* Posts by Ari_M

7 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Feb 2010

Motorola Defy Android smartphone

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Anyone read the Motoblur Ts & Cs?

In short: all your base are belong to us.

They basically own all your info and can do anything they like with it. No thanks. Otherwise a great phone, though.

Microsoft delivers Google Chrome IE9 beta

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Nice looking UI...

Too bad it will be ruined (again) by the ugly anti-virus toolbars that come with the security packages these days.

Toshiba touts £329 Folio Android tablet


Missed the point by a large margin there

You don't compare a tablet to a telly. You compare it to a computer desktop, where the extra resolution can actually be useful. HD content is always 1920x1080 so there's no point in having more resolution in a telly.

Mozilla Thunderturkey and its malcontents


Zimbra, yeah right

The last time I looked at Zimbra Desktop it was a weird combination of Java-based web server and the xulrunner UI engine (?) from Mozilla. Basically a somewhat extended webmail-in-a-box. It would start up a web server in your local machine and then launch a (very cut down) browser window to connect to the server.

Not my idea of an email client. If you have plenty of RAM to spare it might be somewhat tolerable but "lean and mean" it certainly isn't. I still have to wonder who in their right mind could come up with *that* kind of "solution". They might be able to share a large amount of the code base with the Zimbra server that way, but still it's incredibly stupid to try to sell that to the desktop, IMO.

Nothing succeeds like XSS


Re: The next iteration of browser security

"Why haven't browsers built in a facility like noscript?"

Because, I believe, it would upset the balance too much. I suppose the users would like it, but imagine the outcry among webmasters. This kind of feature would effectively kill all 3rd party analytics tools and advertising networks which rely pretty heavily on the type of "XSS" we are talking about here. All ads would be hidden and nobody would be able to "study the demographics" via Google Analytics et al.

The recent case of Internet Explorer and private-mode-as-default-shot-down-by-advertisers (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703467304575383530439838568.html) is a perfect example of this.

Yes, I'm all for NoScript in all browsers by default too, but somehow I doubt it's gonna happen. Btw, if I block nir.theregister.co.uk on this site, the layout of some articles breaks a little (article background goes grey instead of the normal white.)

Secrecy fetish drove Steve Jobs' analytics bust

Black Helicopters

That may be what their customers see...

but I doubt they (Flurry) collect a lot more. Like you say yourself, combining device IDs with location data. How can I as a user see what data they collect? Can I review their source code? Can I opt out? Can I block it?

And what the h*** are they collecting the location data for? It's got nothing to do with making the apps better.

JooJoo men strike back at CrunchPad suit



"Yes, yes. Whatever."

is the rough English equivalent of the Finnish phrase "joo joo". Nothing further, Your Honor.