* Posts by Matt Bryant

9690 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2007

IT guy answers daughter's Facebook rant by shooting her laptop

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Snark

Whilst I like your post, it is illuminating in that you highlight the cultural differences without considering that maybe our UK culture has it wrong. "....I wonder how much of that is cultural and to him/his family firearms are more common place and so are considered a "tool" rather than a figure of violence as most of us brits would see them....." Well, I'm English, and I view firearms as tools. The violence is conducted by the tool-user, not the tool. It is a telling factor of UK culture that many think of the weapon as the problem, having been indoctrined with that "guns are evil" mantra, probably by someone with no experience of firearms.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: THe People

Last time I checked, Adolph Hitler didn't work in IT.

Matt Bryant Silver badge


"....good to see a post can be deleted solely because certain people get offended at being told that physically assaulting and in many cases battering a minor is described as abuse....." Nope, you specifically linked child-abuse with being a "god-botherer", i.e. Christian, which is an obviously unproven statement and promotes religious hatred. I'm not surprised your post was deleted. Just imagine if you'd posted that black people were all child-abusers just because they are black, would you be surprised if your post was (rightly) removed then? I'm not religious, but I don't automatically assume anyone of any religion is a mindless drone, I try to judge them on their actions rather than what I'm told to think about them.

".....Seems not only have the commentators come from the Daily Mail / Fox News...." Whine, whine, whine. Once again, more stereotypes unthinkingly trolled out.

"....Or is it you are just afraid of offending your advertisers/american contacts/business associates?" Ooh, so I must have a sinister, alterior motive for laughing at your prejudices? Why can't it be that I actually have plenty of experience of both the Southern States and Americans in general, and whilst some are "bible-thumpers" in the extreme, to attempt to classify anyone South of Pensylvania as being nothig but "god-botherers" and "child-abusers" is just silly.

I'd suggest you get a clue, but I fear the stereotypes and prejudices have been so ingrained as to make any chance of that unlikely.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Does yore Paw

I don't have a Facebook account, thanks, and really don't see the appeal. Maybe because I have real friends and social contact on a daily basis.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Strewth, don't be sorry, Mate!

Knobchen, every post you make simply adds more and more weight to my conviction that you are a perfect example of the dangers of longterm use of recreational drugs.

".....in these happy NATO-lands." I sometimes come across anarcho-socialists that like to pretend that corporal punishment is a decadent, capitalist and Western trait, often for the sole reason that corporal punishment was banned in Soviet schools in 1917. This supposed superiority of Communism conveniently ignores the fact that corporal punishment was common in Soviet homes, being referred to as "porka", and usually involving the time-honoured strapping with a leather belt. Soviet teachers didn't need to use corporal punishment as schoolkids had a report given to their parents at a regular intervals, and any bad marks would result in a "porka" session. Soviet parents, however, could be investigated and jailed for not controlling their children.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Outstanding

"I wish I had a .45..." Whilst there's much debate out there as to whether the Colt Forty-Five is better than old 9 Milly Pee, I actually prefer shooting smaller calibre handguns for long periods of target shooting. Feel free to call me a wimp, and the .45 is fun, but after a few mags of recoil your wrist will ache even if you're Rambo. Well, I did prefer shooting smaller calibres, until our kneejerk politicians banned handguns in the UK, even for competitive shooting.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Squirrel Hunting?

"....They pose such a threat....." Whilst most UK urbanites view the grey squirrel as some sort of charming reminder of wildlife, others consider them pests, even here in the UK (http://www.pestforce.co.uk/squirrel-control.html). In the US, they also refer to ground squirrels (gophers) as just squirrels, and they are considered a major damager of crops (http://westernfarmpress.com/management/control-destructive-ground-squirrels-demands-high-kill-ratio). Whilst in the UK it is unusual to shoot squirrels, we do shoot plenty of other creatures most clueless urbanites (such as yourself) would view as harmless, such as pigeons. And if it escaped your notice, here in the UK we have badger culling schemes, much to the horror of unknowledgeable urbanites.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Not That Andrew

Oops! Looks like you forgot to read the news before preforming your perjudices:


You may also want to know that Germany has a lower number of guncrimes per head of population than the UK, despite having less stringent gun laws. Then again, you've probably spent a long time avoiding any such truths.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Welcome to the Tea Party / Neo Con arena

"....Shit parenting 101...." Actually, Mike, I'm going to have to say that - IMHO - your posts are a much better example of the results of slack parenting. I particularly like the way you leap to pat conclusions and stereotypes - how do you know which way he votes just because he wears a stetson? For all you know he could be the most active local Democrat voter. Last time I checked the whole of states like Texas didn't vote uniformly Republican, indeed the Dem vote was at 43.7% in the 2008 Prez elections. I would suggest you take a look in the mirror and then take some time to work through your petty prejudices, which I can only surmise to be a result of your parents' failings.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: I thought

Brilliant! I nearly needed a new laptop after reading that!

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Re: Having shot up many a dead computer

".....I feel a blast-incendiary..." Erm, well, there was this discussion between IT bods, after the second Rambo movie came out, as to whether you could actually stick an explosive head on an arrow and actually shoot it any range with accuracy. Sorry, can't even use the excuse of "after a few drinks" either, and we would probably have been too embarassed to include our kids in our min-Mythbusters task. But, after several days of messing around with pliers, a nail, shotgun shells (for the primer-cap and the powder flakes), a juice mini-can and a crossbow and several bolts, we managed a 50 metre shot at an old TV with quite impressive results. Unfortunately, this was in the days before Youtube, and we didn't really have as good a reason for our silliness to be recorded, but I can guarantee it would have reduced a laptop to fragments.

And for all the anti-gunner ragers here, that was rural Devon, where perfectly legal and also lethal crossbows and compound bows were quite common and could be bought, without a license, on the highstreet.

Matt Bryant Silver badge


"....What's he gonna do when she comes home with an 18yo boyfriend....." Well, he has a gun, lots of land, and I bet he's got a shovel! I bet all the horny teen lads in his area have already crossed her name off their list!

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Jim Booth

".....I think this displays admirably why some people should not be allowed to own weapons....." I suspect you actually don't want anyone to own a firearm. He's shooting his own property (he paid for the laptop, not his daughter), and on his land, in a manner unlikley to cause injury or damage to anyone else (other than his daughter's overblown ego), and in an area where that kind of action is quite legal. TBH, with the littlest of respect, you can go take a running jump.

Whilst I would suggest NOT shooting it on the ground (a round could ricochet off a stone and hit the shooter or some other unintended target), and I'd probably advise against shooting it so close incase a ricochet or fragments came off one of the more solid components (like the battery or hard-drive), I'd say it's an otherwise entertaining display of shooting, and a lot more fitting than the usual shooting at cans, bottles or roadsigns. Personally, I'd just have sold her laptop and kept the cash.

Study links dimwits to conservative ideology

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: @ LG & MB

Aw, jake, you're ruining the fun of exposing trendy sheeple like Local Fruitloop. You see, for people like him there is only One Truth, it becomes like a religion to them, which is all the more ironic given that they are usually the same people that ridicule others' religious beliefs. When faced with evidence that questions their OneTruth, they fall back on evasions, denials and insults, being unable to accept their own naivety.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Jack Sprat could eat no fat. His wife could eat no lean...

".....You want to talk about everything except Peak oil...." No, I countered your attempt to switch off a topic you were failing in for a topic of your choice. As I explained before, it's a common tactic amongst poor debaters to try such topic changes. I did challenge you to try returning to the topic of the thread, which you have avoided, for obvious reasons.

".....Saddam Hussein...." Saddam never cut off oil supplies, indeed he wanted to sell MORE oil as he needed the revenues to bolster his military machine and oppression of his own people. It was the UN that imposed restrictions on his oil exports, including the US and UK. Indeed, the US and allies are withdrawing from Iraq, which destroys your insistance they were there only to "steal the oil". Try again, major fail.

".....No saber rattling in Africa...." Which is where your laughable theory is really exposed. Africa has massive and mostly untapped oil reserves, yet no US-led "invasions". Even countries like Nigeria, which has an established oil industry, have not been invaded and occupied by the US, which is what your theory would require.

"....Don't miss a film called "The Artist."." Fictional stories about actors struggling to cope with the introduction of new technology? It would seem your inabaility to use modern scientific data to back up your arguments, instead relying on outdated, debunked and "trendy" theorems such as AGW, make you the Valentin in ths case.

Please, drop the silliness and evasions and at least try to get back on-topic, if only to save some semblence of intelligence.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Peak Matt Bryant

I see returning to the forum subject was too much of a challenge for you. Honest, this is my surprised face.

"Everyone agrees...." Straight away, you just derailed your own arguments by opening with an unproven assumption. It is impossible to claim that everyone agrees with something as you simply could not have gone and asked every person in the World to supply an opinion. To claim "everyone agrees" sounds intellectually naive and makes any following statement dubious.

".....M. King Hubbert ..... predict....." And here we get to the second hole in your arguments. The whole Peak Oil theorem was nothing more than a prediction, based on the best scientific data avilable at the time. You need to ensure that your arguments reflect the current scientific information, otherwise you're going to look like you're pushing an outdated POV.

"....Pollyanna camp...." Interesting, I would definately not class myself as an unbounded optimist. On the other hand, you seem to have a desire to belong to a "camp", and to put everyone into similar "camps", where everyone has uniform and predictable ideas. It seems that desire to conform has dulled your ability to independent thought. Your desire to conform doesn't sound very radical or progressive.

So, so far you have dipslayed naivete, assumptions, outdated predictions and unquestioning conformity. You sure you want to go another round, whether it's on-topic or not?

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: RE: Seriously, Matt

".......I don't buy that "the "Green" movement had been hijacked by leftover lefties after their Communist dreams fell apart."..." Erm, that's just what the Greenpeace founder said, and I don't see you as being in a better position to pass comment.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: But Matt...

".....Only an idiot would expect it to have no effect or to be the sole cause of any changes." I think you need to have a chat with the IPCC (and the Greenpeckers, and Al Gore) as they said exactly that - human activity is the prime cause of global warming and is going to cause a disaster. That's what Kyoto is all about - pretending that the human contribution to factors such as CO2 is the root cause of some unstoppable global warming disaster.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Hey Matt

"....I hope we're still friends...." You watch "The Great Global Warming Swindle" all the way through, actually take in what is being explained, and then we'll see.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Seriously, Matt, thanks for the link to 'the great global warming swindle'.

Did you like the bit where one of the founders of Greenpeace explained how the "Green" movement had been hijacked by leftover lefties after their Communist dreams fell to bits with the Berlin Wall? Nice to hear someone like that confirming that the modern "environmentalists" are nothing but rabid anti-capitalists in a new guise. Seems we have mroe than one of them posting here.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Try looking here:


Or here, which points out clouds are much more inportant than CO2 in teh antartcis weather system:


You may also want to watch the following, although then again you may not as it will just make you realise how wrong you are:


This stuff has been out there for ages, only the AGW Turebelievers (i.e., the politically indoctrinated and those that take anti-capitalism as a religion) are still pushing the AGW whaffle.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: @ jake, you are absolutely right.

Ooh, look, it's another argumentless post from Local Fruitloop! Well, just as normal then. As I surmised, he's run out of spoonfed soundbites and is left with nothing but poor wit to post.

And to all those equating the term "conservative" with "throwback" or "regressive", you may want to consider that such mantras as National Socialism were once considered progressive....

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: still with the capitalism === democracy - part 2

"....It's different than pluralistic democracy, but it is not the opposite of democracy...." No, it is completely different and opposite. One-party rule is not democracy in any form, and only the deluded would pretend otherwise.

"....The USA has more people in prison than any other country...." More evasion, that has nothing to do with the point in hand, it just exposes your knee-jerk and spoonfed anti-Yank ideals.

"....Explain how the House Un-American Activities Committee...." You mean the long-abolished committee? Reagrdless of how that is an even bigger evasion piece, did you ever stop to understand that Communism in the States was exactly the same as that elsewhere in the period - anti-democratic and determined to impose one-party rule. By the definitions of the US Constitution, the Communist ideal was "un-American" as it was anti-religion (therefore against the right to freedom of religion as in the First Amendment) and anti-democratic (not giving the right to vote to anyone but Communist Party members, a standard Communist ploy, is directly opposed to the right to vote in the Consitution).

".....It might have also had something to do with the USSR bankrupting itself ...." EXACTLY! Communism failed BECAUSE it couldn't compete, it was a failure on a massive scale. Yet you then try defending it? Please, go ask an adult if you can borrow a clue.

".....I won't mention my opinion of your strong points...." I'm guessing that's because you've run out spoonfed trash to repeat. Epic fail, both scholastic and in any form of real-World experience.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: still with the capitalism === democracy, part 1

"......Maybe I could if the leader of the free world hadn't been so bloodthirstily burning down villages...." No, you couldn't and the rest is just the usual evasions. Consider Viet Nam, supposedly a successful Communist people's government overthrowing a tyranical, US-supported regime. Fast forward twenty years (around 1996, IIRC) and they had already started shifting to a capitalist model, eventually joining the WTO in 2007, whilst denying their people the full democratic process. That's even more ironic given that the Communists' excuse for starting their long war against South Viet Nam was that national elections had not been held in 1956.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: @Matt

"....for whatever I've done my perceived intelligence has bever been an issue...." Well, Chris, as my old man used to say, "a bin man may be a nice guy, but there's a reason he ended up as bin man".

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: apples and oranges

"......You can have communist democracies...." Please name one. Go on, just for fun. At best, you could point to minority Communist parties in some European countries like Italy, but the truth is they only conform to the democratic model because they have to, they have such little support. In fact, even the Italians have ditched their Communist party (the PCI) and started relabelling themselves "socialists".

"....Communist countries do elect representatives in a democratic fashion, it's just that they must all be from the communist party...." Yes, it's called a "one-party" system, the complete opposite of democracy.

".....Meanwhile in the USA, instead of 1 you get 2 parties to choose from, how much better is that?...." Maths is obviously not your strong point, 2 > 1. And if you don't like either you can not vote or support an independent. WIth Communism you have no choice, indeed not agreeing with "the state" is usually going to mean prison time (if you're lucky).

"....could you imagine nationalizing and then privatising everything every 4 years??" It's nice at least having the choice. If you didn't notice, the Berlin Wall fell because the people in the Communist countries got tired of not having choices. In fact, Communism has a pretty poor record of success anywhere, even ignoring the tyranical dictators it seems to produce.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Al Gore?

"....still ignoring events...." <Yawn> Yeah, more insistance of "ignoring", just without any events to back up your non-argument. Good thing you posted AC, or is it just too much for you to even remember your name?

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: @Matt

So, mucho mucho dribbling, some more avoidance, and then we get to tha actual (stringy) meat of your post; "....what you think is causing the variation in the weather throughout the world?...." Newsflash - the weather is changing! Insert scenes of hysteria here! But, the weather has been changing for millions of years. If you didn't know (well, it's plainly clear you don't know much), there were these things called "ice ages", and periods when the planet was actually much hotter than today. Until about 18,000 years ago we were in one of those ice ages, with most of Europe and the US covered in glaciers. There weren't any factories or cars or other human activity to warm the planet up to the point about 3000 years ago when most of Europe and the US was warm and covered in trees, the planet did it itself.

Some scientists (and that's real, qualified and experienced scientists, not Al Gore) think we're actually heading into a new ice age, which would really be ironic! But there have been higher peaks in atmospheric carbon-dioxide as well, occurring hundreds-of-thousasnds of years ago (what, you think the dinosaurs were all driving SUVs!?!?). The scientific data also shows levels of CO2 rising BEHIND the rise in temperature, not the CO2 leading to the rise in temperature.

In short, putting any current changes in climate down as solely due to human activity is to ignore the huge amount of variations in the past when human activity was inconsequential. Once again, you fail due to your inability to think beyond what you are told is "hip and trendy" science.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Scientists are concerned with what actually IS the case.

"....it is obvious that a well funded campaign is under way to manipulate people like you...." Really? You mean there are people willing to PAY ME to show you how stupid you are!?! Wow, it was fun doing it for free but if there's cash I'll take some! Of course, I guess Al Gore has just been so short of funds, what with his fashionable celebrity supporters. Oh, didn't you know he was profitting MASSIVELY from all his "not-for-profit" environmentalism?



Yeah, that sound was your bubble bursting.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: after RTFA theyre certainly saying "tards = social conservative redneck"

IQ results - especially amongst children - are directly related to problem-solving eductaion, so it is unfair to expect African nations with much lower educational standards to compare with those from countries where the population are classed in the kind of problem solving required for the way IQ tests are structured. For example, I can't find the article online but I read about a study where township kids in Soweto could add an extra 25 points to their IQ scores after only six months of schooling. It is also unfair to compare the UK with countries like Germany as we still haven't given the Scots independence yet.....

Matt Bryant Silver badge

"....Colin Welch." Would that be the same one that wrote for the Telegraph and the Daily Mail.....?

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: I bypassed the socialist stage.

"....But then Heath was rubbish as well." Ah, but all of us (and definately the lefties) should thank Ed Heath as he took us into Europe (the EEC, the realistic trade side of the big Euro socialist deam) and also stopped Enoch Powell getting the Tory leadership. True, Maggie Thatcher was a lot more fun.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: I wouldn't discriminate here

There's the old joke that they say in Liverpool that family life suffers if either parent works!

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Matt, I was wrong to mention Peak oil.

".....Clearly, you know absolutely nothing about PO....." <Yawn> Every post you make simply displays your inability to do anything other than spout mindless soundbites, switching topic at random in a desperate attempt to avoid being caught out for the intellectual fraud you are. I'm beginning to think you and original thought are complete strangers. Once again, care to return to the forum topic or is it safe to assume you've run out of spoonfed soundbites for that discussion?

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Au contraire mon ami

Like I said, hopping to a new topic when the last one becomes too hot to handle.

But, if you want to discuss peak oil, then you need to understand that the so-called top-of-the-curve (where peak production supposedly exceeds demand) has been predicted to have occurred in 1970, 1986 and again in 2010. The treehuggers have now started pushing it back to 2020. What stopped it actually happening was several simple factors; greater efficiency in oil extraction; greater fuel efficiency in many uses; changes in the political landscape altering supply; and opening up of new oil fields. Once again, you have simply and unquestioningly accepted a trendy mantra as scientific fact without ever thinking to question the science behind it.

Now, do you want to get back to AGW, or do you actually want to get back on topic of the forum? Maybe you want to claiming Trotsky wasn't a "leftie"?

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Re: RE: "Poor reading comprehension I see"

"....or has agreed to take one as part of some selection process loses all credibility." I had to take several, but I assume you simply don't get a look at roles where it might be an issue.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: 'After that it was a dictatorship - as "right" as it gets'

"Unfortunately, your apparent knowledge on Stalinist Russia doesn't disguise your lack of understanding of even basic political philosophy." Ah, philosophy. That would be more "social science" as compared to factual matters such as history, which has plenty of evidence of Stalin's communism and homophobia. Try again, that was simply pathetic.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Point proven

"......climate != weather....."

Yes, it's become very noticeable that, since we haven't seen the catastrophic warming that the AGW clowns predicted (in fact, since 1995 it's been on average COOLER), you truebeleivers have tried to shift the conversation away from warming to "climate", so you can claim any variaton in weather anywhere in the World is down to AGW. Try again, you're just getting far too predictable, in fact so much so I'm going to have to label you a climate science CONSERVATIVE (ooh, bet that hurts)!

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Oh, Matt

".....Global Warming is just to take the sheeples' minds off of Peak Oil....." Sorry, but that's just a prime example of the treehugger nondebating tactics - when you're losing on one subject and it's clear people are beginning to see through your faux science, switch to another hot topic and start again. Rinse, repeat, and never have to admit you're wrong. I'm guessing your next jump would be to nuke power vs "renewables". Usual fail.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Missed connection

Isn't it time you neohippies gave up on the AGW hype? Hasn't Gore made enough money out of your guillibility yet? Many (real) scientists seem to think so:


Iran draws veil over secure internet access

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Applebaum is the enemy

Debateable. His links to Wikileaks make him a suspected accessory in the Manning case, and he has worked with hacking groups before, but at the same time he has done work with "good" intent such as Tor (although Tor also presents a perfect, if unintentional ,opportunity for criminals as well). Either way, he hasn't actually been convicted of a criminal act yet that would class him as an "enemy", unlike A$$nut who has prior convictions. I suspect Applebaum may be misguided, egotistical, and probably a bit naive, but not really an "enemy". I haven't heard any blatently stupid statements accredited him like those that A$$nut has made (such as the "f*ck the grasses, they deserve it" comment), but it may just be I missed them. If you have any info on Applebaum to the contrary then please share.

Google Wallet PIN security cracked in seconds

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Lord Elpuss

Surely a better option would be just not to use Google Wallet (or any other NFC-enabled payment tech, for that matter)....

iOS 5 'crashes more apps' than Android

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: Naughtyhorse

"but matt is special...." We're all special in our own ways, Naughtyhorse, it's just when people talk about you being special, it's a polite way of saying you're a dunce. I'm not surprised that you have nothing of technical merit to add to the conversation.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: @Matt Bryant

Modaco Honeycomb mod, tweaked and loaded onto a pair of HTC Rubys (from the US) by someone that knows a lot more about HTCs than I do. The mod was on Megaupload, no idea where to get it from now but I have a backup saved. Works fine, the only app I've had trouble with display-wise has been the Bubbles screensaver, just displays badly. As I said, loading junk apps seems to be the problem with my wife's phone. I'm not (yet) tempted enough by Ice Cream Sarnie mods to update either phone (or rebuild my mate's NAS system in return). I didn't realise the Honeycomb mod was that rare, a shame 'cos it seems quite stable.

Oh, and the Ruby is MUCH nicer than any iPhone! :P

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: @John

I'm also curious as to how they define "crash" - if the app has to restart, is that counted as a crash? I don't have many problems with Android apps crashing, but I have plenty with ones that I have to force close when I finish using them. Comparing three Android devices (two phones and a tablet), I've had a few crashes on the tablet (2.3 Gingerbread), one or two on one phone (both 3.2 Honeycomb), and I can't remember a single one on the other phone. The difference is the apps - the tablet has a lot of games and similar junk, the first phone is the wife's and is loaded with dross like Facebook and Twitter, whereas the other phone has an almost virgin install and a few, quality apps. Adding apps to any device will increase the chance of crashes, adding junk apps will double that amount of crashes.

Anonymous releases law firm's emails about Haditha killings

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: "Hence it would be more accurate to say....

.....a bunch of anonymous, serial-underachievers, operating from their Mom's bedrooms, downloaded some premade tools and got a lucky hit on a known security hole. They later claimed to be part of the well-known, serial-underachiever collective Anonymous, also known for downloading scripts and tools and claiming this somehow makes them 1337 hax0rs....."

There, fixed it for you.

Matt Bryant Silver badge

No score draw.

Hmmm. No desire to promote criminal act of hacking into a legal firm's records by skiddiots (after all, if it was someone hacking into Ryan Cleary's or Jake Davis's lawyers' records the Anonytwitz would be the first to shriek), balanced with desire to see the Haditha killers punished. I'm not sure releasing the lawyer's correspondance will help matters as it will probably just be the stuff already seen in the trial.

Anonymous hackers leak Scotland Yard-FBI conference call

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: I am minded to consider

"....we can shaft you with impunity...." Yeah, tell that to Ryan Cleary, Matthew George, Jake Davis, and those are just the ones old enough to be named, most of the Anonyputz skiddies caught have been just that, minors. I hear Kevin Mitnick, Rafael Nunez, Robert Butyka all thought they were uncatchable too.

Matt Bryant Silver badge


"WRONG we paid for it...." Really? Please do account for what overwhelming amount of taxes you have personally paid that you think gives you the self-imposed right to tell the rest of us what to do?

".....NOT 1% elite....." More of the "we are the 99%" rubbish, sprouted by the tiny 0.00001% minority.

"....you think all that money means anything to me ?..." I think you don't have any, which is obvious by your ranting about "elite" and money in the first place.

Brit pair deported from US for 'destroy America' tweet

Matt Bryant Silver badge

RE: @ Steve Davies 3

Maybe you were carrying one of Diaz's old bags?


What one person thinks is acceptable, "fashionable" or fun can be very insulting to others. Me, I'd stop you for the denim bomber, search you and then hand you over to Gok!