* Posts by vkelman

2 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jan 2010

Google boss turns Wave demise into success of sorts


Buzz is outstanding

"Then there’s the company’s privacy-lite, horribly creepy Buzz"

Idiot's phrase, really! There were only privacy complaints with Buzz at the very beginning, Google applied fixes immediately. Buzz is an outstanding product, which gets better and better. Thanks too threaded conversations, it is a significantly better tool than Twitter. Twitter is good only for broadcasting your message, but quite inconvenient for discussions. Buzz works for both purposes. For me as for many other people it's becoming a major source of information and a major discussion tool.

The Googlephone - there's more where that came from

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A good balanced article

Thank you for a balanced well thought-off article. Many people thought (hoped) that Google will break a status-quo by offering very cheap / free phone, by making VOIP-only phone and adding many WiFi spots immediately, etc. I always thought that it could be too risky even for Google to alienate all its phone-service provider partners at once. I still hope that revolution is coming, but it is a slow revolution.

Vladimir Kelman

