* Posts by magice

1 publicly visible post • joined 9 Oct 2009

Does the Help Desk have a future?


Please stop dreaming

Okay, either you belong to the minority which is condemned and isolated as "nerds" (ocationally, "geeks"), or you have been dreaming. Um, the users are more stupid at this moment than any other. In the past, only engineers used the computers, and they actually read what the hell is in the manual when they did. Heck, going to college was necessary for computer usage.

Nowadays? Nowadays, even the most ignorant person can use the computers. Well, that's normal. How about this: majority of people refuse to read the manual, refuse to study how the computer works, refuse to know what is running their computers. Then, there are a bunch who believe that there is a Nigerian man who passed away and left behind a huge sum of money that they can claim. Wait wait wait, that's not the end. There are yet another bunch (overlap with the previous ones) who believe that the computers are equivalent to either God(s) or miracle, and that they are so stupid that they cannot do anything about it.

It would surprise me if those people can go without help desk. Truly.