* Posts by Trevor_Pott

6991 publicly visible posts • joined 31 May 2010

How do you copy 60m files?

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Jerome 0

Because the Linux VM was significantly faster than Richcopy in single-threaded mode.

Richcopy is faster in multi-threaded mode, but leaves the system fragmented. In single-threaded mode, using the Linux VM was about 20% faster. As to *why* the Linux VM would be that much faster...you got me there. (Maybe because it's not preserving permissions?) In my case I wasn't worried about permissions. I just needed the files moved. (We were resetting permissions on entire trees upon arrival anyways. Domain change and all that...)

I only tried the Linux VM on a lark: I happened to have a web server which had CIFS mounts pointing to both machines. I figured “what the heck, let’s see what it does.”

Imagine my surprise ½ hour later when I clocked how far it had gotten down the miserable “many small files” directory. Farther than Rich copy in the same time, I assure you.

Also: no, I wasn’t running the tests concurrently.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge



Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Re: xcopy, robocopy and rsync+cygwin

Xcopy won’t see anything with a path depth larger than 255 characters. Otherwise, it would trundle through 60M files just fine, I expect.

Robocopy theoretically /should/ see files with a path depth longer than 255 characters, but in my experience simply doesn’t. It will see a file with a /name/ larger than 255 characters (or at least that’s what the length of the file name looks like at first glance,) however when I feed it /path depths/ larger than 255 is continually refuses to copy the file. I banged away at it for about half an hour before giving up and moving on to the next tool on my list. It should be noted that I tried only the command line version of robocopy. I did not give the GUI loader much of a go. (I figured if I was going to faff about with GUI tools, Richcopy > Robocopy anyways, so….)

Cygwin + Rsync was actually the very first thing I tried. <3 rsync. Sadly, rsync didn’t seem to play nice with long path depths either. Wholly apart form that, it blew up somewhere around 6M files for reasons I can’t discern. The *nix version doesn’t seem to have that problem, only when running rsync + cygwin under Windows did I encounter it. The system in question was a Server 2003 R2 instance, fully patched as of August 20, 2010.

Also of random note: VMWare Server 2.0 has served me well in the past for many things. Need to toss a Linux VM on a system for a few days do perform a task just like this? Works a treat. There is a caveat to that plan however: VMWare Server 2.0 absolutely /abhors/ TCP offloading. They don’t play well. Additionally, it can be the DOS settings:


If you decided to load it up in order to move files around, you might consider this first. Otherwise your VM won’t talk to the host quite as well as would be required to pull this off.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Robert Hill

When restricted to one thread, it's actually quite a bit slower than CP

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Robert Carnegie

Richcopy resulted in 43% volume fragmentation.

Backups occur using retrospect and file servers located across the WAN. (<3 uncapped links.)

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


...I has no tape.

"Backups" occur over our WAN. (100Mbit pipe is perfectly fine for incrementals.) We are fortunate to have an uncapped plan from our provider...

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


If it can't copy a file...then I move on to the next tool. "Those it can't copy" can end up being MILLIONS of files in this scenario. Path depth is a b***h...

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


Yarp: I would handle that.

Where would I put the .bkf though? The originating server doesn't have a spare 10tb, the destination doesn't have 10tb worth of buffer space, and writing your *.bkf to a network share is madness past about 2tb worth of bkf. (A network hiccough WILL occur, and you WILL loose that backup.)

That said, for most tasks, WIndows Backup Services serve me just fine.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


Richcopy copies more than one file a time.

If your destination is a Windows server, then doing this causes massive fragmentation. So the total time to finish the copy is "time to copy" +"time to defrag". The goal is not just to get files from server A to server B, but to get them there in a ashion that ensures that server B is ready for prime time.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


From the article:

I wanted to give several command-line tools a go as well. XCopy and Robocopy most likely would have been able to handle the file volume but - like Windows Explorer - they are bound by the fact that NTFS can store files with longer names and greater path than CMD can handle. I tried ever more complicated batch files, with various loops in them, in an attempt to deal with the path depth issues. I failed.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Russell Howe

Did I mention that the systems were both live and in use during the copy?

Also, RAID card on the destination server was full.

Fraunhofer boffins develop 'Titanium foam' endoskeletal implants

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Longer Telomeres - bah

Live fast, die young, leave an interesting crater. You can have your elf-like life.

I want orbital skydiving.

Google data center links shot down by 'bored' riflemen

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Ned Ludd

I think that jerks exist everywhere. I live in Edmonton, but am engaged to a small town girl. I grew up on the absolute edge of the city: my community had a military base to the north, and farms in every other direction. . To the south a long ways the actual city began. I currently live in the burbs here in Edmonton. I spend a lot of time out in the bush, have a cabin out by Barrhead and get to see a lot of the province.

By an large I’ve personally found the country folk to be far more pleasant than city folk from almost anywhere. The difference between country folk and city folk even in Alberta is noticeable: the city folk are self-centered, self-focused and lacking in many common courtesies.

Still, even the city folk from Alberta are generally a far cry from V-Town or T.O. Both cities seem filled with contemptuous, snobby, elitist, entitled, self-absorbed yuppies. I find these people far, FAR more difficult to deal with than any hick I’ve ever met. My last visit to V-Town in fact involved running into some of the most blatant and over-the-top racism I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. I left that city ashamed to be of the same nationality as those folks.

I can’t speak to your experience, but in my own personal experience every time I see someone out in the bush wrecking someone else’s property, driving recklessly or otherwise doing whatever the heck they want with no regard for anyone else it’s city folk. The attitude of absolute entitlement that the younger city folk seems to be hugely at play when they head out into the bush for “fun” and cause all sorts of chaos.

The yokels on the other hand, while terribly backward in oh so many ways…they seem to have the common courtesies down pat. If I was in a spot of trouble and needed help, I’d sooner knock on the door of a farmer than random Joe from the city. The farmer would, in my experience, help first and ask questions later. The fellow from the city would wonder why it’s his problem, kick you out of the way and then drive to work whilst texting, admiring himself in the mirror and drinking his latte.

Of course, these are all stereotypes, and they can’t possibly be applied with an absolute brush. There are certainly some real scumbags in the country, and there are some real great people in the city. My point is that overall I trust the country folk to “do the right thing” far more than I would the city folk. Certainly far more than I would someone from V-Town or T.O. Yeah, the country folk might be stuck in their little religiosity of choice…and that might lead a smallish % of them to be real doucehbags. Overall though, even when you clearly don’t agree with their bit of religion, political leaning or what not…I find the rednecks ‘round here are the people to turn to.

if you really are from rural Alberta, I can only recommend you go spend some time in some of the bigger cities. V-Town, T.O., NY, LA…what have you. Spend a few weeks in each, and take public transit everywhere. Observe people. Learn from them, and see how they interact. I think that after that, you might well just look back on the quaint and backwards world of rural Alberta with some fondness. We might be stuck in the past…but at least most of us are nice people.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Aaron Em?


Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@W. Keith Wingate

I am sorry you had a sheltered childhood, but I can't help you with that. I /was/ raised in a culture where "shooting shit for the fun of it" is part and parcel of life here. "Because I get to blow shit up" is not only an acceptable reason for a career path, it earmarks you fro free beers as one of the lucky few if you succeed in making this goal become a reality. (For example someone who gets paid to blow up buildings/bridges/etc. For that matter, out of common courtesy, no member of the Canadian Military pays for beer in any bar I’ve been to.)

Regardless of your stereotypes or prejudices, a true Redneck wouldn’t commit wanton destruction of someone ELSE’S property. That would go against a lot of what we are raised to believe. It is one thing to do that in war, but quite another to do it for one’s own pleasure. You don’t fool around with guns excepting in a controlled environment, or while hunting with an actual expert present. (You may indeed be that expert, at which point the caution is your duty.)

Wanton destruction of property via guns or explosions in a controlled environment is a sport. It can be very cathartic. I guarantee you however that we would look down upon (and immediately report) /ANYONE/ who was taking pot-shots at another individual’s equipment, poaching, or operating a firearm in an irresponsible manner.

I don’t care what criteria you use to support your prejudice, but the reality of Rednecks and your vision of them are quite divergent. I propose that you obtain some actual firsthand experience with them. All societies have their failures and those who defy the social conventions of the culture in which they were raised.

What I can tell you is that in “Redneck culture” you are raised to respect others first and foremost. That includes the property they own. As to the wanton destruction of life…I have absolutely no idea what you are on about. I know of no Redneck that would /EVER/ consider poaching. There are a great many reasons why sustainable hunting methods need to be practiced, and we are all aware of them. There isn’t enough game for us all; this is why we have a lottery system for hunting in place. Only so many members of a given species can be taken province-wide. You apply for your tickets, and you get what you get.

If you mistakenly think that Redneck would kill an animal or human “for fun” then I respectfully submit that you shut the hell up until you have the vaguest damned clue what you are talking about. That isn’t a “Redneck” it’s a “Sociopath.” There may be “Redneck Sociopaths” but they would most certainly not be the mainstream members of the culture, nor would they be any more socially accepted than a Sociopath in any other (non-political) culture.

I think you need to watch less TV, and spend more time travelling and meeting people, sir.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Why hello there Captain Save-a-ho

I hear you haven't heard of a country called "Canada." We have what we call "Provinces." These are both like and unlike your states. (The levels of sovereignty they have compared to the federal government differ in many ways.) Several of these provinces contain large quantities of what you would term “Rednecks.” British Columbia, My home province of Alberta, the unendingly flat Saskatchewan, The gigantic bog that is Manitoba and I know from experience there’s quite a collection of them in Atlantic Canada.

You can most certainly then be a Redneck where the snow doth fall. I speak not here of merely metaphorical Rednecks, but actual folks whose necks are red for goodly chunks of the year from toiling in the sun all day. Canada is larger than the US, but houses less than a tenth the population. As you can imagine then, it is chalk full of farmers. From these individuals will you find both literal and metaphorical rednecks.

If you have doubts, then mosey on up here to Alberta. I’ll throw some beef on the grill, bust out the vitamin P and be happy to show you around these here parts.

For the record though, I do take some very serious objection to your characterisation of Rednecks. We aren’t all bad folk. Indeed…I think you’ll find that Rednecks can be among the kindest folk you’ll ever meet. Mayhap your stereotypes are as misinformed as your knowledge of geography, population concentration and occupational distribution.


Universities warn Willetts on science cuts

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Graham Marsden

"We are definitely in the position of "Too many Chiefs" whose main job is to warm seats and shuffle lots of paperwork (usually in the form of "reports") to make it look as if they are indispensible which the poor bloody infantry (or equivalent) are trying to do more and more with less and less and new recruits are harder and harder to get because the resources are just not there to support them and train them to do the jobs that are desperately required."

Are you talking here about the military, or corporations? You just described almost every company I have ever encountered. Similarly, I think you also just described (almost) every public bureaucracy I have ever encountered. (Social Services and Health Care in many parts of my province would be exempt. They went through a senior-level culling not to long ago and never regenerated the lost chiefs.)

Seriously though…PERFECT description of most mid-large corporations I’ve had the misfortune of dealing with.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Remain scientifically/intellectually/technologically competitive in the future

The US/UK and several other major western powers have really shifted away from science and towards banking. "Financial services" apparently are what they are betting the farm on. I think the problem is that they haven’t played Civ V yet. You can’t buy technologies from other civs anymore. Nor can you trade for them as part of diplomatic concessions. The closest you can come is joint research pacts. (250 gold to get the next technology your join nation develops. They pay the same and get your next tech.)

You still have to fund the research internally if you don’t want to be fighting tanks with spearmen. They also fixed the combat so that spearmen can’t lay waste to a stack of tanks quite so easily any more.

Maybe if your politicians were playing the latest version they would realise this “Betting our entire society on a bunch of greedy bankers doing things that most of the greedy bankers don’t even understand” was a really dumb move.

Automation - one step closer to lights out?

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Automatic provisioning

Over my rotting corpse. Users (and especially managers) don't give a flight-enabled euphemism about anything except that which directly affects them. If you happen to work in a business where licensing costs are “ITs problem” then the concept of automated provisioning is essentially like asking all members of IT to please go an slit their wrists with an HIV infected needle. The very concept is ludicrous.

Users are the “people” (and I use the term loosely) who /demand/ with raised voices, red faces and other tantrum-like symptoms a copy of the latest full Adobe CS suite so they can open a JPEG. “Because the colour is rendered better in Photoshop.” Not so they can EDIT a JPEG mind you, but so that they can VIEW it. Why they need the whole rest of the suite is bloody beyond me.

Don’t forget that apparently saving a word document to PDF absolutely REQUIRES the latest Adobe CS Suite as well. Apparently using PDF 995 would /end the world/. Also; every single new task, render engine or what-have-you apparently requires a separate VM. The capacity for which supposedly grows on trees.

AUTOMATED PROVISIONING? Like hell. The day that the resources to provide the licenses and the storage/network/server capacity come out of someone ELSE’S budget, they can automatically provision anything they want. As it is, I have trouble just keeping critical business functions (such as e-mail, data storage, backups, web services, etc.) running under the existing budget.

I should add that training/”educating” users doesn’t help. At all. You can’t make someone actually /care/ about something they don’t view as their problem. There is no education platform, corporate policy or incentive package in existence that will ever cause the average joe to grow two spoonfuls of give-a-shit. If the cost of what they are “automatically provisioning” doesn’t hit them /personally/ and /directly/, then they will simply look at it as “something the company/IT/my manager/someone-who-is-not-me” has to worry about and push the button to spawn another instance.

If you don’t restrain users, they will feast upon IT services long past the point where they have gorged themselves.

Automatic provisioning? Over my rotting corpse.

Head in the clouds

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Jon Massey

AFAIK, KVM only supports hardware-assisted full virtualisation. While the paravirtualisation is being worked on, my understanding was that this had yet to be fully incorporated into the mainline.

I honestly can’t recall with 100% clarity, but I believe that the paravirtualisation was being talked about for inclusion in RHEL 6. We aren’t there yet; it’s still in beta.

In-house lawyers have no right to secrecy in EU competition cases, rules ECJ

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


Million and million of companies. None of which matter. Most of those companies are tiny. Drops of water in a bucket. The bigger the company is, the more likely it is to be beholden to it's shareholders. To whom, I might add, they are LEGALLY REQUIRED to do everything possible to maximise shareholder value. Missing an opportunity to screw over someone else in order to increase shareholder value leads to a shareholder lawsuit. One the company will most likely lose.

We are not talking about a few companies in Africa. We’re talking about the top 5000 companies in the world. From poisoning your cat food/baby food by cutting corners to using slave labour to dozens of other violations. These companies aren’t actually doing anything illegal in the jurisdictions they are operating their manufacturing plants etc. They simply operate their plants in places that don’t respect human rights.

Corporations are not people. You will /never/ convince me they should have the same rights. The right not to be punished in a cruel an unusual way? Why should they have that? If they do something outrageous, crucify them as an example to other companies. We are not talking about PEOPLE here. We are talking about an social agreement. Corporations are not people, they are social agreements that allow the people who own and work for them to legally abstract consequences from the actions they perform.

Corporations deserve SOME rights. Otherwise they would not be able to function. Those rights should NEVER be called “human rights.” If you require a nicy catchy phrase, call them “corporate rights.” A specific subset of rights aimed at corporations that in NO WAY implies those corporations are legally considered persons.

If you start considering corporations as persons then you are one step closer to giving corporations the vote and effectively completely changing the dynamic of our society. Shareholders already have the right to loot and pillage the lives of ordinary working folk. I absolute WILL NOT ABIDE corporations being given personhood.

There is no dispassionate consideration. Corporations are not people. They are a way for people to escape responsibility. People (most of them) have consciences. They would see things like firing hundred of staff, cutting back customer support and cutting corners on the products you produce just to get a slightly bigger round of executive bonuses and increased shareholder to be /wrong/. To a corporation this isn’t only perfectly acceptable, you’ll get sued into oblivion by someone if you don’t.

Corporations don’t have a conscience. Corporations are not people.

I will be damned if I will ever stand by and let them be considered as such.

Do the Webminimum

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

And another thing...

Have you READ the comments in this forum? Are you not capable of processing what you read from the perspective of someone who doesn’t live and breathe open source? I make a statement that the wider Linux community is hostile to newcomers. Essentially that the arrogant and condescending attitude that you find amongst the knowledgeable Linux Elite is exceptionally off-putting to those seeking to learn about the OS and make the transition.

What is the response? “We’re not arrogant and condescending, how DARE you? Do you not know who I am?” This is mixed in with “if you don’t already know the answer to the question you are seeking, you shouldn’t be working in computers, you useless waste of base elements.” Don’t forget the healthy dose of “if you don’t learn to play by our very exacting set of rules all the time and never break decorum then you are obviously not serious about your job and you suck.”

Disregard that these rules are different for every group of nerds and the fact that Linux nerds enjoy nothing more than running little Jihads against anyone and everyone who disagrees with them…including other Linux nerds.

But surely, the Linux community isn’t hostile. Surely it’s not condescending. Everyone is simply READING IT WRONG.

Are you kidding me? Really? Are you, and the rest of the fire-breathing folk in this thread actually completely incapable of seeing the condescension, arrogance and hostility dripping from the very posts you guys are making to try to tell the world the bulk of the proselytizers of Linux AREN’T condescending and arrogant? It’s like talking to a schizophrenic. It all makes sense to them, somehow…but other people look in and go “WTF?”

Listen, I’ve been working with Linux for about 15 years. I would even consider myself an evangelist of its use where appropriate. But it’s not a way of life. It’s not a religion. It’s a TOOL. It is no more or less important than Windows, or a blackberry…a hammer or a goddamend SPOON. For the right job, it’s the bees knees. For the inappropriate job, it’s simply not useful.

Laying a thick layer of condescension on people ask questions according to some unbelievably convoluted social code whose sole purpose seems to be to weed out those who don’t think like you do or use exactly the same tools in the same manner you do, is what’s known as HOSTILE. “Lusers are idiots.” “Windows admins are idiots.” “People who use $distro instead of $otherdistro are idiots.” “People who use emacs/vi/whatever are idiots” and on and on and on…

Right. This is BENEFICIAL. This is MOVING LINUX FORWARD. It’s helping it be embraced by new people who are a little bit afraid of stepping into foreign waters. Re-read this thread, sir. Read it from the point of view of a Windows guy who has heard 15 years of “Linux is hard.” Someone who wants to learn, but doesn’t quite know where to start.

Now, make that guy a slightly overworked junior numpty in an IT shop somewhere that is largely Windows-only, surrounded by folks resistant to its introduction. Put him in a situation where he doesn’t have unlimited resources (personally or professionally) nor unlimited time to futz with things. He needs a solution and he needs it quickly…he’s counting on a little bit of help and sympathy to get him to make that first step into a brave new world.

Yeah, from that perspective you would stay the HELL AWAY from Linux reading this thread, or any of literally thousands like it across the wide, wolly web. Being pressed for time or backed against a wall doesn’t mean you aren’t trying to learn. Starting from zero and trying to find a specific solution shouldn’t require that you basically absorb everything there is to know about an operating system before someone will treat you like a human being.

I wish the whole lot of the condescending arrogant twats on all the various threads in all the forums across the whole internet would take a moment to get off their damned high horses and wallow in the muck for a while. Not everyone has the luxury of time and infinite resources that apparently the “gods of the internet” possess. It was not to long ago that I was a wet-behind-the-ears Windows admin seeking information on Linux and trying very hard to wrap my mind around the differences. I watch my friends go through that process now and wince in sympathy.

If someone came to me and asked me “what’s the best way to wield this hammer” I wouldn’t laugh in their face, call them an idiot and tell them they are wasting my time unless they’d built at least three test houses and read a dozen best practice manuals on hammer holding. I’d ask “well, what are you trying to do with that hammer?” Then I’d give them my honest advice on how best to hold it to accomplish that specific task.

I wouldn’t condescend and say “until you get a different type of hammer, I won’t help you.” “What do you mean you are trying to use a hammer to accomplish that job. A rubber mallet is the tool you need, go get one of those.” “You hammer has a BLUE handle? What that’s your first mistake. And the nails you’re using are ALL wrong…”

Really? REALLY?!?!?

Dude has a hammer. He ONLY has a hammer. That ONE hammer. He’s got to get a nail that’s in an inconvenient place struck in, and is unsure how best to do it. He already abased himself to you by asking for help. (This is difficult enough for many people to do, why kick them while they’re down.) If you can’t help, then say that. If you won’t help, then just walk away. There’s no need for the kind of elitist crap that this thread is slathered in.

It’s a TOOL. You are CRAFTSMEN. It’s not a religion, and someone trying to use that tool in an unfamiliar way isn’t a blasphemer.

@#()*$&)@(#*$)&#@(*$&#@)(*#@&)(8709870987<carrier lost>

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


"VMs are another level of abstraction that have no real place in any but the largest shops, with (nearly) unlimited R&D budgets, and in home/hobby systems where the sysadmin's time isn't worth anything beyond the learning factor[1]. In my opinion, of course. This will likely change in the near future, but the time isn't quite yet."

Which does nothing but show your personal bias against the technology and/or a complete lack of understanding of the challenges faced by real people in the real world. Let me make this simple.






VMs have a place where they have a place. For the record, Linux is "known working" on VM hardware. Because an age or two ago, they got the code working FINE on VMware's ESXi virtual hardware...and the POINT of a VM is that it's the VIRTUAL hardware presented to the OS that matters. NOT the host.

You go on believing what you want to believe. I've been using virtualisation in production for a little over five years now, using RedHat based Linuxes from the very start. IT. WORKS. FINE. Maybe the MBA in you needs to step back and realise that there are more critical things than eeking every single last theoretical possible % of efficiency out of a given chunk of hardware. Sometimes a little overhead (such as with virtualisation) allows you to drive utilisation up high enough to make use of limited resources more efficiently.

You really do seem to live in a completely different world from any SME out there. Methinks you’ve spent too long flying high and not enough time wallowing in the muck with the common folk.

You don't have to be crazy to work here

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Mike Kamermans

Hear, hear!

The modern polymath is a myth. It is not humanely possible to learn EVERYTHING there is to learn. Of course that doesn’t stop people on the internet for taking the piss out of everyone else int eh entire world for not knowing what they personally already know.

You’d think we were some sort of interdependent society of individuals somehow. One that evolved to have different individuals with different skill sets in order to ensure complete skills coverage rather than a race of gods who knew all and had access to all resources at all times.

The ones I really love are the ones who nerd rage about how everyone needs to learn the command line for every little task or they aren’t a real sysadmin. It goes completely past them that there are plenty of people in this world (especially in small business) for whom systems administration is not their day job. It might be one of literally hundreds of tasks they are expected to do. Or they may be a small business owner trying to do everything themselves to keep costs down, or any of a dozen different things.

Instead the expectation seems to be that everyone who ever touches a computer for whatever reason has the time, skill, patience and resources to learn everything there is to learn about that computer before even turning it on. Even more insane, some of these folk would have it be a legal requirement, if they could. The part where it is just a tool, no more important to 99.9% of people than a fax machine or stapler doesn’t seem to matter in the least.

I still don’t understand exactly how that demon fax machine works. Nor do I care to. I wrote a sticky note telling me which side the writing on the fax goes, and what sequence of numbers I need to press in order to get it to send. I do NOT need to dream about its bloody bytecode and issue custom patches for a small flaw in the modem firmware. I just need the bloody thing to work.

It sadly a revelation, shock, and demoralising blow to a several people when they discover that there are millions (if not billions) of people who look at computers they same way. Who cares what OS it runs, or why…so long as the tool does the job it was created for and we know how to use it, then roll on…

Oh, but that’s blasphemy to speak. Watch the thumbsdowns I get for having the termidity to mention that the emperor has no clothes…

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


Fair enough. I'm not a dedicated Linux administrator. I have a lot of experience with Linux, but half the people in these forums could run rings around me. I'm an IT generalist. I have to maintain Windows, Linux, networks, storage, desktops, and much more. Would you trust me to run your bank's super-critical 24/7 Linux installation? You'd be a complete and utter fool to do so. I have never tried to claim otherwise. Similarly, if you have a gigantic Windows deployment and you need to eek out every single last % of efficiency and security, I am a terrible choice!

I know a great deal about all areas of IT. (Except mainframes.) I have a great deal of experience in all areas of IT (Except mainframes.) I am absolutely fantastic at innovating unique solutions to problems based on virtually non-existent budgets. I am also fantastic at research and the absorption of raw information on a given topic.

What I am not is a /specialist/ in any given area. As much as I know about any area of IT, there are a thousands or even millions of IT bodies who know more. They know more because it’s largely /all they do/. That one specific area of IT. A storage guru is going to know more about storage than me because it’s his job to know more. A true hard-core Linux admin is going to take me to school on Linux because they devote their lives to the craft.

Me? I just need to make it work. I need to know a lot about it...but not nearly as much as someone assembling high-availability clusters running millions or billions of dollars worth of software. This is why I don’t target those folks with my blog. I have absolutely nothing to offer them. Junior admins can learn from me. Similarly, folks who are asked to run an SME, or for whom systems administration is a side effect of their day jobs rather than the main focus.

There aren’t many IT generalists like me left; the requirement to specialist has killed most of us off. It won’t get me a job at a fortune 500 running their systems. It does, on the other hand, give me exposure to an absolutely huge range of products and problems which I can then write about on El Reg.

For what it's worth though...I do have a gentoo box.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


Plenty of "amateurs" are put in a position where they are required to administer systems. Especially in SMEs. It's a rare one below about 50 people that gets a dedicated geek who actually gets paid to learn and implement nothing but IT. The dedicated sysadmins should take the time to learn, but are they to have this knowledge appear fully formed in their heads? What about admins who do know their stuff and just want the mundane stuff taken off their hands?

This is why GUIs are useful; for many people there is more in life they are called upon to do than knowing everything there is to know about the functioning of a single tool.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


My editor ate it.

It was supposed to read "Sendmail’s configuration files were designed to be modified by people who think in regular expressions."

I will go plead with him to restore it.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Bacula Module

Webmin --> Webmin Configuration --> Webmin Modules

Set "Install From" to "Third party module from" and push "..."

You will be confronted with a list of registered third-party modules. There are currently two Bacula Modules. V1.3 and V1.6. Flavour text reads:

"Restore backups created using the open-source Bacula package. Supports browsing through the hierarchy of backed-up files in the database to select those to be restored. Now also supports PostgreSQL Bacula database and SQLite Bacula databases. "

I have never used Bacula, so I have no idea how good this module is. Still, perhaps worth a try for you. Hope that helps!

Novell breakup and sale imminent, says report

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


The Kin phone and the danger crew were GOOD. At least initially. The issue was that there was some warring fiefdom crap going on between the Windows Phone 7 crew and the Kin crew. Remember that had they priced the Kin at anything approaching a reasonable amount, it would have sold like hotcakes, despite not being a full-on smartphone. http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2010/07/a-post-mortem-of-kins-tragic-demise.ars

Microsoft can do AMAZING things. They have BRILLIANT people. What they absolutely suck at is MANAGING them. The company has shattered into little warring clumps each focused on their own little piece and perfectly willing to throw other groups under the bus. If Microsoft snapped up a group of Linux engineers (and MANAGED THEM PROPERLY) they could bring all sorts of great things to Microsoft. Otherwise, they would develop something FANTASTIC whilst operating essentially in a vacuum, then have it squashed by one of the other tribes because it threatened their baby.

All of these management problems can be laid at no other door than he who is in charge of the company. It’s his job to ensure exactly these sorts of problems don’t occur. Ballmer needs to go. NOW.

Webmin's virtual twin

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


"I know that Apache's use of "virtual servers" came about before the x86 revolution"

Change to "x86 virtualisation revolution."

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Adam 2

Shhh. Enough with the spoilers! (Cloudmin article is next...)

Seriously though, I wish Apache had a different name than "virtual servers" for how it slices up resources on a server. I know that Apache's use of "virtual servers" came about before the x86 revolution...but it makes it difficult to explain the differences when they both sue the same terminology.

Not only that, but there are “shared kernel” and “non-shared kernel” x86 virtualisation packages as well. It’s all a bit of a muddle. I understand it just fine...but I've been tinkering with it all for over a decade. It makes newbies' eyes cross.

Trident delay by the Coalition: Cunning plan, or bad idea?

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Keith T

Foreigners and any non-human that could be proven to be both sentient and sapient. (Elephants fit into that category most certainly, as do many higher primates. New Caledonian Crows and possibly other Corvids as well. Some Cetaceans.) I would apply the same rights to any sentient and sapient individual regardless of species (or even planet or origin) that was capable of meeting a certain set of rigorous tests. Those tests not to be determined by myself, natch. I do however have a pretty good understanding of what they would probably consist of.

Fear of death. Desire for freedom. Ability to learn complex tasks related tool use. (Most specifically ability to learn to use new tools.) Ability to recognise one's self and ability to distinguish (and remember) other individuals from multiple species. Ability to learn any form of language. (Sign language does count: not all species have a larynx structured as we do.) Mourning the dead/funeral rituals. Demonstrated ability amongst at least some members of hte species to observe the use of tools by another individual (of their own or another species) and adapt a tool for use from that observation. (And/or ability to refine an existing tool to be more precise for a given task.)

On the other hand, I would NOT, EVER grant human rights to corporations. I also know that granting human rights to non-human animals would be a huge no-no politically...at least initially. A protected non-voting status in our society would be a great start. I know we are arrogant enough as a species (overall) to think we are unique in the universe; the only “sentient species” that exists. I happen to disagree. Still though, until we can even agree that OTHER HUMANS deserve the same rights as us, what chance that we will stop wiping out other species that have the potential to develop at least as far as we have?

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


That's an interesting insight. I am quite a fan of Frank Herbert (amongst many other authors.) Perhaps his works have a greater influence on my belief system that I had previously suspected...

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Tigra 07

Correct. Additionally, the EU isn't wholly federalist. The individual units that make it up (countries) have more autonomy than they would in a truly federalist endeavour. They do however submit to a centralised authority for judicial proceedings, single currency, a central place to bring inter-country disputed for arbitration and more.

The EU is sort of like a UN with TEETH. It’s more and yet less than that as well. I would take me hours to explain properly. This however Is why I said “based loosely off of.” I do believe we need a planetary government co-ordinating intergovernmental relations and housing a planetary judiciary from which not even heads of state are immune. The fundamental law backing at all should be the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

Additionally, I do believe it should be a fundamentally socialist government; one of its mandates should be the redistribution of aid and funding to raise the quality of living for the world’s most poor. To provide planetary universal health care and education whilst providing a co-ordinated central hub for the nation’s various militaries to deal with rogue nations, or provide manpower to assist with natural disasters.

Capitalists will hate the concept; the entire think is based on treating people /equally/ rather than exploiting them mercilessly. I also think that the planetary government can’t be allowed to /ever/ become too powerful. No single entity should be able to resist the unified forces of the majority of its constituent components. If it gets uppity, the nations that make it up need to be fully capable of bringing it down.

To this end, whilst I believe that the proposed planetary government should co-ordinate international military objectives, it should in no way have a standing army of its own capable of going toe-to-toe with more than a small handful of its constituent nations. In fact, if it has a standing army at all, they should be dedicated peacekeepers. reliant on the component nations for transport to and from theatre so as to minimise the risk of the planetary government attempting to militarily consolidate it’s power. Ideally, all the big machines (tanks, choppers, jets, boats, etc) should be provided by constituent nations as well for the same reason. Allowing the planetary government to host a standing army of individuals, but no means to put them into a war without the approval and support of member nations.

ANYWAYS, I didn’t want to get this far into this. Suffice it to say that my ideas really are loosely based on the EU.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

@Niel Gardner

I think you need a breather, sir. El Reg’s editorial team impose no conditions on it’s writers. Some of us are by the standards of the Americans “bloody pinko commie leftist liberal scum.” Myself for example.

I’m a socialist. I believe that the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights should be the basis for all constitutions. I believe that eventually a planetary federalist state should be enacted, based lightly off the model of the EU. (Taking into account the inefficiencies and working around them. Everything’s always better when you have a prior attempt to work from.) I believe in health care, education, spreading wealth around a little bit, reducing consumption, helping your fellow man and generally not being a selfish and self centered cockbag.

But you know what? In my opinion, Lewis is 100% right on this one. Nuclear deterrence is important. Like it or not, there are Bad People out there. Some of them control whole countries. We don’t want to nuke ANYONE if we don’t have to…but being able to nuke them is we are required to is a great deterrent to their nuking us. It’s how the game is played. Think about it: if there were no nuclear deterrence at all, and conventional warfare were all that we had to worry about, then world war three would already have happened.

We are stretched to the brink on this planet. The gigantic flashing neon pink elephant in the room that EvEYRONE refuses to talk about is that we just keep having too many damned BABIES. There are too many people. Not enough Oil, clean water and other critical resources to go around. Let’s take both the Great Artesian Basin and the Ogallala Aquifer as examples. Both of these are massive caches of underground water supporting powerful first world nations. Both may well be completely depleted within our lifetimes. When they go…the shit will hit the fan in a way people in the first world haven’t yet begun to comprehend.

The third world however knows all about it. Exactly this has been happening repeatedly all over the poorer countries. They fight wars on a regular basis because of it. No matter who wins, millions die because they can’t get access to clean water. Not because there aren’t funds to drill a well…but because there’s no more clean water down there to drill a well into.

These nations are downright desperate. If they thought they had a half a chance in hell, I honestly believe many of them would band together and make a run at the first world, because we are sitting on some of the last remaining resources on earth. Give it fifty or seventy-five years, and you may have the first world nations of this planet at eachother’s throats for the same reason.

On that day, you’re going to be glad you have nuclear deterrence. My country doesn’t. When the shit hits the fan, America is going to walk across the border, hit us over the head with a brick, and take what is ours because theirs ran out. Thanks to my government’s short-sightedness, NOTHING will be able to stop them from doing so.

Apple, Google may end wage-capping case

Trevor_Pott Gold badge
Thumb Down

Well I never!

Companies screwing staff in order to "raise shareholder value?" Who'dathunkit?

If I seem a little bitter...tough. I’m sick of this crap. Put your work in, do a good job, get a living wage. That was the promise, was it not? This is why we keep voting the bastards into office, and buying the products of these greedy swine? Unbelievably however, I’ll get downvoted for posting my outrage to these sorts of shenanigans, and some twit will post some ridiculous diatribe about how “this is capitalism, and capitalism is the root of all good. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else/kill yourself/something equally inane.”

Really though people…it’s not the fault of the companies, or of the folk who run them. Soulless greedy bastards always seek power; it’s us, both as employees and as consumers, who keep putting them there.

I do my part; I actually learn about the political candidates I vote for…and I do vote each and every chance I get. I defend my the staff in my department as vigorously as is possible, trying to ensure they get the best deal that it is possible to arrange for them. If they work hard and are willing to learn/broaden their knowledge then I see no reason not to work to see these efforts rewarded.

It doesn’t seem to have any effect though. Against the likes of Apple or Google the efforts of one individual are completely ineffectual. Even on a local scale, where we have EA (Bioware) and Intuit, how much can one individual do? Write a letter? Post an angry comment on the web?

To read the comments from previous articles about the topic here on El Reg (and likely the replies and squillion thumbsdowns to this very post) it would seem that the mere mention of anything approaching “workers rights,” “fair treatment” or “unionisation” is considered the heathen devil. Somehow, we are all blessed by the magical “consultant fairy” and able to strike out on our own, milking all the evil corporations for muchos dineros. (Except of course when it the talk turns to taxing consultants. Then of course the wailing and gnashing of teeth reaches a fever pitch.)

So what then? We can’t even agree amongst ourselves that getting screwed over by these companies even is a problem. How can we ever hope to prevent it? Do we even want to? Are we so whipped by the thought of having our jobs offshored or whatever else that we will quietly allow our wages and standard of living to be stalled or lowered to the lowest common denominator?

I don’t have the answers…I wish I did. Either way, I’m sick of these greedy bastards. I think it’s time to start making my decisions about where to buy products from entirely based off of lists like this: http://www.canadastop100.com/. Well, that…and considerations like not massively screwing over customers, ruining the environment or other obvious signs of corporate malfeasance. It might not be possible to be completely “pure” to that ideology…but at least it will have the effect of feeling like I have done something, however small to stick it to the people trying to screw both myself and my entire industry out of a living wage for our hard work.

Webmin for users: Usermin

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

So is cloudmin

Enough with the spoilers though...

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


I did not need that image, thank you. *shudder*

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


It's a blog. Not a news article. I talk about things that I find useful. Not all of them are new. It is a blog aimed at junior sysadmins, SME sysadmins, complete newbies and folk for whom systems administration is part of their duties, but not a full time requirement of their jobs.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


It is quite good. One thing you have to give the editors around here, they are creative!

Cheers to the El Reg editing team.

Basketball megastar accused of phone hacking

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Good catch

Nope, can't call mistype on that one. I've been using my HTC Desire for answering *all* posts to my personal articles, but only a very, very few of them that aren't my own articles. (It's my way of comparing the usefulness of the onboard keyboard of the device.) The error rate is significantly higher on the Desire, but it doesn’t compensate for the fact that I am one of those individuals who primarily utilise non-linguistic cognition. “Werdz r hard.”

I have to admit to being dependant on spell check to catch most of the obvious spelling errors, but we all know it’s mostly useless for grammar and homonyms. That’s where proof reading comes in and where I generally fail. I can proof read my own posts or articles a dozen times, but if I am proof reading them within a space of about an hour or so from when they are written then I seem to miss a lot of grammar. Most especially I miss the homonyms.

It’s something I’ve struggled with as far back as I can remember. Give me two pictures, and I can point out almost pixel-level differences between them. Give me an audio recording to compare and I can find minute differences. Language, tactile information or chemo-senses are all areas that never remotely developed to their full potential in me.

I’ve been keeping a log of all mistypes over the past five months. I go back and re-read my comments to find them. Additionally commenters are always helpful in pointing them out. Apart from the obvious ones, (no sleep, no coffee, typing a comment whilst distracted by other things) I haven’t really run across a commonality in what causes me to make these little linguistic faux pas.

Indeed, longer comments such as this one I “sign off on,” having reread and rechecked the post several times before submitting. (I don’t reread any post shorter than about 2 paragraphs.) It’s interesting because at the time, my brain honestly can’t spot the errors. As I read the text, it seems to translate “what I actually wrote” into “the concepts that underlie what I meant to say” without fully conscious access to the underlying text itself.

The truth is that I just don’t ‘think’ in words. I think in objects. A word is nothing more than a property associated with that “object concept.” Unfortunately, the actual text of the word seems to be stored with the auditory representation of the word rather than being the key indexed item. My mind seems to use phonetic rather than typographical representations of words as the indexed item. Thus it is a pointer to the phonetic (rather than textual) representation of a word that is stored with a concept. To get to the textual representation of a concept I need to go concept -> phonetic linguistic representation of that concept -> textual linguistic representation -> textual linguistic representation in $language.

It’s a fascinating study. To me at least, though I recognise it would probably bore normal people. I think it’s because my entire family are shrinks. Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Psychiatric Nurses, the odd Social Worker…and the one or two black sheep of the family like me who work in IT. Whilst I have no desire to have my brain picked at by anyone I’m actually related to, I do admit that I find the entire study of “how we think,” especially as relates to the conceptualisation and manipulation of thought to be fascinating enough to wish that I could be part of a larger study of exactly these processes. One performed by a professional in the field, of course.

I can’t help but look at my brain from an IT perspective; information storage, processing, etc. As near as I can tell, I truly have a completely non-linguistic, object oriented thought process.

I think I have also determined why we need sleep. For lack of a better way to explain it…our brains suck at indexing. We write a raw copy of the day’s experiences to a buffer. That buffer has a finite capacity. Once we fill it up, we get tired. When we sleep, our brains perform a /massive/ deduplication of the information in the buffer. This is how we can store so many memories in such a small space (the human brain, IIRC, is thought to only store a few tens of terabytes of information in total, whilst our eyes provide visual input at something like 10Mbit/sec.)

That deduplication is the key. It’s why certain sensory input dominates a given memory; it was probably unique enough not to have been de-duplicatable. There’s a certain amount of fuzzing involved too; the smell of a particular batch of cookies is stored in our memory as identical to similar batches, despite that being essentially impossible. Our brains have a built-in “close enough” algorithm when deduplicating the day’s information.

I believe that this is also why, when you start to get really tired, you can remember everything before a given magical point of tiredness, but everything after becomes a blank (or a blur). We become “tired” at a given point before the buffer is truly full. Once the buffer is completely full, the brain simply won’t write anything more to the buffer. The exception being if it triggers fight-or-flight. That information seems to overwrite other information stored in the buffer (probably being deemed super-critical by the brain, more so than any information that might be stored representing the trivial aspects of your day.) It’s why when we are truly exhausted we can forget even critical details of what we were working on the next day…but if someone were to hit us in the face in whilst that state we would most certainly remember it.

Again, all conjecture; but it’s a theory I have been working on for quite some time. Yes, it does relate (as per the beginning of this long post) to spelling, grammar, and why certain people miss these things more than others. I believe that /how/ we think is truly different depending on the person. Some people seem to think in words (linguistic cognition.) In fact MOST people seem to think in this manner. A smaller percentage think in objects, some in pictures, some in sound. Those who don’t think in words (non-linguistic cognition) often have a more miserable time translating their thoughts into a given language.

Add this to the fact that my default mental language is actually French and I think it is at least part of the reason why I miss so many of these errors, even when I am putting the effort in to proof read. It’s not all of the reason, nor is it a cure…but I’m working on it.

The experiment with the Desire is interesting mostly because it shows the differences in my raw, uncorrected error rate as opposed to using a notebook where I have an opportunity to type up my comments in Word, spell check them, and review them on a real screen. Comments typed for my own articles over the past month are essentially my brain’s raw output…compounded by the shitty keyboard. Mistakes made in these threads are my brain’s corrected output: something I have no excuse for, but find fascinating nonetheless.

Google ops czar condemns multi-core extremists

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Show me the POWER!!!

(And give me something with which to cool it.)

Intel Sandy Bridge many-core secret sauce

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


Depends on the definition in play...

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

<3 Token Ring.

How long before some wag replaces it with an implmenetation of contention-based setup and we end up with "CPU ethernet?"

Mine's the one with a network collision in the pocket.

South African police hunt Twittering speedcam spy

Trevor_Pott Gold badge
Big Brother

@Andy Gibson

That's great for you, mate. Not quite so good in all places. Take for example my home province of Alberta, Canada. He have us here a hiway called the QE2. It's a big long stretch of very flat divided hiway with two lanes going in either direction. The speed limit is 110Kph. The right lane (the slow lane) travels at between 120 and 130kph. The left lane (the fast lane) travels at between 130 and 160kph. If you drive at the limit (110kph) anywhere along that stretch of road, you will get run over.

By the cops.

Saskatchewan is worse. Driving to the limit only make sense where the limit hasn’t been set artificially low. When your own law enforcement officers honk at you to get the hell out of the way when you are doing 10kph over the limit as it is, then you are facing a situation where the limit set is inadequate to the usage of the road.

It should be noted that (at least in this jurisdiction,) when the lights aren’t on, the law enforcement vehicles have no more right to be speeding that regular Joe or Jane normal. Still, they won’t go slower than 120Kph on the QE2, and I’ve never heard of them pulling someone over for doing less than 130Kph. (With the sole exception of the twice-yearly pre-planned and widely advertised super-secret-but-not-at-all-actually-secret week long anti-speeding-on-the-hiways kick. This is performed to shut the NIMBYs up for another six months.)

Now, if you want to speed 10 or 20 kph over the limit when the limit is 50kph and it’s the middle of a city…you probably deserve to get dinged. If you are going 10 or 20 kph over limit on a stretch of flat straight hiway surrounded by vehicles 30 times your size all going 10 to 20 kph over the limit...this I find no fault in. Obeying a rule because it’s a rule has no purpose. You have to understand why the rule exists, why it was implemented and thus when it might (or might not) be okay to bend/break it. 10 or 20 over on the QE2 doesn’t end the world.

The idiots driving at 140 or 160Kph probably deserve a spanking, if for no other reason than the speed delta between their lane and the slow one can cause heap big problems is some [expletive] driving a lorry decides to pull out into the fast lane to pass the lorry in front of him.

It’s no different in my mind than folk who hop the border from the US to get married here in Canada because the yanks restrict marriage to heterosexual couples. Or the various lakes around the province that have de facto nude beaches despite the fact that public nudity of any type is theoretically verboten. So long as noone is harmed, and everyone plays by the same rules we’re good. When people start breaking the rules in reckless ways (drag racing in or near a metro for example) the hammer needs to come down hard. When the MAJORITY or at least a very significant minor of society start bucking the rules then it is not the individuals who need to be suppressed, but the rules which need to be re-examined.

That at least is my opinion. I am open to being convinced otherwise, provided the argument is well spoken, cogent and accurate. Calling it thoughtcrime and putting me on a scale balance next to a duck however will not convert my beliefs in this matter.

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


Alberta, Canada.

We might have folk who bitch about cameras being money machines, (I have been known to from time to time,) but I do have to admit they stopped with the artificially-short-yellow crap after a very brief flirtation with it. That, and they've dialled back the cameras to areas where there actually is a speed problem. (Though the signs claiming cameras "may or may not be present" exist bloody everywhere.) being a province full of angry rednecks helps. Ever single additional camera anywhere is fought viciously.

Apple said to prep iPad news sub service

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

I think it's safe to say...

...El Reg won't be getting an invite...

eBay boss outbids everyone in election spending

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Buying votes.

"Do Americans perceive this as buying votes or is it possible for a candidate to win based purely on being a good person with good intentions and ability to enact their promises?"

Pay some attention to who these folks elect and how frequently their politicians ever keep their promises. I think you'll realise that image is everything in America. Substance is nothing.

Successful desktop virtualization

Trevor_Pott Gold badge

Good Regcast

Now go back in time about three or four years to when we first rolled out VDI in bulk please. I'd like to have known all of this ahead of time rather than having to learn it the hard way as an early adopter. Go on...revel the El Reg time machine to the world...

Yahoo! boffin scores pi's two quadrillionth bit

Trevor_Pott Gold badge


I remain convinced that at some point along the way, pi actually starts repeating. Pi is a cosmic joke created by an unknown supreme force just to cause mathematicians to melt.

"Yeah, so...Pi? Remember Pi? We thought it was mostly a bunch of random numbers? mathematicians tried for centuries to discern a pattern and failed? Yeah...at 4Quadrillion + 4 digits it loops. It's a 4 Quadrillion + 4 digit periodic number. We through some algorithmic fuzzing at it so see if we could figure out any patterns, now that we have the full pre-loop sequence, and we scored a hit! It's actually a wav file:

<Nelson Muntz> HA HA! </Nelson Muntz>.

The conclusion of all Pi research to date is thusly that god (or the gods) or whom/whatever created the laws of physics in such a way as to cause Pi to exist...

...is a dick."