* Posts by Torbjørn

6 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2007

Ohio man cuffed for shagging picnic table

IT Angle

Interesting news... but

I can see how this is a news on the side of things, but I have to admit I fail to see the IT angle here... unless ofcourse the table was Vista compliant or indeed a Wifi-antenna...

Oooor the newest iSex addon til the naughty iPod/iPhone.........

Britt Ekland on board for 'Wicker Man 2'


those were the days...

"To my distress I discovered she was still with the crew, having a good time, two weeks later."

aaaah, need I say more....?

Kung fu monks battle gobby net ninja


Get in line

This would ofcourse be the ultimate UFC fight, and yes, I would pay to see it:D

No need to watch any more action stuff, since this one fight to rule them all would encompass everything .... hopefully:D

Nissan rolls out drink-proof cars


As always

everything that's made to hinder anyone from driving has to have an override function. If you've had a few drinks, and someone in your vicinty has an accident, the car simply has to work. Getting to a doctor/hospital is the most impotant thing.

If you are blind drunk, then the most important thing is for someone else to drive, unless you want to add traffic carnage to the toll...

My point is that human judgement will and should in any case be the final straw - with all the flaws that follows.

Microsoft 'tweaks Vista' for Google desktop search goodness


Re: Apple by voshkin

You can't really compare Apple's iPhone with MS Vista - the reason beeing that Apple produces the iPhone and MS produces no computers.

There are other issues as well, as in that Microsoft expect third parties to develop software for Vista, otherwise no one would buy it. And rightly so, it wouldn't be worth buying if only MS software was on it.

Thats not the case with iPhone from Apple.



Ooooh reeeeaallyyyyyyyyyh.....!??!!?

Ok, I have been an avid reader of BOFH since 2000, I have digged up the early material from University before he started working for the man, and I can without irony and in complete and utter sincernes say I'm looking forward to the revenge...!

But this HAS to me the mother of all revenges put togheter BOFH&PFY style.... They have been played before, but not this hard - someone has to make an example!

BOFH rides again!