* Posts by http://Portent.org

3 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Apr 2011

Don't bother with that degree, say IT pros


Good luck with that!

Nice idea, except a large number of job adverts specify that you must have a degree, some of the higher paid ones insist on a 2:1 or better. Also I'm sure I saw a games job advert that required a degree. You also see this "Must have a degree" for php jobs which isn't as far as I know taught at unis.

Prang finder site reveals accident blackspots


Speed Cameras

It would be interesting to see a map of Gatsos locations etc superimposed over this and see if there's a correlation cos we all know that they were placed to maximise safety er revenues..

WordPress.com hack exposes confidential code

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Source Code on Servers?

How long has IonCube been around? Or there's hiphop the Facebook open source converter for PHP that allows development in PHP but then converts/compiles it as C++ and reduces the number of servers needed by half.