* Posts by APatriot1

3 publicly visible posts • joined 19 May 2011

Forget the invisibility cloak: Boffins invent INVISIBILITY FISHNETS


I hate Boffins

The word Boffin is so silly. Somehow this local UK slang slips through to American Internet news outlets and instantly prompts mass WTF proclamations Please, lose this term and just write "researcher" or "scientist:. We Americans look to England to uphold some standards of the language.

America planned to NUKE THE MOON


Not as crazy as what they DID do

Operation Fishbowl was worse. It detonated nukes in the upper atmosphere. Not once, but FIVE times http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fishbowl

Can anybody say Jet Stream?

Microsoft calls Intel's Windows 8 comments 'inaccurate'

Gates Horns

Probably will...

Virtualization will allow legacy apps to run. If Microsoft doesn't provide it, a third party will.