* Posts by Matt Bryant

9690 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2007

Edward Snowden skips into Russia as Putin grants him asylum

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: AC Gagged, bagged and all but toe-tagged. @Matt Bwyant

".....Yet you are certain that Snowden is/will be working for The Man in Russia......" Quite the opposite, actually. Snowie has shown he cannot be trusted, so why would the Russians trust him even if Snowie does give them some info in exchange for his asylum? I envisage that the KGB minder will be there to make sure Snowie doesn't get too chummie with sheeple in Russia that the Kremlin does not approve of.

"...,,, There is no evidence of that, nor is there any evidence of him "picking up a cheque from Beijing" as you put earlier as the case unfolded....." Apologies, you missed the fact that was more a cheeky dig at the sheeple to get them riled up. In future I will label such smears of their "heroes" so that you can keep up.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Mr Young Re: @Matt Bryant

"You make me glad I don't have a superiority complex you trolling twat". Another eloquent and fact-packed addition to the thread there! Not. I would hazard a guess that even developing any form of complex would be a stretch of your mental capabilities.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: Gagged, bagged and all but toe-tagged. @Matt Bwyant

".....Looks like it's YOU who is undertaking a series of "choreographed appearances"....." Losen up the tinfoil hat, chum. You really need to realize that not everyone that disagrees with your spoonfed views is working for The Man.

Matt Bryant Silver badge
Big Brother

Gagged, bagged and all but toe-tagged.

And cue fade-out as Snowjob shuffles off into his self-imposed exile. Any sequels will be very short and choregraphed appearances on approved Russian State TV shows, interspersed with the long hours of only his Dickileaks advisers' prattle and sour FSB minders.

Snowden's XKeyscore revelations challenged

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: crayon up his nose Re: Pat 4 USA has a problem

"......point is TLA's act outside the law with the complicity of the government of the day....." But, as has been shown, the agencies in question are operating well inside the law, under the rolling warrant and the FISC in the case of the NSA. Oh, sorry, did your reality filter just discard that news because it didn't sit well with what you wanted to bleat?

".....Your childish analogy is too tragic for words." What is childish is your determination to avoid recognizing the fact that just because something is possible and you want it to be so does not make it reality. Some people stab others with pencils but not all people do. Some coppers are crooks but the majority are not and will catch and prosecute those they find to be crooked. Likewise, it is safe to assume the majority of NSA/CIA/MI6 analysts with access to the data and search tools are going to be conscientious and stay within their remit, and one that chooses to try using or selling the info for personal gain is going to be found and prosecuted. You are so busy bleating that the sky is falling you simply forgot to show any proof at all because you WANT to think the sky is falling due to your socio-political faith and your paranoid delusions of victimhood.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: John McCallum Re: nothing to see here, move along

"....this doccument is classified secret,it's a recipe book FFS." The popular tale is that a ship's officers are sitting down for dinner when the youngest dares to ask the Captain: "Is it true the chef's recipe book is top secret, sir?"

The Captain considers the youth for amoment before disdainfully informing him: "Yes, because if Johnnie Foreigner knew what we eat he could devise a poison that would match the flavours of our food."

To which some wit quietly whispered: "Well, we could always sentence Johnnie Foreigner to eat an unpoisoned portion a day as punishment."

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Get real.

Yeah, it's horrible, we should stop any software that has been developed by any of the alphabet agencies and uninstall any, right? So you'll all be happilly uninstalling all those Oracle instances out there? Oh, you didn't know the whole relational database thing and Oracle's DB in particular came from the CIA?

Before there were computers and Oracle software to do the searching for the CIA, the World's largest index card system was (allegedly) part of the British Secret Service's means of keeping tabs on hundreds of thousands of people, both in the UK and abroad. If legend is to be believed, every time an agent or member of a British consulate met anyone a card was started on that person which linked to a file with more details. But it could take a week to get back a simple answer such as "list all the people living in Belgium called Schmidt". All these data collection tools gulp data, the problem for the spooks is getting intelligent information from the data. The rise of computerised search and analysis tools has been more than matched by the explosion of data. The result is that any search is going to be a time-intensive and very narrowly focused effort, or it merely swamps the analyst with worthless data.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Pat 4 Re: USA has a problem

And pencils can be used to stab people, so let's assume EVERYONE will stab ANYONE they meet with ANY writing implement, and make owning one a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, right? Your childish bleating is too tragic for words.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Androgynous Cupboard Re: There is middle ground too

".....I'm starting to get the impression that Snowden is fond of hyperbole and doesn't know a lot about IT." To be fair to Snowjob, this does seem to be Greenwald and The Guardian trying to spin out the story a bit longer. If anything, Snowjob is probably cringing at the article as its shrieking hysterics don't do Snowy any favours with people that can actual read slides for themselves.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: MD Rackham Re: There is middle ground too

".....The Greenwald piece is based on actual documents....." Apart from Greenwald's rather limited tech credentials, there is the fact this is The Guardian, a paper not exactly covered in previous IT glory. Apart from their previous history of mindlessly voicing the opinions of the technically challenged (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/01/18/stephen_frytard/), their reporters seem to be virtually clueless about anything Internet related. Their reporter on the original Dickileaks story had to ask A$$nut how to install PGP and couldn't work out how to unzip a 7z compressed file! A$$nut himself didn't come across as a seasoned PGP user in that episode either, despite his claims to being a 'leet hax0r (https://p10.secure.hostingprod.com/@spyblog.org.uk/ssl/wikileak/2011/09/why-didnt-julian-assange-use-pgp-properly-when-handing-over-cablescsv-file-to-da.html?amp).

WikiLeaks: Manning guilty verdict sets 'dangerous precedent'

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Wow, 136 years !

"That would be great if the judge gives Manning the full 136 years in prison...." Realisticly, what will happen is the judge will compress the overlapping charges. For example, when the charges are "release of documents, electronic release of the same documents, and release of documents to unauthorised people", the judge will take those to be three instances of the same crime and reduce the sentence to reflect that. In truth, Manning could actually get away with forty years and still get an early release inside that term, if the judge feels lenient. I suppose a lot depends on the frenzied dealing going on behind the scenes, and how much Manning now gives up to help the US nail Dickileaks and A$$nut.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Mike VandeVelde Re: mb;dr

"seriously, i would take 10 extra edons for one less matt bryant....." I'd be quite happy with just one of the sheeple that can actually formulate a coherent argument for what they hold so religeously dear, without them falling back on tired reflex and shrieking "Fascist!" when they cannot keep up.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Ian 62 Re: Presumed guilty then

"....Is it appropriate to be calling him a criminal already?" Agreed, Snowjob hasn't had the chance to face his accusers in court and had judgement passed, so despite his admissions he is still technically just accused of crimes and a suspect, not a defacto criminal.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: And the others?

"..... leading up to the high point of the torture and so on, a good portion or the majority of the private contractors were Israeli, at Abu Ghraib in particular....." Yeah, I call probable anti-Jewish propaganda on that one, probably courtesy of one of their Arab neighbours. If you wish to prove otherwise then please do supply some form of verifiable proof or risk being exposed as just a gullible bigot.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: aawelj Re: Presumed guilty then

"Why the thumbs down for this?...." Many of the voters on here simply upvote or downvote due to their socio-political beliefs - you may post something that is a demonstrable fact, or even a good argument, but if it conflicts with what they WANT to belief, they will deny the logic and simply downvote. You can spot the pattern by the posts where they cannot refute your point or post an intelligent argument to counter it, but simply hit the downvote as it is easier than thinking for themselves.

New NSA tool exposed: XKeyscore sees 'nearly EVERYTHING you do online'

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: thomas k. Re: my friend, the terrorist ...

"Perhaps we should all start including phrases....." So you actually think it would be a smart idea to impede the hunt for potential terrorists? Please do try and explain your hip'n'trendy humour to the families of the victims of 9/11, the London Tube bombings, the Madrid train bombings, etc., etc.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Zombie Womble

"If I have nothing to hide then why are they spying on me?" So where is the evidence they are spying on you? There is a big difference between collecting data and then actually turning it into actionable intelligence material, and they are not wasting their limited time and resources reading everything simply because they can't. It is more than likely that any communications that you have made that got swept into the pot have NEVER been looked at because you don't fall under one of the search terms.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Don Jefe Re: I have to wonder...

"....But you can't fix persecution by your own government...." So where is this persecution you insist is happening? It doesn't exist outside of your childish and naive fantasy world.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Werner McClueless Re: asdf Wake up call

".....Giving the government blanket powers to suppress opposition, which is what this is all about...." So, once again, the completely groundless insistance that these tools are being used to "oppress" - if that is so then it should be easy for you to show some evidence of this oppression, but you can't, because it only exists in your paranoid delusions. Come on, where's the evidence if you insist it is happening? I predict a long line of posts shrieking and bleating and zero proof to back up your childish and idiotic prattle.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Johnnie Thicko Re: The Matt Bryant "defense"

"....So why bother in the first place? MI5 in the UK stated they had 2000 jihadist "suspects" that might do something at sometime in the future. That's 0.003% of a population of 66 million....." Gosh, Johnnie, do you really think they found all those 2000 potential targets individually? Of course not. When they found one, they went back through his communications and found the material that led to the others, and then they looked at who they talked to and that led them to more nutters. Along the way they will have discarded conversations the targets had with non-target types, such as calls to their insurance companies, as unlikely to provide any new leads. The exact same system of investigation is used by police looking for organised crime gangs - when you find one suspected crim, you watch them and see if he leads you to more suspects, and then you watch and gather evidence on them and see if they lead you to more. You really don't have a clue how anything works outside of your tinfoil dispenser, do you?

".....Because this collecting of data is a waste of money on an epic scale......" Evdiently not, given AQ's poor record of achieving attacks in the UK. But then the UK services cut their teeth in comms interception years ago with the IRA. Besides, if you don't collect the data and hold it for at least a short time, when you do find a new lead you won't have any previous records to go through to look for patterns of communication that would lead to more suspects. So the collection is valid, it's just you can't see that past your blinkers.

".....But who lives their life in such acute fear of everything?...." Did you even read ANY of the article? The searches are very specific and narrow, they are not searching for "everything". Please go get a clue.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: asdf Wake up call

"..... Even with the primitive (by today's standards) phoneme programs and underpowered (by today's standards) computers available in 1980...." Yeah, except I posted on another thread all about that capability back in the Eighties weeks ago. Welcome to the party, you're only about a month-plus behind the conversation.

".....Do you really think technology has been standing still for the past 33 years ?...." But we're not just talking about unencrypted landlines anymore, which was pretty much all the spooks had to worry about in the Eighties. Email was pretty rare and the World Wide Web wasn't even around yet, and mobile phones were still in their infancy. Faecesbook probably wasn't even a glimmer in Zuckerberg's infant eye. So to pretend that the "listening" tech has moved forward but the data pool hasn't also explosively grown exponentially is simply stupid.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Pat Volk Re: Bring back the 50's.

".....Between the NSA, FBI, and Stasi, I'd rather be followed by the Stasi....." Yes, but realistically, what are the chances of that any of the said agencies would be even the slightest bit interested in you? Yeah, about zero. Welcome back to reality.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Potty Re: Don't forget the rest.

".... I get sniffy about how the Brits treat us - as just one example - but at least the Brits understand us. We can built a bridge with that understanding....." Sorry to burst your bubble, Potty, but it's just us Brits have a few centuries more practice than the Yanks at hiding our intentions from you colonials.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: asdf Re: Wake up call

".....Ok I will when you quit trying to make it." Could someone please think of a really simple way to explain to the sheeple that is not a matter of how much data they can grab (courtesy of Google et al, which people have thoughtlessly been giving their data to for years), but how much they can process. They simply don't have the resources or analysts to trawl through everything in the hope of finding random tinfoil-wearers. Once again, just like PRISM, without the very specific search queries it's would be like trying to find a dozen needles in a mile-high haystack. Don't worry, your paranoid rantings simply don't make you important enough to bother with, they have much, much bigger fish to fry.

Matt Bryant Silver badge
Big Brother

Re: Destroyed All Braincell's

"....COOKIES IN THE KITCHEN!" I would suggest you should be more concerned with all cookies out there on the Web.

WikiLeaker Bradley Manning found not guilty of 'aiding the enemy'

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: S4qFBxkFFg LOL @ the sheeple!

"2007-2012 = decades ?" If that was an attempt at a counter you really need to go read up on the Muslim Brotherhood and the lengths successive administrations in Egypt, and neighbouring countries, have gone to in their attempts to suppress them. The Arab Spring in one form or another has been going on since the Brits left after WW2.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: S4qFBxkFFg Re: LOL @ the sheeple!

".....Maybe the Arab Spring would have happened anyway....." Sorry, where you maybe waiting on Dickileaks to give you their abridged version of Middle Eastern history, as edited and approved by A$$nut? The Arab Spring has been happening for decades, the real final trigger was the lack of support given by the superpowers to prop up their dictators of choice. For decades, dictators in the area have had the US or USSR and the Cold War to help them oppress their people. The USSR no longer exists, the Russians now having very limited active input into the Middle East compared to before the Berlin Wall came down (the one exception being Syria, where they are actively keeping Assad in power). Other factors like the rise in food prices in the 2007-2008 period could have been countered by a bit of superpower interference. In Tunisia itself, protests had been accelerating since Ghafsa in 2008. Without the need to balance the Soviet threat, the US backed off on their own dictators, with Obambi making truly silly and popularist statements like the hogwash he spouted in his famous Cairo speech in 2009, which effectively gave groups like the Muslim Brotherhood the green-light to take on the dictators like Hosni Mubarek. Without the support of the West, and with China and the Russians unwilling to step in openly, the field was clear for the Islamists to push for "democracy". And all this happened long before Manning leaked anything, so the claim that Dickileaks started the Arab Spring is just something A$$nut manufactured to boost his ego and feed the sheeple.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: BlueGreen Re: LOL @ the sheeple!

".....And providing more of your "facts"? ....." And yet you cannot counter them, again. Yet again. Instead, we get more of the typical shrieking and bleating from a true member of The Faithful, completely void of any form of reasoned argument. Not really a surprise.

".....Whereas most others are interested in discovering some underlying aspect of reality...." Oh, that did make me laugh! The Crazyhorse chopper attacks on July 12th 2007 had been previously reported in the press, indeed it was the US local command that announced the news that two Reuters journos had got caught up in the attack on the very day it happened, so the claim that the US tried to hide it all away is simply male bovine manure. Reuters had a very public and noisy go at the US for killing their journos, neatly avoiding the question of why their journos were working with active "militia", were not wearing their Press vests, and had not notified the US that they would be in the area, and were on such friendly terms with said "militia" that they accompanied them to film attacks on US personnel. The events were even covered in another journo's book, Dave Finkel's "The Good Soldiers", long before the "Collateral Murder" edit made its appearance. So it seems your "interest in discovering some underlying aspect of reality" simply means you knew SFA about the copious and varied sources of information already out there, you just waited for Dickileaks to spoonfed you a highly edited and misleading point of view and want to claim that makes you "informed". Truly sad.

".....From you who wants more electronic state surveillance because it makes you feel more secure?...." Having travelled the World, especially the Middle East, I'd have to answer yes. You very obviously speak from a position of zero experience and knowledge, and your "thinking" amounts to nothing more than parroting whatever someone else tells you is "cool".

".....Because you have real trouble distinguishing what's morally right from what's legally prescribed?...." That's hilarious when your only criteria for "moral" seems to be what you hear thirdhand from some wannabe Net celebrity 2.0. Enjoy your naive ignorance, just don't be surprised when others point at you and laugh.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC Re: LOL @ the sheeple!

".....Are you suggesting Assange (tm) is complicit in the crime?

You have a reference for some evidence that might support this assertion?" In court it was shown that Manning had been in communication with A$$nut for a considerable period during which the material was collected (http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/12/manning-assange-laptop/). It seems neither A$$nut or Manning were as good at covering their tracks as their egos thought they were. So it does look like Manning did not just collect it all and then, on a whim, drop it on Dickileaks, as claimed by the sheeple, A$$nut was in on it from the start. And when A$$nut gets his turn in court, it will be very hard for him to avoid the charge of aiding the enemy given his documented comments on not redacting the identities of informers. Enjoy!

Matt Bryant Silver badge

LOL @ the sheeple!

What, you've all suddenly remembered Manning? You lot have an attention span that would embarrass goldfish.

First off, a quick recap for those bleating about "war crimes" - the only war crime "revealed" by Manning or Dickileaks was the use of a mosque as a base by the "militia" that the Apache crew quite legally and correctly engaged and killed. Oh, and the chopper crew have already been investigated and cleared. As for the actual Apache attack, this was public knowledge and had already been in the press looooooong before Dickileaks massively edited it for the sheeple, who all seem to have been asleep up until then. Presumably following current affairs was just too challenging for them.

And what else did Dickileaks and Manning "reveal"? SFA. Manning threw his life away in a tantrum at the military, egged on by Assnut, and all for what? Some mildly embarrassing embassy gossip. Wow, what a blow for freedom - not!

Breaking bad: Oracle's Unbreakable Linux website takes a break

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Need a "vote meh" button.

Want to down vote the article for making a mountain out of a molehill, but want to up vote anything that further exposes Larry's blatant attempts tp rip off RHEL and claims his "unbreakable" product is better.

British boffin muzzled after cracking car codes

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: enerider Re: @enerider (was: Now ask me why ...)

".....As has been probably pointed out to you before I did, you can always haul out the manufacturer-provided options for one of your own that you can control to your hearts' content....." I had a petrolhead mate a few years back that used to do a nice sideline in "backdating" cars for students and the like that couldn't afford to keep buying replacement parts. He used to do things like taking out electric window mechs and replacing them with hand winders from the scrapyard, the winders lasting indefinitely whereas electric mechs would be problematic on the old cars students could afford. As a grad, one of the reasons I had an old Mini long after I could afford a "better" car was because there really was very little that could go wrong on a Mini, and very little I couldn't fix myself (I've even swapped the engine out of one in a friend's garage without any specialist tools).

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Destroyed All Braincells Re: Matt in: "Hastings alive minutes before he died!"

"Matt, you need to work on your logic....." My logic is simple - look at the available evidence before leaping to unsupported allegations. You seem to just like leaping a lot.

"......Yes. That's more or a less the point, see?....." No, it is a direct observation of the witnesses - he was driving too fast. He was not driving too fast with the windows down screaming for help, he was not trying to call anyone to say his car had gone nuts, he was simply driving too fast for quite a period before he crashed.

"......“I’ve seen military vehicles explode, but never quite like that......" Which is typical conspiracy junkie bleating from wannabe Terry Hopkins. Apart from the differences in design between military vehicles and the average Mercedes, military vehicles blow up usually due to explosions blowing them up. And then we have to ask was Terry Hopkins actually anywhere near the accident and actually witness to the "explosion"? No, he was not. Does he have any engineering training, any training in crash investigation, or even any training as a fireman dealing with car accidents? No, he does not. He's just another "expert" feeding the conspiracy junkies what they want to hear.

And then look at the scene, North Highland Avenue - a flat and straight four-lane highway with a few palm trees off on the verge. Not exactly the first choice for a cyberhacking "accident", it would seem to require a lot of skill to somehow make the Mercedes swerve off at exactly the right spot in exactly the right way to hit a tree, otherwise all they would have done was possibly give Hastings a scraped nose from the airbag. No, if you wanted to be sure, you'd wait until you had the chance to accellerate him to at least 60mph and into a wall headon. Plenty of chances for that in the city. Or wait until he was out of the city and on a road with a drop to the side, then make his car speed out over the edge. Much surer than chancing a hit with a palm tree. Oh sorry - much surer if you think LOGICALLY.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Murder through obscurity

".....How do you think Michael Hastings was murdered?....." Yeah, 'cos all those eye-witness reports of Hastings driving way too fast and out-of-control also speak of a CIA guy hanging off the open bonnet with a laptop plugged into the Mercedes' diagnostics port. Not.

Pacemaker hack legend Barnaby Jack dies just before Black Hat revelations

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: RealityWarpOfTheNerd

"At the end of the day "big pharma" has a lot of money, why wouldn't they if it saved them millions?" OK, please show where any "big pharma" displayed any anger at Jack's revelations? How about explaining how it would have cost "big pharma" the millions in profits you imply they stood to lose by Jack's interesting but very unrealistic scenarios? Please try and keep at least one foot in reality when doing so. Please remember that many medical devices, such as pacemakers, have been vulnerable to "threats" like microwave ovens and magnetic scanners for years, so the means for quite simple yet fatal "attacks", without any of Jack's specialized gear, has been around for ages. A lot of Jack's revelations were interesting for their nerd appeal only. After all, you don't build a remote-controlled Jumbo 747 and fly it into someone's house when hitting them over the head with a two-by-four will do.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Destroyed All Braincells Re: Snowden connection...

"......Also, it's "anarchisms", as you don't wanna use a genitive......" Actually, it's correctly termed "incredibly obtuse gullibility, based on envy, dressed up as a political ideal", but maybe you'll understand that when you get older and a bit of Worldly experience.

And as for all the people trying to imply this was the NSA or CIA that killed him, are you seriously damaged or what? Look at his age group - too young for most natural causes unless some form of chemical stimulant was involved, but exactly the type of social group likely to be using stimulants. I suspect that, when the almost inevitable history of drug-abuse follows, and the coroner's report indicates a cocaine overdose or similar, you'll no doubt insist it was the CIA forcing him to snort coke for years in preparation for having him snort on line too much at a "convenient" time. LOL.

NEC tag teams with HP on high-end x86 servers

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: AC

".....SGI UV is the only solution that currently leverages the power of Intel's latest CPU beyond 4 sockets and 1.5TB memory per system....." Erm... No. Hp Proliant DL900 series are eight socket, using Intel E7 CPUs with up to ten cores each, and lots more memory than 1.5TB. The old DL980G7s we have scale to 4TB of RAM if you can afford the really large DIMMs.

BOFH: Don't be afraid - we won't hurt your delicate, flimsy inkjet printer

Matt Bryant Silver badge
Thumb Up

Execs the worst culprits.

You ever been on the end of one of those centralized printer programs? The ones where some insultant comes round to lecture you on how wasteful your dozen individual desk printers are and how each department should have centralized and networked printers? Surprisingly, it's the desktop printer vendors (like Epson, Xerox and hp) that usually do the "service", telling all that it is better for your company - more efficient, more easy to service one model of large printer over a dozen random desktop models, saves by centralizinf the ordering of one type of toner, etc. - and yet whose desktop printer is always magically exempt from the same logic? Yes, you guessed it, the ones on execs' assistants'/secretaries' desks. It's seriously annoying the number of times I've had staff working on really bizz critical stuff, only for some exec to insist one of them stops that and comes look at their desktop printer as it's stopped printing properly.

REVEALED: Hungry termites nibbling at Oracle's foundation

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Where's the "grid", Larry?

Anyone remember back to the launch of 10g and how every Oracle announcement or press release had the word "grid" in it at least ten times? At the time I thought Larry had started playing a great strategy, that he was going to fight the FOSS database players by leaving the comfy, monolithic server zone and going charging into their playground of software spread across lots of cheap, commodity servers. Some of us were happily predicting the days when we'd be migrating our large database instances off big UNIX boxes and onto Oracle grids on top of scale-out Lintel platforms. But it seems the message never got through to the Oracle salesforce, maybe because they were scared that not being able to play the scale-up card left them open to comparisons with some pretty good FOSS offerings, so instead we got more of the "BIIIIIG, we do BIIIIIG" schpiel in their comfort zone, and RAC became more important than grid. Then Oracle bought Sun and locked themselves into the monolithic World, along with the appliances that really don't want to be grids. Don't get me wrong, we use Oracle as our first choice database and have done for over a decade, but it's not looking like first choice in the long term. IMHO, Larry took several wrong turns somewhere down the line.

Google Chromecast: Here's why it's the most important smart TV tech ever

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Somone pass me the hype-shovel....

....there's a marketing blizzard going on and I need to clear a path through to the actual reason why I would want to own this device. Because at the moment, all I see are pretty but insubstantial puff-pieces that melt like snowflakes as soon as you really look at them.

PRISM scandal: Brit spooks operated within the law, say politicos

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Vimes Re: Vimes Vimes LMAO! @Matt Bryant

Haven't you heard? The other sheeple and posters here have accused me, at one time or another, of working for MOSSAD, BAe, IBM, hp, Phorm, BT and as soldier and a New Labour councillor in London! If you want to play that game then you really need to go back through my posts and READ some stuff, like the fact I voted for Maggie at her first election, which was probably well before your Mr Bryant's date of birth!

Anyway, can we assume that your amusing efforts to dox me are becasue you have admitted defeat on the conversation thread?

(PS: Shhhh, no-one tell him I've posted many times that Matt Bryant is a nom de plume, it's far too funny waiting to see what he comes up with next!)

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Vimes Re: Vimes LMAO! @Matt Bryant

"You're forgetting that the UK has been forced to change RIPA once before by the EU ....." LOL, and what changed that in any way stopped GCHQ carrying on as it and the Government wanted? Section 8 is still there. You have fallen for the political windrow dressing and failed to see that the "changes" stopped little if anything.

".....In particular I wonder if some ways in which RIPA is being used to conduct unquestioned surveillance....being threatened in the EU by Germans......" What, you think the Germans and Fwench haven't been fed little tidbits of information every now and again? You forget, there has been NATO-wide and EU-wide anti-terror plans, plus anti-drugsmuggling, anti-paedophile and anti-econutter programs, all including intelligence sharing, for years. Merkel and co are merely doing a little political posturing for their voters, but behind the scenes it will be business as usual.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Vimes Re: Vimes Vimes Intractable Pothead Johnnie Thicko Let's not forget @ Matt

"....If you really think that a website that can be edited by anybody is anywhere near reliable for that sort of thing...." Once again, you are trying to avoid the fact that a website you denigrate as "unreliable" is actually much better informed than you are. If you want to pretend Wikipedia is so untrustworthy, please demonstrate which parts of the long-established posts on the NSA, GCHQ, Frenchelon, Echelon, or FISC are favtually incorrect? you can't because you know nothing on the subject. Stop denying your ignorance, just admit it and try reading up on the subject, THEN forming an independent opinion rather than mindlessly parroting one that you have been told is "cool".

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Vimes Re: Matt Bryant unmasked as an internet predator "I am a wolf".....

"...I'm not the one supporting the idea of using the law to allow unsupervised spying of millions, so I don't think that I'm the one that has to offer any arguments....." But that is the whole problem you face - you present no reason for anyone to accept your side of the discussion. You have insisted that you and the other sheeple are the only ones with insight, only to be shown to actually know nothing about the topic, despite the wealth of information already out there. Then you insist what GHCQ and the NSA did and are doing is illegal, only for that to be proven wrong. You still insist there is some vast conspiracy to harm you and the equally vacuous, yet when challenged you cannot show ant evidence of harm. Instead, you retreat into childish attempts at insults, and not even humourous ones. You are just a big dollop of fail.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Matt Bryant unmasked as an internet predator "I am a wolf" he screams.* @John Smith 19

".... Matt Bryant reminds me of HamsterWheel...." I would have to say you and a lot of your fellow sheeple posters remind me of this (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DgAYL5H46QnQ) with your determination to be so righteous. But, once again, you cannot offer any argument or insight, only a rather poor attempt to link me with another bit of sheeple bleating. Loosen up the tinfoil, there's a good chap.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Vimes Re: Vimes Intractable Pothead Johnnie Thicko Let's not forget @ Matt

".....It's a bit difficult to win this sort of argument when the very information you say is readily available tends only - until recently - to exist on conspiracy websites, so I won't even bother trying....." Wikipedia is not a conspiracy theorists' website, not by the longest stretch. And since you are so dismissive of Wikipedia, what does it say that you do not even know what has been available on there for years? Would you like a spade to help you keep digging?

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Johnnie Thicko Re: Matt Bryant unmasked as an internet predator "I am a wolf"....

Once again, another post where you cannot add any insight or argument to the topic of the thread. Yawn, TBH.

US secret court renews government telephone snooping

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Desperate Bernie Re: Still Boring Bernie Boring Bernie Destroyed All Braincells ....

"..... over the entire 33-year period, the FISA court has granted 33,942 warrants.....". Oh Bernie, if your desperation wasn't so tragic it would be funny! Yet again, another one of your posts simply blows a massive hole in another one of the sheeple's staple bleats, in this case the "We're all threatened" myth. Please do explain how the minuscule number of warrants, an average of roughly 1000 a year, manages to threaten the whole US population? At that rate it would take over 316,000 years to go through just today's US population. Even if they just concentrated on US Muslims (as people like CAIR insists they do) it would take over 2,600 years! Gosh, what a threat (yawn). So, I think we can all agree it is a very narrow and targeted surveillance program, thanks.

Then let's get back to your claim that the court was just a "rubberstamping body". It seems an awful lot of warrants got sent back and some even refused, despite the supposed "rubberstamping". So, if the panels of judges, and there were plenty of them over the years (forty federal judges), passed all the other warrants, could it be the surveillance requested was justified? Gosh, no way, right? LOL! So we can now all plainly see it is not only a narrow and targeted program, but that forty different judges (yeah, please do pretend they are all Republicans) thought the warrants were LEGALLY justified in all but eleven cases. And those cases got rejected.

It is so funny that you can read the very article with the facts that expose the silliness of your sheeple paranoia, and yet your poor little brain just can't digest the information and put it in context. Sad, sad, sad fail.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Still Boring Bernie Re: Boring Bernie Destroyed All Braincells Please....

"I wasn't so much declaring victory as predicting your response. I think I won that one....." No, you insisted I would merely post insults in response to your childish attempts, whereas I not only posted arguments but also summarized both your failings and the misfortunes of the sheeple in general. So, you still have not won anything, and your desperate attempts to avoid the issues just show you are not going to.

".....Now, I am going to ignore you sidestepping the very, very many points, with supporting citations....." What points with what citations? You claimed Judge Robertson said the FISC was a rubber stamping body, I proved otherwise. Please do show how Robertson praising the courts independence and the number of warrants it refused somehow does not destroy your point?

".........they're not. Of the 11, 10 are republicans, appointed by an unelected republican senior. That's about as far from independant as you can get....." But Robertson points out the WERE independent and DID refuse warrants. All you have proven is your mindless assumption that Republican = mindless drone and that your are failing again.

UK parliament presses for pardon for Alan Turing

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Jake Re: @Equitas (was: Florida1920 The whole truth)

"....Do you really have zero clues?....." Jake, you are simply falling into the simpleminded trap of the gay-rights crowd - "If you disagree with our policy on X then you MUST be a homophobe!" Please chillax and realize not everyone that disagrees with a particular point of view is doing so out of some awful intent. I agree that Turing was prosecuted under a law that we should nowadays hold up for ridicule, and the treatment that Turing underwent could not have been pleasant, but I do not agree with a retrospective wiping of all previous convictions under that law as where do you stop? Turing should get a pardon for his services to the country, which can be held up as an example of how a man could be a genius and a patriot despite the narrow viewpoint of others.