* Posts by perlcat

564 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Mar 2010


Reagan slams webmail providers for liberal bias

Black Helicopters

Re: Cheers

You know why I never got a reagan.com email address? First off, it detracts from whatever I say. People discount whatever you say based upon social cues like email domains and such, much like we automatically think the hipster in the coffee shop bragging over his bluetooth about his sexual escapades is a douchebag (and a liar -- the army has good reason to call those glasses hipsters wear "VD-prevention eyewear").

Google is entitled to free speech in the form of political donations, but apparently, Republicans are not socially entitled to such a liberty. Possessing a conservative bumper sticker is a good way to get your car keyed. Usually, you'll hear some self-righteous juvenile bullshit about sticking it to the man or whatever. Case in point: you think it's intelligent to block the domain. Sadly, you'll get shown a good deal more respect for exercising your right to free speech than I will get for exercising mine in pointing out this hypocrisy. I suppose your next trick will be trotting out the usual the lame-assed excuses and ad hominem justifications afterwards.

You could, of course, grow up, and realize that anybody sporting this domain has handily singled themselves out as a ripe target for your abuse, but I suppose that's too much for you to comprehend.

New nuclear fuel source would power human race until 5000AD

Black Helicopters

Re: Processing seawater

"Somewhere along the way, you need someone to call out, "Wait a minute!" and keep the system within the bounds of civilized behavior."

This is what governments are for. They bridge the gap between what is most economic and what we as a society want. That is why we don't resolve liability issues with weregild.

However, to say that you should have all of one or the other is like building an airplane that is all wing, or all engine. Either way, it won't fly.

I'm not saying that socialist economies cannot come up with any innovation -- just that they tend to kill it off more than a country that acknowledges capitalism and leverages it. We *are* after all, flying into space on Russian rockets.

Black Helicopters

Re: "genetically closer to crabs than to human beings"

Sen. Candidate Todd Akin? That you?


Re: @ Matt

Given the high human costs of what the Greenpeacers want, a better slang term for them is the "Soylent Greens".

Black Helicopters

Re: @ Matt

I just figure they're the latest reincarnation of the Flat Earth Society.

Black Helicopters

Re: Processing seawater

Argh. More fundamental misunderstanding of capitalism.

Capitalism is descriptive. "I value X more than Y, so I am willing to pay more for X." Capitalism exists even in the deepest darkest socialist economies. (AKA Black Market).

If we as a society value keeping lights on more than having them off, we will find a way. We may not anticipate the exact way, but eventually someone will find a way, and allowing them to get filthy rich is actually a small cost in comparison to the benefit. Punishing people for coming up with clever solutions is not effective in the long run, which is why socialism tends to be less successful than a society that encourages capitalism.

Good example IRL. I know somebody that knows where a mineral is. It is in the control of a socialist economy. If he tells them they have it, and where it is, they may give him $30,000/year as a worker bee. He says "Screw it. Why bother? If the mineral yield is expensive/poorer than anticipated, they'll be after my hide, and if it works, I get a paltry sum." I agree.

You are thinking in terms of the technology you "know", and not of the drive to develop a new technology when you throw out your "it'll never work because the numbers are too big" argument. The failure to develop profound new technologies is endemic to socialist economies, by the way, as they all devolve into bureaucracies, and there is no better way to smother growth than to have 10,000 GS-5's go after innovation because it challenges their place in the hierarchy of things...

Just as an example, assuming they set up the filter using a small portion of the Gulf Stream flow, your entire argument sequence falls apart. (I'm not saying that's the best plan -- wouldn't want to screw up the climate changes the Gulf Stream brings to northern Europe, for just one thing)


Re: How long are you talking exactly?

A much safer suffix is "CE", which means "Christian Era".

U mad Bro?


@ NomNomNom

Were you aware that Hitler was very keen on lime Jell-O?

[glaring significantly]


@ Matt

I'm no fan of the luddite GreenPeacers either, but are you aware your unhealthy penile obsession totally obliterates your point?

Black Helicopters

Re: Actually one thing I could add

I disagree. I think you need a profit motive to make it as efficient as possible, and you need rigorous governmental oversight to bend the economics curve so the profit motive incorporates safety into the plan. If you go all one way or the other, you miss out on the unique benefits either organizational structure brings. I want cake and to eat it.

Cloud engineering could save humantiy, suggests boffin


@Captain Hogwash

Look out for the priests of the Temple of Syrinx...

Reg readers scrap over ultimate bacon sandwich


Re: Head above parapet

From the behavior of the vegetarians/vegans I know, the hardest part about it is telling other people what to eat and why.

BOFH: Our Excel-lent new boss and the diagram plan

Black Helicopters

@Vic & Rambler88

Yes, I am more than willing to take it out on him in the invoicing, but he's playing with somebody else's money, and doesn't care. While I'm not so proud that I wouldn't wash cars and type papers for $300/hr, it sets a bad precedent, and hard to get that sort of work at that rate once I let it get started. Far better to whip my cattle prod out early in the process, show him how it's all charged up & ready to go. I do it for the satisfaction of the look on his face.


Re: Not quite accurate

Wow, you have the technically able boss. Kind of a high-functioning moron, if you will. Mine tried to make me print them out, and put them in a binder. My answer is that "I ain't your fucking secretary. Do it yourself."



Re: After 8 pints and a vindaloo

Zero calories as in it doesn't stay in your gut long enough to add to your caloric intake for the day. A form of Ex-Lax, but with a new and improved sonic boom.


Re: After 8 pints and a vindaloo

It's Popeye's Fried (Zero-Calorie) chicken over here, but same principle applies.


They must be slipping.

I can't figure out why they were testing something that they claim can explode in the course of testing right next to a truck full of hydrogen tanks.

Methinks that if you'd asked them *before* they lit the fuse, they'd have said it was "perfectly safe. We don't blow shit up anymore."

I'm just happy that wacky hijinks didn't ensue with hydrogen for added kaboom.

How one bad algorithm cost traders $440m


life imitates art:

Michael Bolton: Okay! I must have put a decimal point in the wrong place or something. Shit! I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail.

Jackson’s Hobbit becomes a trilogy

Black Helicopters

He has a long uphill road to travel to make this good

Every previous Hobbit movie had that gawd-awful singing in it, trying to keep faithful to the book. Don't get me wrong -- I love all the books, but 'The Hobbit' was pure kiddie lit, while the 2nd and 3rd volume of the LOTR were serious fiction.

Tolkien's genius took a long time to evolve, but it turned into a masterpiece. Watching/reading 'The Hobbit' after those is like looking at the stick figures Van Gogh drew and stuck on whatever passed his mum's refrigerator.

[ducking from the inevitable hailstorm of fanboy abuse]


Re: Ballad of Bilbo Baggins

Don't let's forget that it could also feature Shatner shouting shitty shanties about Shagrat shyly shagging shifty sheep.

BOFH: Shove your project managementry up your mailbox!


Re: Simple solution

Nah, the use of 'empowered' proves that he's one of "Them".


Re: /sigh

yes and no. Like listening to the wife, and nodding at random times and saying "uh huh", "yep", "That's right", "You're right", you can safely coast through until you discover later that you've agreed to paint the house or some other odious chore. (Happened to me.)

Best idea now is to carry two cell phones, call one from the other, and then look like I'm deep in listening to someone troubleshooting an issue.


@ Matthew 3

"Humpification process". Heh.

His instructions were a tad unclear, though...


Sysadmins! There's no shame in using a mouse to delete files



Yeah, it works just fine if you were trying to do task A, something went wrong, and you knew about it when it happened. Again, the problem is when you do the click-swipe thing, and don't catch it immediately.


Re: Things move in GUI's.

Even worse than the location of GUI elements/widgets moving is the unholy piece of shit that is known as 'FriendlyTree' -- where when you drag a folder or files, folders open and close below it.

People that think this is a feature need to have horrible things done to them. It is the sole reason I refuse to use GUIs on Windows-based servers for file management -- you've never lived until you accidentally did that little fiddly click-swipe, and your critical files disappear into the nether regions of a random directory. Unless you're watching like a hawk for it, you will be well and profoundly screwed.

Yes, you can turn it off. Usually after you got burned by this product of the morons in Redmond.

Why one storage admin fears Justin Bieber


Re: Ermm....

The only problem I've ever noticed with my preferred storage method for shit like this is that occasionally. when the flow of Bieber crap is too heavy, /dev/null throws up in its mouth just a little.

Hubble spots ancient spiral galaxy that SHOULD NOT EXIST


Re: Hmmm...

You're right about masques. Nothing to see but vizards.


Re: Where's the science?

[knock]! [knock]!

I'd like to talk to you for a moment.

Have you accepted the FSM as your lord, personal savior, and purveyor of garlic cheese bread?

Sounds better than having accepted Amway into a person's life. Those people are SCARY!

Techie accused of snooping wife's email cleared of wrongdoing


I refuse to call it 'hacking'.

Unauthorized access? Maybe. Hacking? No.

Hacking would involve either exploiting software vulnerabilities or using tools like a keylogger. This guy, in all probability, just logged onto her account with her password. That's something that any husband might do for his wife or vice-versa when she's away from her PC and calls to find out if the email from so-and-so arrived yet.

I know, 'hacking' makes for a great headline, but it is totally inaccurate. It also turns a domestic squabble and a privacy issue into something that it is not. It also lends an undeserved aura of sophistication, glamour and cleverness to simple, ugly domestic spying. So many good reasons *not* to use the term, and no good reasons to use it.

BIG BOOBS banished from Linux kernel


Re: ban 666

Don't you know that the 1's look like todgers, and should all be banned? ...and don't get me started on the wanton '0's, with their seductive hole in the middle.

All you humourless types need to stay far, far away from computers! It's the work of the devil, I tell ya!

Ocean-seeding experiment re-ignites geo-engineering debate

Black Helicopters


There is a really, really basic problem with that.

IF it works*, and we reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, and the anticipated decrease in global temps does not materialize, then the warmtards have to give up on a lot of social engineering projects, and we can get on with our sinful, wasteful ways.

Don't pay any attention to the man behind the curtain. Just because he's a fraud and a humbug doesn't mean that he isn't useful.

* -- and it will -- there are VAST areas of ocean far from land that never get enough of the minerals to allow algae/whatever to take up as much carbon as possible. Pity that it will never happen -- when you introduce a lot of food into that area, marine life patterns will change to take advantage of it, and a lot of marine life that is having a hard time of it no thanks to homo sapiens should get a big boost.

The argument that ocean seeding will have a bad effect, in light of the effect we're already having on the planet, and in light of the actual *size* of the oceans, is just plain silly. Especially when the remedy to it is to just stop doing it.

Apple Store staircase flagged as Peeping Tom black spot


Re: "he was upskirting through the glass floor some 342 metres up"

Yep, they come up with some really cromulent words!


Re: Just Sayin'

I would never blame a woman for instigating an assault on her person -- but I have to wonder about the sanity of a woman that advertises "the goods" and then has problems dealing with a predictable aftermath. There's plenty of stylish, beautiful clothes out there a woman can wear that don't contribute to the issue.

In all fairness, to me it's risk-taking behavior like walking down dark alleys, counting cash. Yes, you have a perfect right to pass unmolested -- enforceable and everything. It still won't stop you from getting mugged eventually. Who would then tell a person that does this: "go ahead, you can go back to walking around the alleys again counting your cash once you get out of the hospital."

Maybe in a perfect world, women can walk around, genitalia exposed to the four winds, and pass unmolested other than the occasional sunburn on the taint. However, it is *not* a perfect world, and pretending it is so will never make it so. The acceptable amount of clothing women wear is cultural -- more in some psycho areas, less in others. Changing that norm is pushing a known boundary -- and if boundaries get pushed, they are being pushed because the wearers *like* the reaction. They cannot claim they are perceptive enough to be aware of increased attention, and then in the same breath say that they had no idea that some of it would be negative or unwanted.

Maybe the makers of Brazilian bikinis and their side-line of dental floss (which uses the heavy-gauge material) don't care what happens to the people that consume their fine products -- but the wearers of their fine (in every sense of the word) products have to be responsible for the risks proven inherent with their style choices -- if for no better reason than the observation of human behavior shows that their health and well-being are preserved better that way.


Re: Why is it always the other people's problem?

Of course they're aware of it. This is a secondary method of milking all the attention they can get out of their outfit. In reality, what they're saying is: "Just in case you missed it, BOOBS HERE FOR THE VIEWING! FREE!" -- and the squawking afterwards is just to make us guys feel more like filthy pirates. I consider the sensation of feeling like a filthy pirate a significant plus, meself. Arrr. Sexy clothes are an advertisement. If they cannot understand that more than they themselves are viewing the advertisement, then they've set themselves up for a lot of disappointment.

Streisand effect IRL.

Too bad that most of the ones complaining have absolutely nothing other than that to recommend themselves.

Prince Charles whips out jumbo red ball for Blighty's code-breakers


Re: wrong person to weigh in on science

...but you have to admit -- his ears are *indeed* mighty.

That, and the though of the whole world admiring his large, red ball is hysterical.

US county named 'area of outstanding natural stupidity'

Black Helicopters

Re: Agreed

It works that way in the US, too. Apparently, voters aren't paying enough attention, and don't mind paying: wheel taxes for renovations of public buildings that have long been replaced by far newer, grander public buildings serving the same purpose for which a new tax is also implemented. Government is like a roach motel -- your money goes in to the roaches, and it never sees the light of day.

'Extreme' solar storm speeding straight towards Earth


Re: Danger to people?

You're ruining the fun. I was going to suggest looking for a radioactive spider on the flight.

Another Microsoft Windows Phone exec legs it to Amazon


Windows phone execs

put the "ph" in "phail".

TIL that in 2012, a new phrase: "We're hiring Microsoft's best execs (ha!) to build an equivalent product to something already in the marketplace that's reliable." has passed up "Hold my beer and watch *this*" as the phrase most likely to not lead to optimal results.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, call me a doubter. Scoffer, even.

Russia hands out 4G licences in an instant


There, fixed it for ya!

"...and the other three went to Russia's Big Three mob operators – MTS, Vimpelcom and MegaFon"

Rifle-waving Yank's premature detonation ruins city's big bang

Paris Hilton

Re: My BS detector's going off.

Ah, I had forgotten those basic movie facts. It all becomes clear now.

Black Helicopters

Re: My BS detector's going off.

Just wondering if it isn't a homemade flame thrower or some such.

I know that what with all of the wildfires out there, that the meme being pushed that it is careless firearm use. While irresponsible firearm handling is the cause of a lot of things, it isn't likely that a firearm with smokeless powder is going to do this. Nice try, nanny-statists. Your play on the ignorance of the voting public has been noticed.

Black Helicopters

My BS detector's going off.

Maybe it's all those happy summer afternoons trying to set off fireworks with a rifle as a kid, just like they did in the movies.

A hint for the thickoes out there, it's damned near impossible. Now, if the store would have sold me incendiaries, then I might have had some luck. (Black powder? Yes, the muzzle flash could do something like that -- but muzzle flash doesn't ricochet off old engine blocks.)

I think the heart of it will be closer to the truth behind the guy that lost both thumbs to a homemade firework -- supposedly, the ash from his cigarette fell onto the fuse as he was holding it with both hands. Would that he have held it in his lap like a good moron -- but at least someone else was holding his beer at the moment.

US defence biz fined for busting China arms embargo

Black Helicopters

Re: One law for corporations...

Yeah, Codevilla said it all.


Black Helicopters

Re: One law for corporations...

I've always felt that there should be a "corporate death penalty", with a substantially lower bar than for a human -- in the case of a corporation doing something of this nature that would have gotten some schmoe life without parole, the government should simply impound said corporation, and sell off their assets, and donate all the proceeds to charity. All employees let go, and any military secrets impounded by the government. I think that a corporation does have rights, but the number and quality should be less than what a human is endowed with, not more.

The stockholders need to sit up and pay attention to when their corporation is out of hand, and richly deserve this roundhouse kick to their financial 'nads. The employees need to learn that if they look the other way while Mr. Big violates the law, they'll be out on the street.

Maybe I'm the only US conservative that feels this way, but I do, so there.

...and don't even get me started on what ought to happen to the criminal banks that aren't banks anymore.

[putting teeth back in.]

So, that vast IT disaster you may have caused? Come in, sit down


Seems like they used to only come out at night

Now, all's it takes is a discussion of politics to make the terminal fuckwits come out and illuminate us with their wisdom, all comfortable behind the pseudo-anonymity of their Fawkes masks.

Nothing draws them as well as something they have no way of understanding, and politics is definitely one of those things.

Nice article, Dominic.

My advice is to find an intelligent manager that understands politics, and be direct and honest with them, and stick with them wherever they go. They know how to handle the inevitable screw-ups, as long as you don't EVER leave them hanging by being dishonest. In this case, the company almost never needs Dominic's help. I know enough about tech to know I am out of my depth and need to assemble more knowledgeable resources -- and it is no different when it comes to politics.

Blighty laid bare as historic aerial snaps archive goes online


Re: @perlcat - - Disappointing - Resolution far too low for aerial photographs.

Wah, wah, wah.

It was free. Stop looking at it if you hate it. Spend your own money to make your own if you have the need. Call your elected official and offer to help if you want to make yourself useful. Fix it if you own it.

Bitching about something you have no control over and are not charged anything for the privilege of using in public forums just looks whiny and pathetic, no matter how you church it up with quotations. All's it shows is that you have the power of wikipedia at your fingertips in a pretense of thinking ignoble thoughts in a noble way. Devil, scripture, own purposes, you know the drill.

Since I can't be bothered to come up with my own quotations, I guess your quest for excellence in smart-assed repertoire will just have to suffer.



Re: U.S. method of High School portraiture


I like. Of course, at the US High school I went to, it wasn't that bad. After all, not one of us weighed over 15 stone.


Re: Disappointing - Resolution far too low for aerial photographs.

Bitch, bitch, bitch.

Shut up and look at the pretty pictures. They didn't cost you anyhing, why do you have to be an ass about it?

Sysadmins: Your best tale of woe wins a PRIZE


Re: Sales Guys

I've always enjoyed laying a little karma down on the salesdroids.

Major PC maker I worked for owned a crap video card maker -- they couldn't write video software to save their lives, and it was clearly unsuitable for corporate use (or any other for that matter). Naturally, businesses stayed away from it in droves. Naturally, since the margins on crap video cards is so good, they'd offer the corporate salesdroids spiffs to move them. (I remember one spiff was a speedboat -- the margins were good indeed) In support, we'd get hourly ass-chewings over these cards, and in desperate cases, the other techs would ship out video cards made by competent manufacturers to replace them. Then they'd endure the ass-chewings from management about containing costs.

Not me. I'd carefully explain to the user about spiff's, crap video, what makes good video, track down their salesdroid, and drop the hot customer on the 'droid's line. It didn't take long for the salesdroids to decide that no spiff was worth that kind of epic ass-chewing.

It was good for another teaching moment, too. One tech I talked to was going to order his own PC, with one of these cards. I asked him: "WHY, for the love of G0d, WHY?!?!" He said "Because I know every way possible to *fix* these cards. I asked him why he didn't use the other brand of card. He said "Because I never get calls on them." I just sat there smirking at him until he figured it out.

FunnyJunk lawyer doubles down on Oatmeal Operation Bear Love



If you don't respect or like the editorial content, why are you wasting your time reading this*?

If you don't get the same buzz out of reading El Reg that you did in happier times, then maybe you should give up the rage part of the grieving process, and move on. Websites, news providers, and blogs all change over time. If you dislike, start your own -- surely you can get enough people of like mind to read it. You aren't going to change this one by bellyaching in the forums. Vote with your feet. That usually works, except upon the most clueless of all.

* -- I enjoy reading it because I enjoy various different points of view, and see the value in respectful dissension. Haven't noticed so much a "Right-wing" slant as I have just a refusal to march in lockstep with other news outlets, and a person that speaks their mind rather than tells you what you want to hear is much more valuable than some tool repeating what everybody else says.. If you want right-wing slant, there are places you can go to get the real thing -- and it isn't pretty. Many articles I read here, I think: "Yeah, he's got a point. Mostly fucked, but he has a point."
