sale to go through before ditching as well

Oh, those crazy Frenchies: Facebook faces family photo tax in France

CJ Bill

Re: The article is good, but is an opinion, not a fact report

Don't forget El Reg is, fundamentally a red top with the same instinct for bending reportage as it's Fleet Street cousins albeit without the same propensity for bunging brown envelopes to Inspector Knacker.

What killed Motorola? Not Google! It was Moto's dire software

CJ Bill

UIQ, Warrington based?!

"Motorola bought Warrington-Based UIQ Technology, which layered a graphical user interface over Symbian"

Point of information, UIQ were based in Ronneby in Sweden: Warrington, on the other hand, was where most of the SE software platform work for Symbian devices was conducted (Kista in Sweden being where the hardware work was done). I should know, I worked there from 2001 until they shut it down in 2009.

HTC share zoom prior to Apple peace pact under investigation

CJ Bill

Saw the title and thought Share Zoom was one of the patented areas


Apple time is now world time

CJ Bill

Re: Why does anyone care? Serious question.

I'm sitting next to someone who's ditched their 4S to upgrade to an iPhone 5.

Just sayin'

Did Mitt Romney really get 117,000 REAL Twitter followers in ONE DAY?

CJ Bill

Re: Correction

Silent 'p' as in bath?

Nokia adds touch to budget blowers

CJ Bill

Designed for, and aimed at, emerging markets

Hence low low prices and UK unavailability.

Motorola Mobility loses to Microsoft in German patent battle

CJ Bill

Re: And which

"Already impossible! If you drive"...

IF you drive. I don't

iPad app that lets mute kids speak menaced by patent lawsuit

CJ Bill
Thumb Up

Re: Toys out of the pram...

@David. W: you've hit the nail on the head.

Oceans gaining ACID faster than last 300 MILLION YEARS

CJ Bill
Thumb Down

Re: Dredging for a Scare story....

The levels of CO2 may not be unprecedented but the rate of change is. Well, it is outside of extinction events...

Facebook shoves your face into creepy 'sponsored stories' in 2012

CJ Bill

Ah, goatsee...

US spy drone hijacked with GPS spoof hack, report says

CJ Bill
Big Brother

I tend to agree Tchou, although the Iranian government are the biggest bunch of theocratic tossers out there, responsible for some of the worst repression on the planet.

Exoplanet ranking suggests INTERSTELLAR WAR imminent

CJ Bill

What's with the "we" Earthling?

I for one welcome our new alien overlords...

Are we in the middle of a patent bubble?

CJ Bill
Paris Hilton

Thomas who?