* Posts by some dude

3 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Mar 2010

BLAM, BLAM, BLAM... nooooo! Hacker crew Lizard Squad spits DDoS venom at Call of Duty

some dude

Paying for botnets is super lame.

Get your own botnet.

Mind you, they could already and this is just a slur against them. Like when a hacker doesn't get caught he's always labelled a teenager.

New York cop in alleged love-polyhedron email hack spree

some dude

Makes me think.

How would someone get this sort of work? I doubt this idiot cop was browsing the electronics section of Silk Road, where they advertise this stuff. How did he recruit them?

Commodore 64 reincarnated as quad-core Ubuntu box

some dude


Get back to me when they release a quad-core spectrum