* Posts by anybody

3 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jun 2011

LulzSec say they'll release big Murdoch email archive

Big Brother

Forget about the newspapers, there are much more people doing this

(Almost) everybody has been missing the point. When newspaper guys can "hack" voice mailboxes, who can't? It's a well-known issue with the service, and there is no fix coming. Anyone can still do it, so why should we care about 3000 "victims" when there are countless more. I wouldn't blame newspapers, but the service provider for a negligence of security and for not sufficiently informing customers about the risk of having voice mailboxes.

Office 365: Can Microsoft replace Microsoft?

Big Brother

Microsoft's successor of Windows and Office as we know it

Microsoft has a patented pay-as-you-go system which is currently used not only for Office 365, but also for the Windows Azure platform - http://www.microsoft.com/windowsazure/

There are many sound companies such as NASA, Xerox, T-mobile, Volvo, using Windows Azure and paying for used resources instead of purchasing their own servers. This scheme may indeed prove beneficial for businesses in cases you need the service available 365 days a year, but you will use it infrequently per demand. The idea behind Windows Azure may lead to a new version of Windows, the successor of 7/8, which is just a thin client connecting to the cloud. Users will no longer have their copy of the whole system. This is going to eliminate unauthorized copying because users will never download the software, but rather just control it. The used technology is Citrix. Microsoft and Citrix already have an alliance http://www.microsoft.com/enterprise/partners/citrix.aspx and work together on it.

Once it's all the cloud, you can't even access your own data without paying for it, and frankly who likes having his own CPU capped unless subscribing to some expensive enterprise plan? How easy is it to be the man in the middle in case of a cloud?

Accused SOCA attacker reportedly 'keen' to help cops


The police are extremely stubborn, aggressive, suspicious, and dumb

In majority of cases, the police can't even recognize the victim from the attacker, but in all cases the "accused attacker" gets treated very inappropriately. That's not fair! My personal experience with the police is just like that. More than 65% cases are when the police treat the attacker as a victim and the victim as an attacker. They don't trust you, are pissed at you, aggressive, thoroughly touch your body to make you feel very uncomfortable and then they cover it as a routine check for weapons (where the hell would you hide them when standing in a t-shirt and shorts?), and then obviously the police won't give you any help to fight back against their false accusation. The real attacker is being helped while you are punished for his wrongdoing. More than 65% cases! That's alarming.