* Posts by hybrid

2 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Oct 2011

Rock star physicist Cox: Neutrinos won't help us cheat time


Time and gravity

Where are all the space/time believers? Gravity changes time they, say, so neutrinos traveling nearer the cg of earth as they travel through it have their time changed?

I don't believe this what does it but that is another story. See "The Dynamic Ether"

Accelerating universe expansion discovery snags Nobel Prize


Why Perlmutter? He only confirmed the findings of the Aussie and his team. Perlmutter had no idea of the acceleration, ----- his studies concerned the slowing down of the universe. Aussie and co only requested him to look in his data to confirm their findings. Perlmutter came on strong to the media claiming to be part of the discovery. He may have had the data but he sure didn't know it. According to the records it was a race between two teams and the Aussie folks won, so why does a self appointed leader get the lion's share of the prize? It's a bit thick I say, ---- It's like Michelson and Morely having a joint claim on Einstein's fame since they started the study.