* Posts by henchan

66 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Sep 2009


Elon Musk's rocket booked by Google X-Prize moon robot


Wolfram Alpha

gives just *over* 10mph :


= 10.349 miles per hour

Wading through a world of uncertainty


genuine research vehicle ?

Well if it is a data scavenging scam, they suckered me in. But after taking enough tests to build a statistical sample, I would say that it is actually a genuine research vehicle, not just somebody's get-rich-quick scheme. It did get me thinking about risk management in decision making which is its stated purpose.

HTML5: An antidote for Apple App Store-itis


recurring payment options

"So where do you see Google's embracing of subscriptions? "

The author did not mention that the Chrome App store currently does support both one-time and/or recurring payment options. http://code.google.com/chrome/webstore/articles/launching.html#determine-how-to-monetize

As a developer for that platform I'd be keen to see it also support 'in-app purchases'. For apps which use this payment model on other platforms (iOS iirc), recent research has shown in-app purchases to account for nearly as much revenue as their software sales.

Mass mind control artist condemns El Reg to obscurity



No, peace does not take two sides. Rather it takes recognition that the whole sides thing was a false dichotomy in the first place. Reading your last post closely, apart from one or two words you might just as well be arguing from the 'opposite' point of view. Don't you think many of those whom you oppose feel fucking terrified of you and your ideas ? I expect they do. And if so, it is partly because it felt easier for you to draw a line and start attacking a position than to try to find common ground. Assimilation is a good thing in my mind. It is not one-way process.

I don't think this is any longer a fruitful discussion and I opt to discontinue it.



In my last post I used your counter-point to illustrate my ad hominem point. That was probably undeserved because actually I have been and continue to oppose LaeMing's too easy de-humanisation of people he/she disagrees with. One could even take a conspiratorial view of that post to suggest that LaeMing was trolling for the other team. No doubt Rush Limbaugh and his active followers understand that there are none so committed to the cause as the demonised. And they are not averse to some self-generated demonisation as means to an end. LaeMing's actual intent is irrelevant. My point remains that demonisation is counter-productive to achieving peace.

To one of your points, segregation is not an option. This idea reminds me of the fourth book in Gulliver's Travels in which the animalistic Yahoo are separated from the intellectual Houyhnhnm. If you read it keep in mind that it's a parody of utopian thinking in the Enlightenment.

In the real, messy world classifications are made and re-made all the time. There's effectively an infinite number of usable dimensions. Through billions of years of evolution animals' brains (including all humans' (including your definition of rational humans')) have become very effective at identifying useful dimensions for problems in their particular domain. I agree with you that rational thinking can sometimes be a useful dimension to categorise actors in our domain, but it's not not the one and only. We are all much richer, more complex and subtle than that. Acknowledging where an individual's strengths lie is a more reliable path to peace than to castigate them for their failure to meet your target on a single dimension.


ad hominem

Those in the midst of a culture war seeem least able to countenance peace sans complete victory. Those on its periphery are more apt to wonder what it is all for. Wars are invariably provoked by the other side, whilst our side is just defending basic freedoms. You indicate that you are fighting for intellectual pursuits and I don't doubt your sincerity nor do I question the actual endeavour. Where we disagree is the means. It seems to me that putting people into pigeon holes ("these people") is rarely productive. I don't believe there are any racists in the world, but that everyone: yourself and myself included is capable of racism unfortunately. Let's not go for the ad hominem. Though it may feel good, it is invariably counter-productive to the goal.


putting out fire with gasoline

What kind of external stimulus do you think conditions such a reflex ? Inflamatory attitudes like that do not help.

If the tone of this radio figurehead is anti-intellectual it is partly because pseudo-intellects frequently denigrate his listeners. Those people are to some extent seeking solace. Not that I support the show - I have never heard it as I don't live in the US - merely to shift part of the blame for the show's popularity to critics like LaeMing.

NoSQL CouchDB founder turns to phone and cloud services



It would be good to see a good case study on replication at CouchOne.

Replication is said to be CouchDB's stand-out feature, but it apparently does not have any significant commercial play yet.

Google on defensive as Facebook joins net neutrality fight


Trojan Horse

Google is playing the Greeks to the US Telcos' Trojans.

Let’s assume some disruptive wireless technology will come along to provide real competition to the telcos. The latter would be hamstrung by having been allowed to get what they’d wished for. Consumers would flock to the new tech because, of course, they prefer net neutral services in addition to any other merits it may have. Back-haul could possibly make use of all those broadband connections (also net neutral).

I don’t know exactly what such a tech might look like – perhaps similar to MiFi – but I believe it is likely that Google already knows this tech and sees exactly how it intends to deploy it.

Why? Because this agreement is out of character for Google, whose interests will always be antagonistic to those of strongly entrenched data distribution channels.

Circumstantial evidence sure. Other hints includes Google's involvement in wavelength auctions, substantial partnerships through its handset OS, hardware prototyping (Nexus1's purpose being to provide a cover story for h/w testing) and so on. Admittedly, there's no hard evidence here.

If you were going to try and take out the telcos, you might prefer to let them pull the trigger on themselves.

Beware Geeks bearing gifts.

Empires built on free code aren't cheap


outside the big box

There is no immutable law which says that web application architecture must comprise exactly one (logical) server and so many clients. Certainly, it tends to be that way at present, but the scaling costs discussed here might come to be seen by a new generation of entrepreneurs as the economic driver for an alternative architecture.

Wave was designed to be federated. P2P file-sharing is another case in point. Just one massively successful implementation of a distributed web app design (which admittedly has not occurred yet - unless you count the web itself as an application) would send a signal into the marketplace that those big-box investments in centralised data-centres were not so smart after all.

French city in pedestrian-powered streetlight plan



You have to power on the bed lights.

Wikifounder reports Wikiparent to FBI over 'child porn'



Wikimedia's lawyer Godwin, went on to equate Sanger's accusations to "Nazi propaganda". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law

Google Spanner — instamatic redundancy for 10 million servers?


two's power

Nice use of powers in the article. 10 to the 21 bytes is so much easier than having to do English to decimal conversion mentally. Two's power of bits would be better still.

Google's and others' effort has been necessary because SirTimBL felt it unnecessary to index the web. He was right at the time of course, but that design decision left quite a legacy in terms of energy. The relationship of data to power consumption at Google and its ilk is apparently closer to linear than logarithmic.

Prof: Extremists tend to dominate debates


Status Quo

Wouldn't the (participants' perception of) status quo ante play a significant part in this? Those anti-alcohol people need not shout so much since the rules are already in their favour.

In the climate change debate there is both a call out to the perceived silent majority and to the 'proper' objective interpretation of facts.

Giant megaships to suck 'stranded' Aussie gas fields



So what's with ...the giant carousel on the stern?

A bobbin maybe? This sucker's gonna a need a mighty long drinking straw.

Machine rebellion begins: Killer robot destroyed by US jet


not positive

@Rod MacLean

I did not read "positive" control to be superfluous, redundant wordage. It is reasonable to suppose that a control loop should be in operation. The positive channel is presumably input from human operators. Unspecified channels might be autonomous control and feedback to the human operator.
